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Posts posted by Eddy

  1. I don't know about CMAK but for CMBB I originally used CMMOS and then later used MCMMM without taking off the CMMOS mods, and there was no problem at all. I can't remember what I had Modded so I'm not sure if they where the same bitmaps.

    So in answer to your question, I had no problem using both, but I didn't fully test



  2. An extension to the length of the gun, sort of tapered thing? Thus increasing the velocity and accuracy of the projectile? Or am I looking at the wrong thing?

    And check out the multi turreted Light Tank A3E1, Carrier - Machine Gun No. 1 thing. A proper land ship.



  3. Use the PrintScreen button on the keyboard, just above the Insert button. This copies the screen to the clipboard.

    Then open Paint or Photoshop or whatever and then just click paste or Ctrl-V. And the image will be pasted.



    [ December 01, 2003, 09:43 AM: Message edited by: Eddy ]

  4. Played this first as the Allies.

    Moved all of the infantry and engineers through the woods on the right flank because basically it is the only way for them to approach closely.

    I positioned the Shermans on top of the hill to provide direct HE. Also in the centre, on top of the hill in the rocks I placed one platoon HQ and all the mortars and spotter in command behind the hill for arty.

    On the left flank I used the Greyhound and the Stuarts to draw fire, which they did very effectively. That is, they died straight away. So I shifted the green Sherman to that flank and advanced it very slowly.

    I used the Shermans to destroy the large buildings, even if I hadn't spotted any enemy.

    Once the infantry were in position I used two platoons to advance across the field and the the other two plus HMG's to provide covering fire.

    They advanced nicely, one of the Shermans blew up the church with the mg in it and everything was going hunky-dory.

    Took the flag on the right, moved the infantry into position to cross the bridge when that damn Tiger turned up. By this time I had four Shermans left, one was blown up by a Shrek I think (incidentally great sound when they fire). So I used all four Shermans as target practice for the Tiger. I think it got three of them. Then the M10 turned up and by sheer panic and movement they just kept hitting the Tiger, which had advanced nearly to the bridge by this time, until the crew bailed out of it.

    Then I just kept running acroos the bridge to take the rear flag. Turn 26 Axis surrender

    Result: Allied Minor Victory

    Then I played it as the Germans.

    Result: Axis total victory.

    The only remarkable thing that happened was I moved a split squad into the woods to giving me a warning of when the Allies were approaching and also to try to disrupt the Allied advance a bit.

    They didn't disrupt at all and died very quickly, but they allowed me to predict exactly when and where to target the arty. It was absolutley perfect, as the arty caught at least a couple of platoons out in the open in the field which decimated them.

    The only problems I had as the Germans was ammo conservation on my left flank i.e. by the field, and what to do with a Stug who was in a near permenant state of nervous breakdown.

    One interesting thing, which I've never seen before in CMBO or CMBB was an allied arty barrage that landed completely off the map several hundred metres away to the right. Is this normal?

    So I would say don't play Allies and then Germans because it is too predictable.

    Otherwise as the Allies, very enjoyable.



  5. I've been playing the demo at work with no sound.

    Loaded it at home last night and the thing I immediatley noticed was that the sound has vastly improved, although to be honest I hadn't noticed it needed improving.

    I'm playing Line of Defence and there is a wicked firefight going on. The different sounds of each of the m/c guns are so much clearer and I can hear the end of the clip in the US rifles. Engine noises, voices all sound better. It's fantastic, very immersive.

    Does this partially explain why I've somehow got to find 2 gig on my already overburdened hard-drive?



  6. Interesting read. Clearly the perceived threat from Allied air power by the German troops was far greater than the actual, physical threat. The number of abandoned vehicles or the number of vehicles destroyed by their own crew was suprisingly high.

    I wonder if a survey exists for prior to the breakout, and if so whether the number of abandoned vehicles would be so high. It could be that crews destroyed/abandoned their vehicles more easily after COBRA because there may have been a feeling amongst the German Army that they had lost the battle once the breakout has occurred. Or maybe not.

    Anyway good read for a Friday afternoon. Beats the crap out of working.



  7. I was wondering what would happen to buildings if fired on by AP.

    I was attacking the Collective farm in this scenario, and I targeted a light building with AP only, but because I'm stupid I forgot all about watching what happened and shifted fire onto a infantry squad running away - machine gun only.

    All I know is the light building is still there. I have no idea whether I caused it any damage.

    When I come to attack the buildings by the ford, if I remember I will try to target a building with an tank that has only got AP left, provided of course that no Soviet tanks appear. At present rate of play this should be in the year 2027!

    Damned reallife.



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