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Friendly Fire

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Posts posted by Friendly Fire

  1. Hi gang, I am the other player in this game. I am not really that upset here, and don't want to sound like a whiner. In this particular game In any case it is a moot point, because Curry has pretty much (fair and square) won the game in any case.

    I just think it is unrealistic for the reasons provided in the previous post. Units in the USA can't even operate into to Canada! (living in Canada I find this pretty weird)

    In my other games I am currently playing we have a house rule (asked for by my opponents actually) that invasion of Canada/USA is not allowed until UK falls. I thought this was more a less a standard house rule but I'm new to the scene. I'll just make sure this rule is in place in my future games and leave it at that.

    Curry, I haven't had a chance to look at your latest turn, but I will open it and get back to you. No hard feelings dude, I have enjoyed our game! Congrats on a well executed cookie cutter. I should have been more aggressive somewhere along the line...

    [ December 10, 2003, 01:49 AM: Message edited by: Friendly Fire ]

  2. well, I think the author of this text deserves a few votes!

    "Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Forces: You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.

    Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely.

    But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to Victory!

    I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory!

    Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking"

    Dwight D. Eisenhower

    (I think Eisenhower's strongest assest was his ability to delegate. With an operation the size of Overlord this was essential...)

  3. Pochenko, welcome amigo!

    Regarding artillery, as mentioned previously in the forum, consider rockets L3 and below as massed artillery. Groups of these units are quite effective (as Curry is busy demonstrating in our game, argh.)

    I disagree that with a high rank HQ you can stand the german charge easily. Against the AI maybe!

    Units need supply 6 to upgrade, not too far off your suggestion of minimum supply level 8.

    Agree about the winter. I think a good house rule it so not allow major offensives in the USSR during winter. Makes it a lot harder on Axis!


  4. Hi Frmeise, welcome!

    Why do you want Greece? Once you take it, what are you going to do with it? The Axis will be able to push you out when they go after Yugo. The plunder does not compensate for reduced US/USSR war readiness (not to mention Italy joining sooner). The MPP boost is minimal and the supply situation is not good.

    Against humans forget about this strategy. If Allies do this I would launch Sealion since I know the fleet (the only defense) is having a vacation in the Med!

    Still, the idea is interesting, thanks for tossing it into the forum!

  5. Thanks a lot for the post Shaka, this explains exactly my results. So is the Heavy Tank tech good for anything? Perhaps only to counter enemy tanks? But is it worth it, you can counter enemy tanks with high strength infantry...

    This looks like another reason games fall into this very predictable pattern:

    Axis - lots of air, armies, and enough tanks in the early war to encircle soviets. Primary Tech: air, air. air.

    USSR - Lots of infantry. Primary Tech: AT, IT

    I haven't seen a lot of variations to this theme in the AARs, except maybe some players use rockets.

    [ November 20, 2003, 03:56 AM: Message edited by: Friendly Fire ]

  6. I played a game a while back where I experimented with tank tech instead of air tech, with the goal of using massed armor and infantry to pummel soviets. Discovered that this is not cost effective. It seems Armor units lose effectiveness quite quickly in the face of Anti-Tank defenses (despite advances in Heavy Tank technology). Best to use Tanks for reasons Terif describes: cutoff the enemy, make lightning strikes, and also they are great for counterrattacks.

    my recollection is something like this

    1. lvl 0 tank vs lvl 0 army (e.g. france) does well

    2. lvl 2 tank vs lvl 0 army (e.g. opening moves in USSR) entry does very well

    3. lvl 2 tank vs lvl 2 army takes more damage than it inflicts. In terms of MPPs such an attack is counterproductive.

    4. lvl 5 tank attacking a lvl 2 infantry still takes signifiant (and expensive) losses

    5. lvl 0 tank versus lvl 2 infantry, bad idea.

    Of course there are lots of other factors, supply, HQ, experience, entrenchement at play. But these are my general impressions.

    has anyone tested this in detail?

  7. Yes, exactly what you have to do. Just as the allies had to do prior to Overlord.

    In 1944 the effectiveness of the allied infanty was reduced significantly by the effects fo the channel crossing. How could they fight after crossing the Atlantic. The notion is crazy! Expecially when seaborne landings give you fantastic combat effectiveness in SC on the first turn.

    Game balance and MPP issues can be address by changing initial resources (bidding or scenario design)


    [ November 15, 2003, 04:22 AM: Message edited by: Friendly Fire ]

  8. Hey gang, do you play SC a lot and have a lot of MP3s you don't listen to?

    Now you can do both, and SC won't make a peep!

    (It is easy to turn of the sound effects, but this doesn't turn off the damn clicks every a unit is selected...)

    I fixed this by modding the .wav files:






    If anyone is interested send me a request through this forum and I will send you back a .zip with the hacked files.



  9. questions about the site:

    a) in the home page of myleague.com Strategic Command is not listed, see


    (the link provided by Curry works of course)

    B) why is it called "Case's Ladder" Why isn't it "Strategic Command Play By Email League" or something?

    c) Are we sure there is not a better site for this purpose? The GUI is lame and the advertising is annoying. (just my humble opinion)

    p.s. I emailed a few folks on the list but didn't dind anybody with a slot open. I have an Axis slot available....

    p.s. thanks a lot to Curry and Kurt for running the league, also to providing me with my first multiplayer experiences.

  10. Hi guys, I like the idea of opening up the med, but I must say the concept of staging a seaborn invasion of Europe directly from North America is not reasonable. The Higgins boats and other landing craft used at the time could never make an ocean crossing. So I think your rule should actually exclude this possibility.

    [ November 14, 2003, 06:51 PM: Message edited by: Friendly Fire ]

  11. Options also include evacuating Med Fleet to home waters... Do most experienced players do this, given the prevalant opinion that the med is a lost cause?

    on a related topic:

    I agree with everyone who thinks the game is more fun with the med in play, what about fixing the problem by simply changing the scenario?

    Want to open up the med? Choose one or more of:

    - Boost the UK fleet in Egypt

    - Add some ground forces and an HQ in Egypt, placing the UK in a position to take and hold Iraq

    - start with Iraq allied

    - start with Turkey allied

    - whatever.

    Any play balance problems can be corrected over time with bidding, same as usual.

    To me, the "it's not historical!" argument doesn't wash when we have a standard opening strategy where the UK attack Ireland without warning or provocation...

    [ November 12, 2003, 06:27 PM: Message edited by: Friendly Fire ]

  12. I believe I read somewhere that airfleets based in mountains are 50% effective. I searched this forum and checked the strat guide but could not find this again. To the contrary I found some postings suggesting that the the units will benefit from terrain bonuses when intercepted.

    Other than potential supply problems, is there any reason not to base air units in mountains?



  13. Well, I can't stay out of it any more.

    You guys need a life. You are embarrassing yourselves.

    To take Terif's comment "I don't cheat, especially at SC" as an admission of cheating in general is totally petty. The man told you he does not cheat, and he even offered you strong evidence to prove it (his save games). If you think someone cheats, DONT PLAY THEM.

    This is not a debate, it is a smear campaign. It is a kangaroo court.

    Please drop it.


  14. I am interested to hear what priorities other players put in place for UK spending in the early war. Obviously the UK is under pressure essentially alone, trying to prop up France, thwart SeaLion, and defend the Med... It is a delicate balance of investing for short term survival and long term capability

    Choices, choices!

    the shopping list (in no particular order):

    - HQ (Monty)

    - research, particularly air tech

    - additional airfleets

    - land units to defend UK

    - units to defend, attack in the med

    - 2nd HQ for Africa


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