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Posts posted by Dandelion

  1. Schrullenhaft

    It's the MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum, ATX, with nForce3 Ultra (250).

    I do not have separate drivers for the nForce chip, I use the drivers supplied by MSI (they've got this live update function).

    AGP Transfer rate is 8x. Fast write is totally blank, text and box greyed out. I seem to recall that I disabled it in the BIOS, or that it was disabled in the latest motherboard BIOS. I had some problems with that one, when initially my RAM turned out to be of a totally non-compatible type (Corsair - I now own Crucial, which work with the motherboard).

    I had 4.03, have now downloaded 4.12, version of the Catalyst. Made a quick start of the game and notet no problem, but it does not always appear immediately.

    Nothing overclocked, I never do that. I like ultra silent computers and can't stand the extra fans needed for overclocking.



  2. Well, I used the workaround for ATI cards as provided here. That solved the text disappearing. Had a look at my Antialiasing settings but couldn't figure it out. Anyway, I use the Tab-Alt buttons to refresh frequently, which takes care a of the problem endurably.

    The corruption manifests itself in many ways. For example, like this:


    This suddenly happends in mid game and unless this is not a new Kiwi fashion, or my enemies are turning into giant so many praying mantis, it is part of the problem.

    Other strange phenonema occur. It can turn black, partially or wholly, this can happen slowly as I watch. Refreshing the screen solves the blackening out bit. I also get weird effects like the one above. I get a yellow frame. Around the screen I mean, the screen displaying the 3D setting. I get strange lines appearing in the game. Fields of white are not uncommon. Certain 3D object lose their bmp sort of.

    Smoke can disappear. When I press Shift-I a couple of times, it comes back (it being set to appear to begin with).

    I use a pretty standard system. AMD 64 3000+, PCI motherboard with NVIDIA nForce 3 chip, Radeon 9800 Pro from ATI. S-ATA HD. NTFS system. Not sure what else to include here. I have the Catalyst.

    System works marvellously with other games. Powerful little thing.



  3. You mean the two thingies?

    You could probably make a full night out of reading my improvised English on CMAKdb smile.gif It is sectionally embarrassing.

    Why is there no dictionary for WWII military terms? It's not like you find Rohrholmen or Spreizlafette in the Oxford's. It's silly.

    There is an obvious demand for this item on the market.

    I can easily come by bottled water from France and Turkish candy up here, even though we have unoverviewable amounts of water and candy ourselves (MS Word no longer accepts the word "ourselves", it changes it to "us" - just another piece of market oppression). But a WWII dictionary that we can't make ourselves I cannot find.



  4. Bluebottle

    You are thinking desert terrain, no?

    The 37mm Pak 35/36 was designed for motor vehicle towing, as were all German antitank guns, only more or less successfully so. It had only 60cm of Axis between two rather large, rubber-tye (with air) wheels. It couldn't turn over or fall, because the two tubular aluminium towing - er, you know the two thingies that were part of the carriage and used for towing - kept it in place. What it did was bounce a lot. It had liberal suspension, weighed less than half a tonne and the gun was a real air-trap when towed if the gunshield was not dismounted. I have never seen any figure on max speed - the standard towing vehicle intended for the Pak 35/36 could do a theoretical 65mph - but of course here will have been one. A problem in the desert was the small rocks bouncing up at the hydraulics during towing. The hydraulics were only partially covered by the carriage itself. Haven't seen anything on shaking apart tho.

    Generally easier to tow was the 5cm Pak 38. With a wider axis, weight closer to the tonne and rubber tyres with no air in them, it did not bounce around. Suspension was still liberal and I haven't seen any text on these shaking apart either. In the desert, the Pak 38 kicked up a dustcloud as large as any vehicle. It also had the hydraulics problem on rocky terrain.

    By the Pak 40 you get the opposite problem. Steel carriage and 1.5 tonnes. The weight was such that it bogged on soft ground, and you got the caravan trailer problem of the trailer not being very responsive (especially if you used a towing vehicle of less than 1.5 tonnes, which they did), and heavy enough to shift your towing vehicle unless you used halftracks. Not much on these from the desert, since none saw service there.

