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Tank Hunter

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Posts posted by Tank Hunter

  1. Here is an article about Ratnik, according to the article Russian Ministry of Defence claims that Ratnik will be deployed among troops this summer. It doesn't go into details of every part but it describes what Ratnik includes which should provide an idea of how a Russian soldier should be modeled in CMBS. A lot of the equipement mentioned can be seen in the video with Putin. It cannot however be concluded if the equipement shown durin Putin's inspection is something of a 2nd or 3rd gen Ratnik.


    Video of Ratnik


    According to this article it will take around 5 years to supply Ratnik to all armed forces


    My guess would be that VDV is first out along with SF.

    More on Ratnik



  2. Yeah, there are no official records of JagdTigers in the East. Two Panzerjäger-Abteilung had them, the 512th and 653rd. The 512th fought in Battle of Remagen. The 653rd Abteilung fought in the east with Elefants all the way to Berlin.

    The 1st and 3rd Company of the 653rd returned west and were re-equipped with Jagdtigers. They served in the Ardennes Offensive and Operation North Wind.

  3. I like them all.. For me tactical combat game is like chess. I want the engine to be as realistic as possible and provide good tactical challenge. Having multiple fronts and conflicts is just a plus since it provides diversity.

    I'm excited that BF has included AI triggers, they will hopefully make it possible to create a more challenging AI behaviour. Having these ported to other fronts is a huge plus!

  4. As mentioned, the game uses OpenGL so C++ is certainly involved in the background. C++ is platform independent language that is widely used in all kind of different applications. It is however considered a difficult language to grasp due to some complex technicalities.

    C# that you started with is more modern and "easier" to grasp but it is developed by Microsoft and as such it is very Windows dependent. Anyone who ever learned a programming language in depth knows that designing games is difficult especially if it's a one man show.

    Steve mentioned that they have been checking out Unity which is a platform independent IDE for designing games. It basically allows the game designer to utilize built in physics and graphics engine thereby decreasing the development time. It uses C# as scripting language, if you want to try to design games it might be worth checking out.

  5. Russian invasion of Crimea is violation of the international law but that same law has unfortunately been dismounted slowly by us in the west for the last 15 years. Remember that USA/NATO has been involved in actions against several sovereign countries. The obvious are Serbia ‘99, Iraq ‘03 and Libya ’11. All these countries are sovereign nations recognized by the UN. All countries were run by dictators who were abusing their own people so from a humanitarian standpoint the actions were correct but from a legal point of view they were shady to say the least.

    In ’99 NATO intervened in Kosovo were a rebelled population was fighting the central government (police and army) with the desire to establish an independent state. There was a UN resolution but NATO went in and gave away part of a sovereign country to its’ local majority. The Albanians were a clear majority in the area which is pretty similar to the Russian situation in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. Should these Russians rise and claim independence and the central government in Ukraine decides to put down rebellion with force you’ll have the same situation as in Kosovo in 99. If the Russians intervene in order to stop the violence could we really blame them for violating any laws?

    In 03 Iraq was invaded in order to disarm Iraq from WMDs, the invasion was done without proper resolution and no proof has been brought forward to this day that Iraq possessed such weapons at the time of the invasion. So a sovereign country invaded by several other countries must be a breach of international law especially if the reason for the intervention turns out to be false?

    There was a resolution for Libya but as it turned out several NATO countries breached it by supporting the rebels with arms thus directly affecting the fighting on the ground.

    Don’t get me wrong, personally all three countries needed to have their leaders removed but at the same time we opened Pandora’s Box. It’s OK now to intervene as long as you claim that you are protecting civilians or making sure that a totalitarian leader is not a threat to yourself and his neighbors. In countries where there are minorities it’s easy to stir the hornets’ nest and make sure that few incidents happen were some civilians lose their life.

    It is going to be extremely difficult to come to any kind of diplomatic agreements between West and Russia after these events and that is not good for overall world peace.

  6. Not in any of the versions I've played. It only snaps to the centre of the AS if you're shooting area fire (i.e. at no spotted target) or at a target that occupies an area. If it's a single vehicle the target line points at the target; where should it point when you're targetting a group of soldiers? Should it assume that if you click on a specific soldier from a group that you want to target that one first (even if it's not the one you've got the best chance of dropping)?

    One thing that bugs me is when you know the enemy is behind the wall but you can't area target the wall since you can't see the center of the action spot.

  7. As much as I love CMx2, IMHO, you are making a huge mistake... Breaking Bad is amazing. I'm not saying it's better than CM - it's apples and oranges, but for me there was plenty of time for both.

    Yeah Breaking Bad is amazing. I'm holding it as one of the best TV shows I've ever watched. After the first season it really takes off and you just want more. I actually wanted it to end just so they would not ruin it.

  8. Glad to know I'm not the only one who, dog and girlfriend asleep, sometimes sit down to some CMBN and instead of playing just reads a book as I realize I have no battles in progress and the thought of starting a new one is too daunting.

    Agree, the curve is too steep atm for entering a battle or campaign. Biggest issue that I have is related to the initial deployment phase, loading a battle and seeing 1/4th of the map covered with your units makes it daunting to plan and execute.

    It's been proposed before but I'd like to have all units off the map during the deployment phase. A TO&E window from which you could drag and drop formations. This window could also be used for quick navigation between the formations during the battle, it could also show current state of the unit (suppressed, engaged, taking casualties etc.) This would provide a better situational awareness for the player making the game more user friendly.

    A step further would be to include a "strategic" map that you could use for planning and overview of the battle. Something that you could zoom out to and see top view where your formations are, their status and how they relate to known enemy formations. You could have simple paint functionality for setting objectives for formations. This would then serve as your general plan that you can review during the battle and adjust as you see fit. With such tool even if you don't play a particular scenario or battle for few days or weeks you come back quickly into the battle by just reviewing the strategic map and your original plans.

  9. We should be able to assign certain formations plans and leave it to AI to execute these, just like you can do in the scenario editor. This would make it easier for RT players in bigger battles but it could also be used in WeGo.

    You could then focus on the most important part of the battle and still have your troops move in other sectors of the map without you having to babysit them. Throw in a message system that alerts the player when formations come under attack and you have a solid system. If your AI controlled formations come under attack you'll be notified and then you can assess the situation and choose to take control of it, leave as is or modify the AI plans.

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