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Posts posted by Chelco

  1. Once the Sqd. reaches bldg 51, it finds all the irregulars dead. The fire support from the Bradley must have been devastating.

    These little pleasant surprises are always the preamble for more bloodshed. The enemy opens fire from bldgs. 61 and 62.


    RPG spotted! Bring up the Bradley! Damnit, they never give up!

    This time luck is on our side. The IFV takes out the RPG team and the 1st Sqd assembles in bldg 51 quickly enough to give the enemy a curtain of lead.

    [ August 19, 2007, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: Chelco ]

  2. The loss of the IFV severely hampers mobility along the road. I doubt bringing an additional Bradley up the road is a good idea anyway.

    The Plt needs to assault bldg 51 with dismounted infantry and good fire support from an IFV. The support by fire mission with the Bradley needs to be executed from a safe distance, the RPG threat is too high. So, the only possibility I can think of is to attack the right flank of the enemy position (i.e. via the small clearance south of the open sewers).

    I task 1st Sqd with that mission.


  3. For a few seconds, the approaching rumbling of the tracks gives a breather to the men of 3rd Sqd. The sense of safety is shattered quickly: an RPG takes out the Bradley IFV!

    The bloody irregulars wait until the last second to pop out, this is murderous …

    Fearing that 3rd Sqd. will be RPGed to pieces, I order them to pull back. Damn! Is almost like I can hear the bastards in bldg 51 hollering in celebration.


    Hell in the alley. Left, knocked out Bradley. Center, crewman dying in the crossfire. Right, 3rd Sqd pulls out of the building.

    An RPG is the partying gift for 3rd Sqd. from the irregulars in bldg 51. An additional casualty for 3rd Sqd.

    [ August 19, 2007, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: Chelco ]

  4. … and receives sniper fire from bldg. 63 (see previous screenie for bldgs numbering)


    Sniper on the rooftop of bldg 63. Men from 3rd Sqd can be seen in the background, trying to get into a building.

    3rd squad takes one additional casualty to the sniper. A few minutes later, the Bradley IFV providing over-watch smacks him out.

  5. Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JohnO:

    I'm enjoying the AAR but what did you use to make the graphics in this screenshot?


    I think it is "Adobe PhotoShop" but you might want to check out the following as I have found this to be almost as powerful and it's free:

    Paint.NET </font>

  6. CMSFAAR1_D5.jpg

    2nd Sqd assaults building 45. A combination of "target arc" (yellow shading) and "assault" (red line) orders was used. Note how a three men team moves forward while the rest of the squad provides overwatch. One thing I learnt the hard way before playing this scenario is to pay dear attention to the location of building's doors. Nothing more costly than when your grunts use "that other door" (the one within an enemy kill zone you didn't expect).

    [ August 19, 2007, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: Chelco ]

  7. Thanks everyone for reading!

    @CplSteiner: I am glad you liked the UAV display idea. Looking forward to play your scenarios!

    @JohnO: I used Photoshop. The operational graphics I used are a mixed bag of real ones and made up ones (to make the story a bit more clear).

    Phase two is already on its way. 3rd Sqd (foreground in the screenie below) and 2nd Sqd (background) dismount and move towards the built up area. These are moments of extreme danger for the grunts. One rifleman from 3rd Sqd is shot while secures a foothold in the block.


    There is not such a thing as too much overwatch. At this moment every single unit (even dismounts) has an assigned target arc. Given the overwhelming amount of potential enemy hideouts and the limited firepower of the platoon I preferred the target arcs over area fires. The dismounts were given an assault order combined with a target arc. This tip comes from CMSF's manual and I will post a screenie of it later. On the meantime, note how the sqds orient accordingly and move by bounds.

  8. As ordered, a single Bradley IFV moves into position, and under the cover of a smoke screen spots and engages not one, but two ATGM teams in the opposite end of the battlefield. The enemy teams fall prey to the terrible storm of lead coming from the Bradley.


    Two enemy ATGM teams (foreground) didn't get a chance to fire against the Bradley IFV (far background, behind smoke screen)

  9. Well, coming back to the action.

    Mission is to clear the irregular forces from their positions along the road.

    Enemy: confirmed RPG teams at buildings 46 and 31 and an ATGM team north of building 63 (see screenie below for buildings numbering). Enemy force is Plt. sized, likely positioned along the road that leads north.

    Terrain: RPGs/ATGM teams have great field of fire over main avenue of approach (see labels "kill zone" in screenie below). North of the highway, a built-up area offers great cover to the enemy and limited mobility to friendly IFVs. Important to avoid compromising IFVs in open sewers at the NW.