    I believe the much noticed problem with the mle 34 was only present with the ultra light SA37 carriage, of a hilarious 300 kg weight and stripped suspension? With the SA34 carriage it weighed about as much as the Pak 35/36 did and should behave similarly. The French used horses in the Infantry Divisions but the DLM and DCR used tracked artillery tractors. I think the latter might have worked a lot better than the trucks used by the FFL in the desert, and by th British. But en porté solved the issue I guess.



  5. Originally posted by Canuckgd:

    Hehehe, sorry guys. Not only did my Radeon 9800 Pro 256 not give me fog, but I think it was responsible for a bug that has intermittantly caused serious graphics corruption (to the point where I'd have to reboot because I basically couldn't make anything out on the screen). Probably CMX2 will fix the ATI fog issue, but as I said, my next machine will have an NVidia card in it. Too many issues too many times with ATI I'm afraid, at least for me.


    I have the same problem. No fog, and things start corrupting after a few turns of play - or immediately when starting the scenario editor, blanking everything out bit by bit (no pun intended).

    No cure for the ATI fog, I know, but I didn't realise that these corruptions would set in. Makes the game totally unplayable.



  6. Soviet border troops were NKVD and used standard organisation and armament, alas lacked all heavy weapons (though they did have machineguns). In the eve of invasion, these troops were still ordered to not open fire against the Germans, and many did not even return fire.

    Some of these units, ignoring orders, managed to put up effective resistance nonetheless, at least for a few hours. Perhaps because their families were settled near their bases, i.e. close to the border.

    Happy Holidays


  7. Well Michael. Google is an instrument not quite reaching the inner depths of your mysterious culture. It will merely elevate confusion to higher levels with it's flickering mirrors into the elusive Anglo Saxon soul.

    You see the Ivor Novello I found using Google turned out to not be Ivor Novello but David Davies. A Welshman. With Welshmen not globally known to be warm catholics. Even more Googling educated me insofar that "Thenceforward, Welsh Catholics were a genus represented by a few rare specimens". I offer you a mere section of a text on Welsh history through which I laboured, though it was most impenetrable and resisted my efforts more vehemently than the Anzio bridgehead, written as it was in elderly English more beautiful than the curls of Boedicca. If indeed she had curls.

    Unfortunately neither Novello nor Davies is listed among the thankfully few unpronouncable names of families registered as Catholic in Wales (Mostyn of Talacre, Jones of Llanarth, Vaughan of Courtfield) and so your question remains mysterious to me still, buried under untold Cymrian layers of mocking mist.

    So I had the affrontage of imagining I would be able to lure an answer of more Teutonic proportions (straight and easily grasped) out of you here instead.

    But of course, from a nation where regiments are battallions and the royal army is not Royal, and indeed Highlanders have no highlands in which to gaily dwell, I am long since prepared for the most confusing enigmas, wrapped in the most impenetrable of subtle veils. I shall remain forever ignorant if Mr Novello confessed to the catholic faith or not. And, as religion is a most personal matter to a secular individual like myself, perhaps it is not more than right.

    Alas - and it is with some trepidation that I add this, feeling uneasy under the shadow of your recent misfortunes with Mr Emrys, however insignificant and atypical - you forgot the Prefix Michael. Must be a prefix to those ranks, SS or SA. Otherwise, there is no way of knowing if he was a party official or a member of the Waffen SS. That would be most imprecise. And we can't have that now can we.


    Ball in you court.

    Happy Holidays


  8. Hans,

    As you know I don't have the real French TEGs but am looking at the German report on the French army made after the surrender of France. There might be errors. But here goes on the leadership of French infantry divisions (hoping it is a such you are interested in).

    Paco is right, the lists I have strongly resemble the TEG he links to. Although not exactly the same of course.

    A forward command post would be very small, consisting of the General, a staff officer (captain) and the CAD (Commandant de l'Artillerie Divisionnaire) in a car, escorted by a radiocar and several runners (ordonnances) on horse or motorcycle.

