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Posts posted by John1966

  1. Well the Eastern Front module has got to have those dastardly Rumanians: Fiends of the Eastern Front.


    Of course, purchasing silver ammunition is going to have points issues in a QB.

    In the comic, the central character melted down a huge silver cross (found in a Russian church) to make enough ammo for his MG42. He was up all night doing it (and blew it all in less than a minute) so I'm not sure how practical this is within the timeframe of the game. Mind you, some of you lot want repairing imobilized vehicles and traversable bocage so it'd be best if BFC just put it in to avoid the inevitable flak...


  2. Remember... If the enemy is in LOS, you CAN shoot at him. The problem gets annoying when that enemy ducks down. Now, you don't have LOS to the enemy, nor do you have LOS to the action spot. You cannot fire at his location. Grrrr.

    Well this is pretty much it. As as far I can see with the naked eye, they can easily see the floor in question (probably the third, I think). The wall is blocking to two floors below. However, when I tried to get area fire on it, everyone's LOS is apparently blocked.

    Then (without any movement from my guys) the occupants on the third floor open fire and are spotted by the units that were trying to area fire it. They (several infantry units and an AFV) all start firing at the occupants even though they apparently didn't have an LOS a moment ago.

    Then the occupants duck down so everyone stops shooting. So I try to area fire again but, again, they apparently have no LOS even though they were happily firing on the occupants a moment earlier.

    Is it really that uncommon? I'm often frustrated by odd LOS issues with buildings. Bringing arty down on buildings seems more problematic than it should be. If you can see the building, surely you should be able to call arty on it? Can't see why (IRL) you'd need to see the ground its built on.

    I assume it is, as you say, an AS issue. Just a bit annoying really.

    (Well actually very annoying, if I'm honest. Hope its something they can sort out)

  3. So I can't area fire at that tall buliding because there is a wall obscuring the lower storey or two. Top floors are obviously visible but I guess this is just the way it works.

    But then the guys on the top floor reveal themselves and my lot start shooting (because they have an obvious line of sight).

    Guys on top floor disappear as they have had enough. Probably just cowering. So time to give them some more firepower.

    Except I can't as I can't area fire the building.

    Now that's irritating.

  4. You cannot clear mines with artillery.

    I tried with all sorts of calibers and numbers of rounds.

    Even if it looks like a moonscape the mines are still there.

    Killed a scenario I was designing to clear mines that way.

    Would I be correct in suggesting then, that scenario designers shouldn't design scenarios where you get pasted with arty while in a minefield as it would lead to unrealistic results?

    Not to say it never happened, just that its not going to effect the minefield so the result is unrealistic.

  5. Are wagtails and pipits native to Northern Normandy. If not that's a serious immersion breaker imho.

    Sadly I looked it up before posting. I must have work to do...

    "The Motacillidae are a family of small passerine birds with medium to long tails. They include the wagtails, longclaws and pipits. They are slender, ground feeding insectivores of open country. There are 54 species worldwide, 15 of which have been recorded in France."

    Looks like BFC have nailed it again.

  6. Was something spotted over there that would interest a JPz?

    That really is a lovely copse atop that hill. Typical nesting ground of wagtails and pipits. One simply has to admire it. Once more BFC's attention to detail has produced unprecedented levels of immersion.

    Then there is the insect life up there. All sorts of bugs, I expect. Oh, I see...

  7. If I had a penny for every time I've spent the opening moments of a game sitting in the back of a transport vehicle listening to a soldier called Vasquez repeatedly use the word "motherf**ker", I'd have enough money to buy the Sesame Street game instead. And even that probably starts with Sergeant Grover warning Private Elmo that "**** is about to get real".

    That's funny.

    Every pixel of Modern Warfare 3 oozes machismo. It's all chunky gunmetal, booming explosions and stubbly men blasting each other's legs off. Yet consider what genteel skills the game itself requires. To succeed, you need to be adept at aiming a notional cursor and timing a series of button-pushes. It's about precision and nimble fingers. Just like darning a sock in a hurry. Or creating tapestry against the clock.

    So true...