    Time: 30 minutes.

    Troops: Bradley Infantry Platoon, no heavy weapons or indirect fire support.

    Civilian involvement is sparse.


    The plan

    Dismounted infantry clears buildings along the northbound road while IFVs provide fire support.

    Phase One:

    Under the cover of smoke, a Bradley IFV attacks by fire enemy positions north of building 63 (ATGM) and at buildings 46 & 31 (RPGs). (See ABF icon in the screenie above)

    Dismounted attack on buildings 46 & 31 to eliminate RPG threat not a good option because main avenue of approach would be still under enemy ATGM fires from position north of building 63.

    Phase two:

    Bradley IFV moves north across the highway to permit rapid deployment of the main attack forces and to provide fire support (see SBF, support by fire, icon in the screenie above).

    2nd Sqd dismounts south of building 46 and moves north clearing buildings west of the road.

    3rd Sqd dismounts south of building 31 and moves north clearing buildings east of the road.

  10. Great post.

    I am having the same problem and I am looking forward to read other people's answers.

    For infantry squads in urban combat, I think that is kindof mandatory to split into and move by fire teams. However, this gets too overwhelming rapidly in RT. For moving from building to building, a thing that worked more or less fine for me is to use the "assault" order combined with a target arc covering possible enemy positions. With the assault order, the squad moves forward in groups of 3, leaving enough firepower behind to cover the target arc you have just indicated.

  11. After a week of bitchy work days, I tried to resume my AAR and loaded my saved scenario.

    I have to clear a suburb from irregulars and I have a Bradley Infantry Plt (all hidden from the enemy by tall buildings). I am playing the scenario in RT, mucho macho Elite Level.

    I order one of the Bradleys to fire on one of the enemy-held buildings (RPG team there). I left the dismounts behind the cover of the buildings, out of sight of the enemy. Regrettably, the RPG team fires back and my Bradley is destroyed.

    While I was swearing in anger over this unfortunate turn of events, I see one of the squads moving forward to take positions in a building that oversees enemy positions. I don't recall giving them an order to move forward. I don't think it was an accidental click on something, because out of curiosity I click on that squad and I see that they have a move order to the roof of that building (that requires two clicks).

    I reckon I was half dead tired and that I am not good reading manuals. I tried to search the forum but found no reference to initiative.

    Is this type of things implemented in the game or I just need a stronger brand of coffee?

    I apologize for the spam if the later is the case. But I really want to know. Your help is appreciated.

  12. Originally posted by jomni:

    I see... so it was debris.

    So they're really outside in prone position. For a minute there I thought they were crawling across the street.

    My AAR is based on v1.01.

    Hi jomni,

    All enemy units but the ATGM unit in the north extreme of the map are so-far inside buildings. I think that the angle of my screenie combined with the floating icons are a bit confusing.

  13. In my very limited gameplay experience with CMSF, RPGs have a devastating effect on infantry located in buildings. With an RPG team across the street and an ATGM team overwatching, I am not in a good position. PltHQ must get out of building 11!

    Now here is something in what I systematically fail: planning routes of escape. Moving PltHQ down the stairs of building 11 could expose them to RPG fire and to the literally demolishing effect of a lucky ATGM shot. The only solution I find feasible is to move the PltHQ team out of building 11 via the neighbor structure.

    I cannot confirm exactly how many enemy teams have seen the PltHQ team, but tracers are flying everywhere. That's entirely my fault: I kept the PltHQ team too much time exposed in the hope that they would spot more enemy units. In addition, I didn't direct the PltHQ team's fires accordingly and with the shootout that ensued, I may have gained the awareness of enemy units I didn't even spot.

    The PltHQ team withdraws via the roof of the neighbor building under heavy fire. Sure enough, two RPGs impact in building 11, one of them taking out the radioman.


  14. The following two pics don't have any particular value. Just for kicks!


    Seeing the elefant. A soldier from the Plt HQ team gets a glimpse of the dangers ahead. Screenshot edited with Photoshop


    Enemy contact! RPG! 46, white, A1!

    [ August 12, 2007, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: Chelco ]

  15. Hi Jomni,

    Your AAR is awesome, kudos my friend.

    The stuff you see along the road in the previous screenshot are actually various kinds of debris and junk. Sorry for the confusion.

    At the north extreme of the road, an ATGM team was also spotted. As you can see in the following screenshot, they have an excellent field of fire on the intersection.


    This ATGM team may have an odd facing, but their field of fire is gonna be tough to move through. The two story building in the far background is building 11, where the Plt HQ is located at this very moment.

    [ August 12, 2007, 08:11 PM: Message edited by: Chelco ]

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