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Everything posted by Traveller

  1. Ah! lol, good point... completeley lost track of historical acuracy issues... Didn't the germas have at that point a new type of jet fighter that never saw actual action?
  2. Incredibly interesting debate... keep it up guys. Wealth of info in these threads ! Traveller
  3. Hi guys thanks for the info, so far. Very useful; will let you know how it goes. I see JasonC recommends IL-2 type 3 Stumovik. I assume those are tank killers? what is a good equivalent for germans? Cheers Traveller
  4. Thanks for the answer. Let's be a bit more specific... what are, in your opinion, those weapons than can kill even the heavisest tanks? What are "lobbing mediums"? Cheers, Traveller
  5. Hi guys, I have been searching the forums for some advice. I have not really found anything so here it goes (apologies if I have missed a good thread) : I am a fairly inexeperienced CMBB player and I have a mirror challenge where I have to select my own forces. I suck big time at selecting because normally I play random forces games. Can you guys give some advice on which units to pick for each side? or point me to a thread that does? thanks in advance. Game is as follows : Mars 1945 Meeting engagement 2000 points Map size: medium Tree cover: moderate Map type: Village Hilliness : modest hills German force: unrestricted Russian force: unrestricted Quality: unrestricted Ammunition: 100% Cheers, Traveller [ April 16, 2005, 01:09 AM: Message edited by: Traveller ]
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