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Posts posted by SpitfireXI

  1. I am experiencing this problem in both CMBO and CMBB. I place the unzipped files in the battles/operations folder. Some of the single battles with specific maps are in CMBB, maybe that's part of the problem but they are not quick battles. Also, I have ensured that they have the correct file ending on the file to denote operation or battle. I have closed the program and reopend it many times and still have this occur. Is there a maximum number of battles I can have?

  2. I recently donwloaded a bunch of battles and scenarios from the internet, and placed them in the battles folder. The weird thing is that only some of those battles and operations actually show up in the game. Perhaps some of these battles require a certain map but there was only one file when I downloaded them. Have any of you run into this problem?

  3. Just last night I had a veteran Soviet Cavalry squad defending a house. It was a massive firefight but they ended up with 30+ kills with a loss of two men. Then again Italians were the attacking force.

    However, my favorite feat was playing as the Canadians. In that one Highlander scenario I had one Sherman V knock out over ten assorted stug's and panzers. I had him placed sort of behind a rise and he would take out one tank a turn. I would see how well he was doing and never moved him. Every turn one German tank would get through the mess and find himself targeted my him and end up like the rest. I guess the burnt out tanks and smoke were confusing the German tankers. But I have yet to see anything like this again.

  4. I have played this battle against the AI on different settings and cannot figure win playing as the Allies. My question is this, I thought in the actual battle the Allies crushed the Italians and Romanians in their encirclement of Stalingrad. So what am I doing wrong here. Also how the heck do all of you deal with Tigers?

  5. I have played this battle against the AI on different settings and cannot figure win playing as the Allies. My question is this, I thought in the actual battle the Allies crushed the Italians and Romanians in their encirclement of Stalingrad. So what am I doing wrong here. Also how the heck do all of you deal with Tigers?

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