    The Quartier Generale (QG or in English HQ) is as flexible a term as it is in English. In a narrow sense, it included only seven people.

    - The General

    - The commander of the HQ battallion (chef d'état-Major),

    - The CID (Commandant de l'Infanterie Divisionnaire - would be a colonel and effectively the second in command)

    - The 4th Bureau officer (intelligence officer, would be a captain)

    - The (head)interpreter (interprète - would also be a captain)

    - Two staff officers (Officier d'état-Major de complément), one assisting the CID and the other assisting the 4th Bureau officer, both by rank of captains.

    In addition to these, four more were normally to be found on site;

    - The commander of the divisional engineer battallion was also "capitaine du Génie" (in this case not meaning captain - he was a major - but "head of engineering").

    - The artillery regiment commander, also serving as CAD (Commandant de l'Artillerie Divisionnaire) and practically always found at HQ.

    - The commander of the medical "group" would sometimes also be found there (a major).

    - The commander of the signal battallion.

    Assisting them was a force of 29 men (administrative personnell) with 18 motor vehicles (cars, trucks and two buses - the French had special luggage trucks for their officers still) and 14 motorcycles (replaced by horses in some infantry divisions). I'll not list them all but they were the usual HQ group people. The unit would deploy in pockets along a decent road (they had to have a road), trying to spread (protection against air attack).

    They had to be deployed near the divisional signal battallion, or at least one of its companies, as it had no signal equipment of its own.

    Protecting them would be a squad of military police. In addition, an infantry platoon, or even company, could be deployed. Antiaircraft guns could also be present.

    The supply columns were part of the HQ battallion actually, but not deployed with the rest.

    In your situation, I would perhaps use some 12 officers (you can buy a coy or bat then strip it of men, keeping the officer) and some 20 men (rifles, not lmg, if possible) to represent the staff people. Plus maybe four trucks representing signallers (they'd often deploy close to eachother) but no personnell for them. Deployed in scattered trees or such, along a road, in groups of 5 vehicles perhaps, at least 50 meters apart.

    For balance, you can add he MP squad (they'd have lmg) plus the number of infantry needed for balance. Deployed principally on both ends of the road along which the HQ is deployed, but not really on the sides. Add two or four AA guns, also deployed along the road and you have a not very combat ready but rather interesting force.

    Happy Holidays


  9. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Dandelion, I want you to consider this very, very carefully.

    Do you think you could hate me? Hate me with an abiding passion that would burn like a flame?

    Because...I really want you to hate me, Dandelion. I want you to hate me real bad. And I...in return, Dandelion, I would hate you until the stars snuff out into the cold emptiness of entropy.[/QB]


    I have given the matter some thought.

    Alas, it is christmas.

    The poet puts down his pen.

    The killer rests his axe.

    And even we must find time to relax.



  10. ...Actually the Soviets made countless warmovies after the war, many invlolving hundreds of T-34's rolling by, even in trivial scenes. Haven't laboured myself through so many, as access was scarce in Germany, but I know for a fact there are huge amounts of these produced. Both for movie theatres and TV. Surely Kursk will have been the topic of at least one.

    Of course they are pathetic melodrama with sentimental patriotism all over them, but so are all Hollywood movies.

    Don't we have any actual real life Russians on this board? Anyone of them should be able to locate these old rolls I imagine.

    Come to think of it, I seem to recall that the Poles and Yugoslavs also made quite a few warmovies after the war? We do at least have such nationals on the board, no? Any Kursk in any of those?



  11. That was actually criticism against the Peng syndrome.

    I'm not too fond of attacks against IRL people you know. Compare the "I like man like Dorosh" thread.

    But irony went coppery it appears smile.gif as it tends to, when inadequately designed.

    Anyway, this is no place for a Canadiangrog. Way too claustrophobic in here. Martin will soon shut all of it down anyway. My theory is he checks in every sevent day, so it is soon time.

    I'll cover you. Twenty paces, then you cover me. Just like Dieppe. 'Sept this time we get out.



