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Posts posted by imported_mike_the_wino2

  1. A Puddy, you Canucks can sure effe up a beer almost as good as the Belgians. ****e is chock full of 4-ethyl phenol and seems like a stall that needs mucking out......much like your vacant noggin.

    And as a pleasant aside, we denizens of the Left Coast are blessed with all manner of goodness that you moose-humpers can only dream of....and that sh*tty beer you mentioned is one of them. Hell, I may just go some and pour it out just to deny you from it.

  2. Originally posted by Abbott:

    ...I am still caught up in The Peng Wars.

    Why? And I hope you wash up before coming back from there. At least flail around down in the crick wat runs by the outhouse...upstream or downstream of said pot matters not. Either way it should knock off enough Peng to make you somewhat tolerable.

    For what it's worth, you did piss off Dave H on purpose and made him growl and show his teeth....which was kinda sweet.

    [ June 15, 2007, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino2 ]

  3. I don't like the new Soddball. Hell, I wasn't all that keen on the old one but at least it used to growl and show his hideously mangled choppers in a mildly amusing way.

    Now it's all "How's yer Mum" and other such nauseating pleasantries. I have always known those foppish political types were a bunch of horse's asses but this is the first horse's ass that I known that joined the political forum.

    A pox on him.

  4. Speaking of files.....Outlook Express is doing dirty touching to the files that Axe and PSeudo sent. I have all ready asked that you two Canuckistani louts re-send to alternate account : mike_the_wino@yahoo.com but no word yet.

    As you inbred, moose-touchers are Canucks, would you mind getting someone who speaks English to translate, interpret and then act accordingly? Obviously we are facing a language barrier here, or sumfink.

    Chop, chop my lil sock puppets.

    [ May 09, 2007, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino2 ]

  5. Originally posted by _Axe_:

    Before I send it, do you use PBEM Helper? Apparently Bucket doesn't.

    I don't need no stinking help with my PBEM, you smattering of toad spunk. Now send the feckin' turn, maggot. :mad: :mad: :mad:

    BTW, has the perma-frost retreated enough for you to get your tubby butt out on yer mountain bike? Or are you still harnessing up the moose for a sleigh ride through the frosty wonderland that is greater Canuckistan?

  6. Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

    Eh? That'll have to wait for the "Canucks Do It Better" module for CMSF.

    Pseudo, just a quick helpful tip...PUT DOWN THE CRACK PIPE!!!!! Unless you are talking about moose-humping or overtaxing your citizenry, you ain't gots much to brag on.

    Theme song to be cowritten by Avril Lavigne and Anne Murray.

    That is unnecessary and rude....you have reached a new low, maggot. :mad: :mad:

    Anyhoo, I have a setup ready to go. Ye shall be piddling yer pants shortly. :mad:
    Hurry up and send it all ready. You need to worry not, those Depends are gems for sopping all the recycled beer I lose whilst laughing uncontrollably at your horrid gameplay. :mad:
  7. Pseudo,

    You are a slack-jawed, inbred mongrel of the worst kind (Canadian) :mad: , now get off your furry haunches and send me a set up. Wasn't there a scenario that used a map of Washington DC? After that quip from one of your fellow commie Canucks in the M1 vs. Leo vs. Merk, I welcome the chance to defend the great, free soil of America from you pinko, moose-humpers from the North. Now get to it, maggot. :mad: :mad: :mad:

  8. How does the world view The Peng?

    Originally posted by Lt. Beavis

    ....the Marquis de Sade, a priest filled with lust for a girl he struggles to resist, a pyromaniac, a compulsive masturbator, insane horn and flute players, and plenty of other interesting characters.

    Wait....that was in the movie thread from the GF, my bad. :D

    But I think this description of you maggots is the best so far. :mad: :mad: :mad:

  9. Originally posted by _Axe_:

    mike_the_wino is back!!

    I feel like puking!!


    Or jumping off something really tall.
    Not a bad idea. Go ahead take a header off that pile of Moulson cans that you have stacked up in the yard. Preferably after the snow has all melted away to ensure the most damage to that ginormous melon perched upon your shoulders.

    Baby countdown -- T-minus 53 days.

    Maggot on the way!!

    Great flaming O-ring, what the hell is the world coming to if Axe is breeding? The fact that the missus married you was, under the most logical scenario, a ruse by which she would insure you heavily and then, like we all would like to, find a way to kill you in a most painful, yet undetectable, way. Only then would the world be back in balance.

    Now, it looks as if your gal has gone completely round the bend and allowed you to paw at her with those simian phalanges. It truly is the end of days.

    Thank God I was able to input enough liqour this weekend to steel myself such a horrid turn of events.

  10. Ok, the world has gone all kinds of wonky. PseudoSimonds is offering love advice on the GF and gawd-dam iff'in it don't make sense.

    What the hell happened over the last year on this site? Is this even the same moose-humper who's idea of 'tactics' was charging over open plains, plastic-forks fixed, only to die on the wire in front of fixed positions? :mad: :mad: :mad:

    And did Dave H finally expire? Or does it always smell like that in here?

  11. Originally posted by Homo ferricus:

    sumfink about crappy rock or hip-hop

    Looking at your profile I see you were born in 1989 and are therefore too young to really have any grasp on music. Furthermore your suggestion of rap or hip-hop trash is most likely due to pot smoking, or reading the Peng Challenge Thread.

    Both of which will rot your brain, young man.

    :mad: :mad: :mad:

  12. What a horrid state this place has degenerated into. Hell, not even Softball will post here. Looks like it's a commie, a Canuck and kook. I will let you sorry sacks sort it out*.

    I can't even believe you loathsome bags of maggot droppings are even still playing CM. One would have thought that one whirl with 'Inferno' would have put you entirely off the whole mess.

    *hint: Eugen, you are neither the commie nor the Canuck.

  13. Originally posted by Dave H:

    <font size=6 font color=pink>GOOD AFTERNOON, MAGGOTS!!</FONT>

    That shade of pink is almost as pretty as the shade you chose to wear for that special day, you limp-wristed doofus.

    When is a new feckin' game coming out? I can't say that I disagree with Dave H's decision to give away his CM disks. My God....did I just validate Dave? My life has sunk to new level of suckiness. The nipples of Mother Hope have run dry.

    No bones, no screenshots...why the fook are maggots laying about here, like so many hobos. Oh wait, I think I just anwered my own question.

    Maggots!!! :mad:

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