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Posts posted by MAsta_KFC

  1. The results are:

    Axis Tactical Victory

    Well, since it was a 1000 point QB and I didn't have any force restriction, I chose the following:

    1 x Brit Para Company

    1 x Brit 5.5inch VT

    5 x TRP

    2 x M8HMC

    1 x M36 Jackson

    1 x 6PDR AT

    2 x 3inch Mortar

    1 x 2inch Mortar

    1 x vet sniper.

    Initally it was good, I had my TRPs in some good spots, I *seemed* to be holding them back while using my 3inch to plug the holes where the VT hadn't gotten around to yet. I could see some squads routing in the far horizon as the arty landed. It was a reverse slope, something which I'm not too good at defending.

    It's really hard to describe, suffice to say when i ran out of Arty shells, things started to go downhill. The endless swarm of SMG and Heavy SMG were too much, my HMC took out a Pz4G which ran into it's LOS, but then got whacked by a HT that it missed twice. Whats worse, was that my Jackson didn't fire a single shot, it boldy rolled forward (my mistake really) and promplty got shot my the 2nd PZ4G that was waiting. When the HMC died, it was all over.

    Whats's amazing is that CMBO men are unbelievably robust. Near the end when he was mopping up and just being careless, he moved 4 squads in a large, heavily damaged light building, all along the base of the building. I aimed my 6PDR at the buidling, fired, it went down. To my dismay, the guys didn't EVEN BLINK AN EYELID and continued to fire away. It wouldn't have changed the outcome of the battle, but I was expecting them to at least put there heads down when a building comes crashing in on them.

    Woe is me :(

  2. One of the things I feel that has been lacking in the CM department is the inability atm to support more than 2 players in MP.

    Teamplay would be an excellent element in CM, even if the max were only 4 players. Imagine having 2 vs 2 competitions, where you and a fellow commander were to beat of the invading hoards of nazis or vice versa. At the end of the game you can slap him on the back for saving your sorry ass, or curse him to hell for letting the flank fold. I think one of the reasons why several games on the market are so popular is because there is an element of teamwork and cooperation.

    My question is: Can the current CM engine handle more than 2 player MP? ie 4P. Can it handle combinations of MP like:

    3h(human) vs 1 AI

    2h vs 2 AI

    2h vs 2h

    or maybe even have the AI as a cooperative partner (I know I sure wouldn't have the AI as an attacking partner though!)?

    And more importantly, will it be implemented?

    Thanks for any responses/opionions!

  3. Playing CMBO I have been an avid player of the germans. Personally, I prefer using the equipment, their squad loadouts and tanks. Against all my challengers (not many mind you) I always use the germans. I used to think I was the big fish in the small pond.

    However, the other day, one of my opponents suggested I use the allies (Americans to be specific). Thinking that I was the tactical genius that I am not, I promptly agreed and started the game accompanied with much friendly trash talk.

    15 turns later, my squads were routed, my tanks in flames and only one valiant AT crew firing at 2 platoons worth of men charging them. Needless to say, I have been forced to rethink my tactics.

    The question is: What are the major tactical changes I must implement while using the Americans compared to ther Germans? My friends won't let me play German anymore after this defeat, I suspect. I'm not talking about the 'general' tactics, but rather more specifically the 'conversion' tactics, ie the change of mindset I have. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

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