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Andrew Kulin

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Posts posted by Andrew Kulin

  1. I find scrolling in the map editor takes 2 seconds either direction and for any map size. It's not instantaneous but it's not too troubling.

    How much RAM do you have? What processes running in background?

    System Specs:

    P4C-2.8 GHz/800 MHz

    ASUS P4P800 Deluxe (BIOS 1.0.15)

    1 GB DDR RAM (800 Mhz)

    MSI FX5900XT-128VTD Video Card - 56.64 Drivers/8XAA, 8XAF

    SB Audigy Gamer

    2 X WD 120 GB (8 MB Cache) - ATA RAID 0

    1 X WD 120 GB (8 MB Cache) - ATA

    Samsung SD332 DVD/CD-RW combo Drive

    19 " Dell Monitor

    XP Home (up-to-date)

  2. Also keep in mind that you can get a reduced rate on the cost of XP should you purchase it with the motherboard. I just built a new system in February and I picked up XP Home (OEM) from the store I bought my motherboard from for $134 CDN. The same software (non-upgrade version-retail) would go for approx. $300 CDN. So there is a savings if you buy it at the same time as the motherboard (but I understand you must buy it when you buy the motherboard).

    Also I'd go with XP - I found it a LOT less prone to crashes/BSOD than Win 98. (though if you have lots of "older" software you like to use you may find some are problematic with XP even when using compatibility modes - in particular (from my experience in my household) with any young kids educational software (for 2-6 yr olds so far) which seem to me to be less stringently coded (ex. some have the ability to install DX 5.0 over DX 9.0 - that's always fun so don't let the wife or kids install these games :mad: ))

    [ April 15, 2004, 12:11 AM: Message edited by: Andrew Kulin ]

  3. Maybe if you think of it like this it may help make sense.

    There is a reduction in visibility as night falls (and an increase as it ends) such that it becomes more and more difficult to make out men and vehicles on the ground than it would during full daylight hours where you could see things many hundreds of metres away. So visibility of units is restricted during these times.

    But I find that the sky stays brighter than the ground at these times so it would stand to reason that any dust clouds (which rise up into the sky) will be visible from distances greater than that of the visibility of units on the ground.

    How does that now grab you as a game feature?


  4. What exactly varies from 30 seconds to full 60 seconds? That is not clear.

    What version of CMBO was the save game file made with? I understand that there could be problems running saved files from an older version on new versions of CM games.

    Also, your mobo has onboard graphics, correct? As you have an add-in video card, did you disable the onboard graphics in your BIOS?

  5. That sounds like a good system.

    I guess the thing that bothers me most of all with QB generated maps is that even with good ones, they still do not look real to me (and by real I mean they do not look like realistic geographic loacations with topographic features that make sense, roads and villages that would be sited realistically, etc.). And don't even get me started on how the QB generator generates Large Town maps! AWFUL!

    Have you considered downloading some of the map only designs from the mod and scenario sites or even creating your own for a PBEM match? I'd think you could even just import some of the CD scenario maps w/o units and use those for your QBs and set unit parameters and dates to your liking. At least then the maps you'd be workling on would likely be more realistic than the random QB maps.

  6. Couple of other things to check since I see both machines are real close in specs. If you are comfortable playing around with computers then you may consider these suggestions.

    Compare the two BIOSes. Same versions? Same BIOS settings?

    Also maybe an issue with RAM. Can you run machine with only one stick at a time and see what impact that has? Can you switch sticks from one machine to the other and see if that has an impact on boot times.

    Also, as a lot of the components look identical, you could try swapping them one at a time to see if they are impacting boot times (e.g., sound card, video card). Do NOT swap OS hard-drives/mobos as Win XP cannot handle that at all in my experience (but add-in cards should be okay). Do all of this one at a time to see if you can isolate what might be giving you a problem (if it is hardware related)

    But only if you are comforatble with this.

  7. Something to consider although from what I can see from 2 of your 3 system specs (MeatEtr and Jack Carr) it looks like you have fairly new rigs. Check you mobo and add-on cards for leaky capacitors (the cylindrical doo-hickeys)

    This happened to my old rig (RIP) which was a 1 GHz Celeron and it caused all kinds of boot issues/hang-ups. It started slowly and progressively got worse over a period of a month after which it would not start period!

    Leaky capacitors will look bulged at the top or you may see evidence of leakage. There was a problem with capacitors a few years ago due to the theft of an incomplete capacitor electrolytic fluid formula (or whatever it is inside) which was then used in manufacturing gazillions of these things that then were used on all kinds of electronic components. The stolen fluid recipe is prone to failure.

    A long-shot to be sure, but who knows, eh?

    Also, Jack, I noticed in your initial post you stated that you run Norton AV with the Auto-Protect off???? Norton AV Help states:

    "Keep Auto-Protect turned on (enabled) at all times to prevent viruses from infecting your computer. Auto-Protect works in the background, without interrupting your work.

    Auto-Protect automatically:

    Detects and protects you against all types of viruses, including macro viruses, boot sector viruses, memory resident viruses and Trojan horses, worms and other malicious code.

    Protects your computer from viruses transmitted through the Internet, checking all files you download from the Internet, including Java Applets and ActiveX controls.

    Keeps your system safe at all times by checking for viruses every time you use software programs on your computer, insert floppy disks or other removable media, and modify or access documents.

    Monitors your computer for any unusual symptoms that may indicate an active virus."

  8. If you are referring to the tiles shown in the Map Editor then I do not believe they are found in the BMP directory so it may very well be coded into the software.

