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Everything posted by gorgias

  1. Well Jason I agree a lot with everything u say but i still think that the russian armor must be "cheaper" than german. Really it was so.... the soviets got a tank in battlefield easier than germans especially on year 43 and forward. I agree too about "cover armor" problem the another day i had 3!!! T-34 pointing to Tiger´s rear and the 3!!! reverse without shoot it!!! when i could engage it again its turret was pointing me..... well i dont want remember it i´ve nightmares yet
  2. The game´s manual say: "During the orders phase for turn 1 of a battle (and ONLY then), each FO is able to call in for a pre-planned artillery bombardment which will commence without any delay at a specific point in time during the battle, to simulate a pre-planned bombardment on known or suspected enemy positions or part of an established fire plan. The default is for the bombardment to begin immediately, but a player can specify a later turn for this preplanned bombardment to begin by using the Q key. Each time you press the key, 1 turn is added to the delay. This pre-planned fire starts at the first second of the turn specified (including turn 1), and is always accurate - see below: Accuracy." Well i´ll try this a lot of time ago but it doesnt work i dont know why... no in first turn or second or setup..... I dont use artillery frecuently for that this is no problem for me.... but i have some curiosity: Does anybody use this?? Work?? How?? I use a art. spotter in first turn set an area target and the game delay me 10-15 mins. at least....well what was my error?? THX
  3. Well, well, well i like this I´m reading the different replies and i´ve concluded the following..... 1st Russians fasters and better in bad terrain and close quarters 2nd Germans best in rest of "tactics" And now i think.... are u really sure?? Are no good the germans in close fights???!!!! Well sure if u use a tiger or a ferdinand u loose ur advantage but... it´s not the Pz IIIj (my favourite german unit) or Pz IVh an EXCELENT tank fighting close!!!??? My experience tell me that they are equal or better than any soviet tank in that task (what´s ur opinion?). Fasters??? Yes the soviets are more "mobile" but is this so important in 2x2 km scenaries?? Maybe in real war where move long distances is essencial but in short distances is this really an advantage?? In the other hand are the russians "cheaper" than germans reflecting that "operational superiority" the soviets have like i´ve read?? Example: 2/43, rarity standard, regular troops. 1 tiger same valour than 2 T-34 m43 (main soviet tank)...... well Really do u think this is equilibrate?? I mean same close than long range... Can only 2 T-34 really threaten to a tiger?? With a lot of luck maybe..... Example: 9/43 (operation citadel German loose) rarity standard regular german vs veteran soviets I purchase: Germans: 6 StuG, 2 Tigers, 2 Pz V (10 very good units) Soviets: 9 T-34 m43, 2 SU 152 (really one of the worse TD in the game I think) and 3 T-70 Cost both armies very very similar.... Well i wait for ur prediction....Who win?? every terrain, every circunstances...... See u
  4. EXACTLY we have arrived where i want... I thought the same: "Different tactics" So i look for information about this theme. Conclussion: "The only tactic essencially different beetween germans and russians was that the russians attack in mass looking for outnumber drastically to germans" and now i think this "it´s possible to reflect this in the game when the units valour is very similar in both armies??" OK..OK... I know u can say dont be stupid set ur battles with double points for russians than germans...... and yes u are true but i dont like do this... i see it like a "cheat" sincerely I would like the game was more "realistic" in this point and i havent to "correct" this. By the way What would happen with the PBEM and ONLINE games ? Would u agree to play a ME with a human player where the russians had the double or triple points to purchase that u?
  5. Before nothing Greetings to everybody... I am playing to CMBB time ago and i think it´s a great game (the best wargame i´ve played) but..... I began playing germans (as usual) but a lot of time after that i saw in one hand or i was really a GOOD player or in another one the "enemy" was very crap.... I´ve not lost any game yet (playing with germnas) and sometimes (playing quickbattles usually) almost i had no casualties... Well in this point i thought to take russians to verify my first impression and..... efectively except in the 41 (year) i think the russians are very VERY understimated. Really their units are the worst in almost every thing. Low penetration, low rate of fire and accuracy, poor command and reaction time....... "bad" armor (yes it's not a joke ;D) because the better german penetration (comparing to russians) do the russian armor worse than the teorically thinner german one. And finally worse spot capacity (optics arent the russian strong i see.... ). Now somebody can think well but real it was so. The russian unit were "looser" comparing to germans but maybe for that they must be a lot of cheaper too and it is so.....???? NO in fact the russian tanks are "more expensive" than germans too. Really they have a very similar price but the germans are pretty good units for that valour and russians in anyway. I.e. u can say to me well the T-34 m43 (late) it´s a good tank and very cheap too..... are u sure??? U can get the german StuG a lot of cheap too and it´s worse than russian T-34?? How i see the german StuG is more challenging unit for the russians (a lot of more) than the T-34 for germans. In the most of times 3 StuG win the game to 3 T-34s or more. I´ve seen this one a lot of times... Obviously the russians won the war "ergo" something is mistaken... I would like to know ur opinion if somebody play russians frecuently please tell what u think about this point... See u SORRY for my poor english
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