  12. If you have a chance to do so, you'll use a thin screen of patrols to locate and identify opponent deployment. Unsurprisingly, these will focus on access to flags smile.gif

    Few opponents will challenge you in the recon battle. If they do, you're in very serious trouble.

    Once you figure out his deployment (there is a price to pay, some of your recon patrols will be lost), you'll focus firepower on a point of your choice. Frontage is firepower is frontage.

    You can comparatively easily tie down the rest in combat with a thin screen, keeping everybody occupied enough to be unable to move. Especially if he is reckless enough to deploy all troops up front. A machinegun alone can tie down a platoon.

    He will lose that point. And eight times out of ten, he will react similar to the AI. He will want it back. And come a running. Into preplanned crossfire, hopefully. Might as well pre-plot arty on approaches.

    Concentration is everything. Problem is that concentration is useful only in the exact moment it is needed. Before and after, it is merely artillery target practice (and bait for those &%"¤# 2 inch mortars). But concentrations can be well hidden if you win the recon battle. He'll know nothing because he can see nothing. If you can't use sound discipline, you can use speed.

    If you defend it is comparatively easy. Except your assets will not match your tasks of course.

    Bad boxers adjust their guard to where they have already been hit. Good boxers adjust the guard to the next anticipated hit instead. One third up front, to thirds reserve, and monitor his focal effort.

    Works most of the time. But of course against a balanced force led by an equal foe, there is no such thing as victory. Only variations of defeat, for both. And most scenarios are balanced.



  13. Well... Yes J2D. I did. Plus Italy of course, a very not-unimportant theatre. Of course I wanted the engine improvements too, but those were available in CMBB already.

    And I couldn't wait to fight with Lees and Grants.

    And I think Crusaders are unusually graceful beauts.

    Not sure why the desert so rapidly grew so impopular and so like Mikey here I am rather surprised. I even find it hard persuading my usual pbem opponents to play there.



  14. Come now guys.

    Are we so frustrated about our lives that we need to beat up on eachother?

    Are we so far sunk into the IKEA sofas facing a thousand channels with sitcom replays and reality TV? Have we all grown weary with trodding the local mall in search of Something to replace Nothing, long since heavydrinks with wives that have found a thousand ways of expressing our disclosed inadequacies. Are we finally realising we will never become rich, nor famous, or even beautiful. That the train has already left and we never even got to the station? That a lot of other people are actually are rich, famous and beautiful and their lives are wonderful, or at least wonderfully unlike our own? That it doesn't mean anything anymore being from New York or Amsterdam or Vienna, even being French, as we're all just part of that obese, apathetic "West" anyway and even Norwegians say Ciao these days, and people from Utah prefer Café au Lait. Are we closing in on the soft bellied middleage, buttocks dropping and bellies prohibiting visual inspection of our dearest organ even in the ever more seldom appearing erected stance? Do we despise our jobs and our managers, do we feel guilt about not visiting our boring parents and are we quite pleased we live too far off from our nieces to ever have to babysit them again? Do we feel guilt about being too absent in the lives of our children, and guilt about being American/German/British/French/Iraqi-whatever? Is this it? This is all there is?

    Well, I don't know about you guys but I sure have got a frustration the size of the Eiffel tower and if I don't get it out, I fear I'll have to bring a machinegun to work. Or follow the local custom here of killing a tax collector. Or send very, very angry letters to Britney Spears. Or buy something really expensive that I don't need.

    Dalem, I have no idea what it is that you did this time but I immensely enjoy being an anonymous party to a drunken armed mob in the process of lynching you (I hope you have the shade of skin, or hair, or religion, or sexual orientation most suitable for lynching victims in your local part of the world, whichever that might be), and I thank you kindly for providing this opportunity of letting off some steam by victimising you. In the end, I hold you responsible, for everything, including your own imminent demise. You make me do this. Its your own fault.

    Or, if it is in fact Poppys we are after, I address the same message to him.

    In fact I'd go for Seneachai as well, if it turns out to be him. Or anyone else as long as it's not me.

    So. Anyone got a rope or is this all gonna end in just small talk?



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