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Posts posted by xwormwood

  1. Vaalen,

    you're facing the same problem you historical counterparts had to face.

    Your opponent (the Entente) has a better strategic position, and a stronger fleet.

    The German Hochseeflotte never dared to face the entire Royal Navy. If at all they tried to build up traps, but they were simply not strong enough to win the naval war.

    That is why they preserved the Fleet most time of the war, and finally (and foolishly) decided to start the unrestricted sub warfare.

    In short: you need good planing, a good build up, and a big portion of luck to do well in a naval engagement with the Royal Navy.

    All other situatons will end like you described it: the german losses will probably decide the war (because of the National Morale losses, which the Germans usually can't afford, while the UK has nothing to lose and much to win from a 1:1, 2:1 or 1:2 naval loss ratio against a the German navy).

    I don't say that it is impossible to do very well with the Central Powers navies, but in the North Sea it is very hard, and probably very expensive as well.

    If you like you can read about my first try to use the German Hochseeflotte, which is described in this after action report (AAR).

    But even if you don't read it (which i could understand completly), i would like to suggest that you play the game against a human player. It adds about 200% (or more) to the play fun.


  2. JUNE 13, 1916


    For those who would like more indepth information about the events leading up to this battle, and the battle itself, read the linked article at the end of this post. Anyone looking at the game map can well imagine how the Germans got the Goetzen, section by section, from Dar es Salaam up to the lake. A railway does help! But how did the Mim and Toutou arrive on station at Lake Tanganyika? Read on...


    A little additonal information:

    the Goetzen is still shipping on Lake Tanganyika, today it is called MV Liemba.

  3. Somewhere in the past is suggested to use the well known "bad weather" effect in a second, and slightly different way:

    if a unit moves next to enemy controlled tiles, or harbors, or cities (or better: tiles the game designer has chosen) it could have a % chance to suffer a random mine damage.

    During bad weather all naval units can suffer from storm and waves, at a random chance. So the game already nows a way how to damage units at a random chance.

    This could be used to check if you have a unit in a "dangerous" tile (sea mines). If you are unlucky (chance to be defined by the designer) you get a mine hit (just like bad weather might hit you).

    This would make constant naval bombardements and "easy" bottleneck blockades (Gibraltar, Kiel Canal, Suez etc.) much more dangerous for the enemy units.

    In my opinion this would be an easy way to bring mines into the game. Maybe the tiles could get symbols like the blockade tile, as a little help to understand where dangerous waters are or where not. Decision events could bring in more / reduce the amount of tiles, reduce or strengthen the effect of tiles, reduce or strengthen the chances of a tile etc.

    Just a note to your sub attack points.

    I would like to count in attacks from divers etc. too, who often were brought into position via submarine (divers or one man torpedos or little ships entered the harbor while the sub stayed in front of the harbor.

  4. Rankorian,

    i can only agree with everything you wrote.

    And i would like to add one more:

    it is extremly expensive to upgrade Battleship with naval tech.

    And that is historical correct too, because naval tech 1 represents the modern (during WW1) dreadnought class, and level 0 the old pre-dreadnought class battleships.

    So you have to think hard if you decide to upgrade even a single battleship.

    SC WW1 is (at least in my eyes) the best turn based wargame right now.

  5. Welcom to the forum Dave!

    I'll try to answer your question:

    If you have two units standing next to each other, and both still unmoved, than click (left mouse button) on the unit you want to swap.

    Next: hold down the SHIFT key on you keyboard.

    Now you should notice that your mouse button has changed its appearance, showing now a doublesided arrow. While still holding down the SHIFT key click now on the other (unmoved) unit. This should do the trick.

    Little help suggestion:

    you can alway use the "search this forum" feature. Most new gamers questions have already been asked and answered before, like this one.



  6. The very same solution should work (as described in the link provided by Bill):

    you start a game against the AI, you play your country / your countries, you save your game, you send the save file to your son, he loads the turn, he plays his country / his countries, he saves the turn, he sends you the new safe file back, you load the turn, you end the turn, the AI plays its turn, you play your turn, ...

    Of course your son could end the turn too, than he would have to send you his save file after the AI had played its turn.

    OR, if you can manage it, you play on the same computer.

  7. Panzer1962, if you use Norton, than maybe one of these links might help you

    false positive exception

    exception info from norton support

    I had the same problem with my (free) avira anti-virus program, so you are not alone out there. This is a pretty common problem, and probably the price we all have to pay for get very suspicious, thorough and cautious anti-virus programs. They rather warn you too often (or isolate suspicious files) than one time to less. Surely a good thing, but if they suspect an unknown file signature to be a possible virus, than customers like you and me have a little problem.

    I did exactly what was suggested by Hubert and Schrullenhaft:

    I started my anti-virus programm, put the SCWW1 game exe and the the editor exe on the exception list ("dear anti-virus program, please don't check these both files, they are not a virus") and than the problem was solved.

    This is not a Battlefront-only problem, and surely not a SC WW1 problem.

    I had this expericence with several games, some of them i bought from Battlefront, but not all of them.

    So all you have do to is probably this:

    start your anti-virus program, search the option to except files from the anti-virus scan, insert the game exe and the editor exe, and than you should be done.

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