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Posts posted by junk2drive

  1. Now at cmmods, 3rd armored conversion like 1st and 2nd. Pic shows Valley of Trouble from Der Kessel modded with CMBO buildings from Ed tanks a lot, MikeyD, Gunslinger, Panzertruppen, Magua, Juju, maybe I missed someone, sorry.

    Bonus Bmp 2430 stratmap in UI of NW Europe to replace Italy map. tongue.gif3rdarmor

    [ February 20, 2004, 10:55 PM: Message edited by: junk2drive ]

  2. no apology required jon. my frustration is with others. I am certainly no grog. learning every day. hense my comment, who was where when.

    BFC hath made the best, user friendly, modable game i know of. All im asking of bfc is make it easier on me smile.gif

    bfcs argument seems to be historical accuracy, yet people come up with fact and suspect info, that would suggest other history exsists.

  3. I dont know why i cant communicate.

    go to editor, select new battle, set parameters to italy 12/43 or 6/44, go to units,allied,american,division drop down only shows infantry and mechanized. I am asking for airborne and mountain to also be available. thats all. I am not arguing who was where when.

    Right now i am playing "going to town" from der kessel. i have ardennes mod cmbo terrain, wall, hedge, bridge, various cmbo small and large buildings, red brick church, jujus berlin building mod for bb, mikeyd snow roads for bb, strontium dogs ice water, bo and bb winter uniforms and vehicles.

    It is nw europe in cmak as far as i am concerned. I can have the 101st airborne in this battle if i want to. and "rangers" dont come with the game either. i made them. FSSF are amis and canuks trained in para and mountain tactics so i could have all four if i go thru the motions. summer and winter uniforms too thats eight sets.

    I wont even go into my pacific front list of stuff, you are bored already.

  4. since the forums are quiet heres what i wrote then



    Member # 13747

    posted February 10, 2004 08:56 PM


    Subject Rangers, Darby's Rangers, 1stSSF, 82ndAB.

    According to this

    Grunts.net 82nd AB

    Grunts.net Rangers

    Darby's Rangers

    82nd pulled to Normandy training 11/43 and not available in cmak in 12/43

    Rangers, Darby's Rangers and 1stSSF were in NA, Italy, up the boot and into France through the rest of cmak timeframe. There are no mountain troops available until 1/45.

    How about giving us something besides regular infantry 12/43 to 12/44? Without having to play the back and forth in parameters game.


    links are at original post

  5. You have to create your own battle, in parameters set date to before 11/43 Italy. select ab troops. go to map and preview. now go back to parameters and set date to 6/44. now you can make the rest of the battle.

    and yes I have posted in bug thread about this. rangers were in Italy and up into france till end of war, and all we get 11/43 till 45 is infantry.

    jx what i have read says the were pulled 11/43.

    waffle welcome to the addiction smile.gif

    [ February 19, 2004, 08:13 AM: Message edited by: junk2drive ]

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