  8. Is this guy SERIOUS?

    Er, no. He isn't. It's a humorous column. I thought it was rather funny. He is sending up the game and the people who play it. He plays the games himself. That's deliberate irony. Brooker is a funny bloke. Of course, if you're not familar with his persona then I can see that the article might be open to misinterpretation. But trust me, he's not being altogether serious.

  9. I'm an old ASL player and I too dreamed of something like CM.

    Truth be told, I dreamed of something like CM when I was playing with my Airfix figures back in the early 70s. Didn't really know about computers then. But I dreamed of them coming to life and fighting and stuff (I was very young). I'd have wet myself if I'd realised that one day they would. This is wasted on middle-aged men....


  10. You know, I was playing last night and got a Sherman to fire 6 rounds or so (90 seconds of firing?) of HE into a house and ran some guys in seconds after the final shot.

    I was gobsmacked to see two very unsurpressed occupants shooting up my guys right at the door....

    There was even a bloody great hole in the wall and it had started to make those "about to fall down" noises.

  11. I usually mark the last waypoint into the bocage square with a face command and then hit "Deploy" - is this the wrong order? Should I wait one turn (WEGO) between getting to the square and hitting "Deploy". After deploying at the bocage and not having LOS, the "Face" command is not enough to get LOS.

    Don't think it matters if your issuing the order at the waypoint. That's what I do and I'm not sure I pay attention to which order I do it.

    I think you're right though, it doesn't seem to work if they have already deployed. I've only recently cracked this by issuing the order on the final waypoint in advance. Ridiculous faff.

  12. I will tell you one thing that does not work. Trying to area fire and pin the enemy while other units move in closer to get a good spot and shot. I have found that the guys area firing become spotted if possible from the enemy and then are taking good aimed fire from the enemy. Of course this is playing WEGO, so correcting that problem cannot be fixed with my quick micromanagement.

    Second, it just seems very hard even if you do pour small arms fire into a area to really pin the enemy to a point to safely move other units in. Also if you do not lift the fire, friendly units do not seem to do well and not getting to a nervious or rattled state just because of the friendly fire close by.

    Nope. You're right. Doesn't work. I've reluctantly come to the conclusion that nothing does. You're screwed. Woods are just no-go areas. ;)

    I got a major victory in School of Hard Knocks. But I STILL can't work out how to attack through woods...


  13. I have a contrarian view of this: I find the buddy aid thing a nuisance. We are fighting a battle, and, though it may seem heartless of me (realize, however, these pixeltruppen...are..not...real), it is another thing to fuss with--maybe this is because I have been playing larger scenarios/campaigns.

    Part of the issue is that we don't, I don't think, know when it is going to happen, or not happen. So pulling squads around so that, maybe, they will help someone is, again, just another distraction--particularly if there is any chance it could get someone else killed, or off-balance the attack/defense--which is also another way of saying, possibly getting someone else killed.

    And, personally, as a matter of taste [prepares for incoming hand grenades], I find it too precious, too SIMS, too much Modern Warfare ethos rather than WW2.

    You don't have to tell me about the great medics, and bravery, of front line WW2 troops, and what they did to try to save their buddies. But the ethos for, for example, the Allies, was to get to Berlin as quickly as possible and end the war. Thus, no, not every single soldier was so valuable. Have a few of your supposedly submergeable tanks plunge to the bottom of the sea off Normandy, drowning the crews? Oh, well...the fight continues. Today there might be a Congressional investigation with regard to possible incompetence. Then, you had to do something as bad as needlessly destroying an entire division in Italy before such scrutiny would be applied.

    My job, I think, it to not let a squad/platoon/company be thoughtlessly destroyed by bad tactics. The bandaging of the wounds, like the soldiers having enough time to take a pee, or getting them lunch, I want to leave to others. Personal preference, and I value that others enjoy different parts of the simulation--I am not advocating for a CM2 change.

    But to the extent that, in CM2, if affects game play and scoring, I will likely need to play more attention to it.

    I tend to agree with this. If I'm supposed to be attending to the wounded because it is realistic to do so then give me some medics. Otherwise, if the squad has to move on, then it has to move on.

    Even if we did get specialist medics, I'd rather it was automated or abstracted. As Rankorian says, its just another thing to fuss over.

    (Please toss the grenades Rankorian's way. I'm just backing him up ;))

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