    If you are referring to the ground tiles as they appear in game then these are the BMP file numbers you want to look at. They are based on CMAK but I think the same range applies more or less for CMBB

    1470 to 1489

    1550 to 1589

    1830 to 1889 (1870 to 1889 in CMBB)

    But if you want gridded 3D terain tiles you'll need to download the mods from one of the mod sites (e.g., CMMODS)

  9. Tufenhuden:

    I decided to load CMBO up on my new machine to see what happens. I have the N. American retail box version by CDV - ver 1.12E (so it installs right away to 1.12 - no patches needed). My PC is pretty much on par with yours but I am using XP Home (fully up-to-date).

    Unfortunately after doing the install CMBO runs fine (I was hoping (?) that I'd see the same problem as you so I could attempt to isolate the problem, but no luck there smile.gif )

    After the install I looked at Add/Remove Programs and CMBO does not show up. It is likely due to the way the installer works for that program (it looked to me as if it was just unzipping files and dropping them into sub-directories). It also did not write anything that I could see regarding "CMBO" into the Registry so that tells me XP will have no knowledge of its existance as far as add/remove programs goes. My CMAK does show up in the Registry and on add/remove programs because I loaded it straight from the BFS disk (just before 1.01 was released) and the install program writes information to the registry. My CMBB does not show up in registry because I migrated the full 1.03 version from my old hard-drive onto my new one.

    So to clarify, when you load CMBO onto your machine are you using the:

    1. original BFS internet order disc (which I assume would be ver. 1.00) and then patch upwards to 1.12; or,

    2. A retail box version (like me) that loads up as 1.12;, or,

    3. copying your pre-existing 1.12 version and its sub-directories onto the new hard-drive? If this is the case have you considered that you may have corrupted or missing files on the DVD-R which do not get copied and thus are causing you all this grief?

  10. When you are doing the install of CMBO to your new machine is it an install using the CMBO disk setup program or is it by copying the files from your DVD-RW?

    It is not clear how you are installing this but have you tried just instaling the version 1.00 from the CMBO CD and running it imediately afterwards using version 1.00? Does it run or not run in that situation?

  11. I saw the above calculations and here's my two cents worth. The density of soil "particles" is typically 2.6 to 2.8 g/cm^3 (or 2.6 - 2.8 tonnes per m^3). (Water is 1.0 tonnes/m^3)

    But soil is not 100% solid (otherwise it is called rock). There are void spaces in the soil structure that allow for air and/or water to be present in the soil. Use 30% void space as typical figure and your soil density drops by 30%. So use a figure in the 1.6 to 2.1 tonnes/m^3 range for typical soil density. That covers range of dry sands to wet till/hardpans.

    If they are really serious about wargaming then I think BFC really needs to consider the effect of soil mechanics on combat in CMX2. :|)



  12. Not sure I understand what is going on either from your post.

    I get the same message when I run CMBB/CMAK and I have forgotten to put the actual game CD in the drive (it will only let me play online network games without the CD in the drive). So I exit, put the CD in and restart w/o a problem.

    Now if you are getting that message with the CD in the drive then it could be more complicated. I'll toss out some ideas for you to consider.

    1. - does your ROM drive recognize CDs? (i.e., is it working? are cables properly connected, drivers/firmware up to date, etc.)

    2. - Have you tried deleting the Prf files (found in the main game directory) and then starting the game up again?

    3. - Have you changed any partitions since installing the games? I.e., changed the drive letter from D to E (or whatever). The program might have identified the CD-ROM drive path at the time of installation in some game file (e.g., the prefs file for example though this is pure speculation on my part) and if you changed the drive letter after the fact it might be looking for a ROM on drive D when it is now Drive E for example).

    4. - Did you move the executable file to the desktop or make it a shortcut on the desktop. If you actually moved the executable file to desktop, it may be looking for other files that should be in the game's root directory plus others in some of the sub-directories (like BMP, WAV, etc.). If the executable is in "\Desktop" it might be looking for other files in "\Desktop" or "\Desktop\BMP" etc. which did not get moved so the program goes goofy on you.

    In a way it sounds like this last point is the most plausible (if I understand your post correctly) so I would suggest that you move back CMBO.exe back to it's root game directory. I don't think you need to be too worried about that warning message (from Microsoft's CYA Legal Department) but if you are, instead of "Moving" the executable file you could "Copy" and "Paste" it back into the root game directory for CMBO and give that a shot.

    Hope this helps

  13. Yes - I noticed it too. Not a big deal for me either.

    I also get some weird afterglow effect when I click to remove the opening screen (with the tank firing at night) when I start the game. It's in the center of he screen for a second and it's kind of like that burned in effect you get on your retina when a flash goes off in your eyes. (but more psychadelic). That's not a big deal either.

  14. First you should include all your technical specifications with this post since no one will be able to even start answering the question w/o that info (e.g., Mac/PC, CPU/speed, RAM (type/qty), Videocard information (model, speed, RAM, AGP/PCI or on-board), OS, etc. etc.

    Second you should post this on the Technical Support Forum (5th one listed of the CM specific forums if I recall).

    Third, go to that forum and read through the posts and/or do a search. You might find the answers already ther somewhere (check the first topic on FAQs first)


  15. First you should include all your technical specifications with this post since no one will be able to even start answering the question w/o that info (e.g., Mac/PC, CPU/speed, RAM (type/qty), Videocard information (model, speed, RAM, AGP/PCI or on-board), OS, etc. etc.

    Second you should post this on the Technical Support Forum (5th one listed of the CM specific forums if I recall).

    Third, go to that forum and read through the posts and/or do a search. You might find the answers already ther somewhere (check the first topic on FAQs first)


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