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Posts posted by Wehrmacht

  1. Turn 9

    Something strange happened in the Allied turn. British bomber attacked sub in the channel. Then there was a text ''German escorts'' and then ''surprise contact'' and German airfleet destroyed the CARRIER that was based in London's port!

    Germans attacked to the Ardennes and got it, and also destroyed french corps west of Ardennes and got it too.

    After the second British carrier had intercepted, the cruiser scharnhorst and one German sub destroyed that carrier too.

    So this was a good day for the Germans

  2. Turn 8

    Fieldmarshall von Rundstedt ordered his troops to attack with everything to the hex northwest of ardennes.

    ''Today we start the biggest offence the world has ever seen, hunderds of thousands Aryan elite soldiers crush the French.

    We are covered by the Luftwaffe in this operation, five thousand aircrafts fly over our shoulders, finishing off the enemies that are running away from us. I accept only full victory!

    Those who do well in this operation, shall be rewarded in Paris!

    Germans attacked triumphantly with kill ratio of 6:1. The rest of the French soldiers were killed by the Luftwaffe. But Lutfwaffe had more casualties than Wehrmacht, RAF had intercepted with two airfleets, based near Paris. One carrier intercepted also, but it was a mistake. Germans reveled the carrier's position in the harbor of London and attacked it with two submarine flotillas. The carrier was left with 3 points, but it will be propably repaired next turn.

    Germans moved army to the hex northwest of Ardennes.

  3. Turn 2

    Belgians and Dutchmen wake to the sound of aircrafts flying over their homes. Soon they hear the sound of German tanks as hundreds of thousands German troops attack the LC corps positioned in Brussels.

    After days of immense fighting the city is still hold by Belgians.

    Germany failed to take LC with army, tank, 3 air and a corps! :eek:

    Germans are doing better in the east, after hard fight the city of Warsaw is captured by Axis. But the brave Polish won't surrender.

  4. Good idea Edwin, as always. But there is already much more efficient way of killing enemy generals, you can just attack them with lots of air. Enemy loses his HQ forever (and lots of MPP's) and a lot less luck is needed. But on the other hand, this way you could kill enemy generals that are not in the strike range of your air.

    But anyway, good idea

    (and sorry about my not-so-good English)

  5. I agree with you Rambo that US should have more important role in SC2. And those suplies should be fixed on beacheads and N.Africa.

    But I'm not quite sure if Patton had the highest kill ratio, Mannerheim had about 3.3 to 1 kill ratio. But of course I don't know the exact kill ratio of Patton. If you count total losses (wounded and dead) Mannerheim had 5.9 to 1 ratio.

    I don't know what's that to do with anything, but I just wanted to say it.

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