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Posts posted by Melnibone

  1. -I will again reiterate the importance of knowing where you are in terms of games being completed, and your current turn rate. If by this time you have more than 20 turns to go in any one game, and are exchanging one file a day or less, then you will not finish in time unless you make arrangements somehow to increase that rate.-

    It may be the wine talking so please excuse me ;) ....I was very happy to get into ROW...and have gone out of my way to get turns back to my opponents as quickly as possible...usually within hours....some of my opponents have warned me of downtimes...no problems....but I am suffering from consistent returns of 2 or 3 days back to me...obviously real life :mad: can impinge....but if I'm making an effort...getting up an hour earlier etc. ....I would hope for the same back as we get to the line. Goodnight!

  2. Derivatives of the word sanguine are sanguinely, sanguineous, sanguinity, sanguineness, and sanguineless.

    In addition, there are several related words:

    consanguineous: Of the same blood; related by birth; having a blood relationship; descended from the same parent or ancester. Derivatives: consanguineously, consanguine, consanguinity, consanguineal.

    sanguinary: Attended with much bloodshed; bloody; murderous. Bloodthirsty; cruel; eager to shed blood. Derivatives: sanguinarily, sanguinariness.

    sanguinolent: Tinged or mingled with blood; bloody. Derivatives: sanguinolency.

    ensanguine: To stain or cover with blood; to make bloody, or of a blood-red color; as, an ensanguined line.

    exsanguineous: Destitute of blood; anaemic. Bloodless. Derivatives: exsanguine, exsanguinity, exsanguinous, exsanguious.

    exsanguinate: To drain blood. Derivatives: exsanguination.

    sanguinivorous: Subsisting on blood. Derivatives: sanguinivore.

    sanguisuge: A bloodsucker, or leech.

    sanguinaria: The bloodroot. The dried root of the bloodroot, often used in medicine.

    I will be attempting to include all of the above in my AAR's.

  3. Good scenario - played PBEM as Axis - My allied opponent got carried away with the routing of the Italians early on - all his Shermans came barrelling over the bridge at full speed! Bliss for my paratroops! All the tanks were shortly smoking and after that his infantry could not get across the bridge - Major Victory for the Axis. The Allies seem to have a tough job to get across that bridge!

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