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Posts posted by KDG

  1. I'm mainly talking about Russia, plus the neutrals.

    No matter what the random placement was, I'd insure that all cities were covered.

    If a country had only 1 unit, I'd add a 2nd unit that would be placed randomly. I'd also limit where the random locations were. Each unit might have 2 or 3 locations that is could be at. This would throw off attackers just enough to eliminate the same type of attack each time.

  2. Shaka, read and comment.

    (* Each IT research level gave you an 10% reduction in cost. What is the number now? 5%?)

    5% is correct.

    (* "Soft" factor of a ground unit has no R&D item to increase its number. Seems strange, since all the other units can increase there attack factor. So a Army of '39 will attack with the same "soft" factor in '46?)

    This is correct. You can research anti-tank to boost units past 10, which increases the damage done about 7% per increment.

    (* Readiness factor of a unit will decrease when it moves. Has anyone noticed this effect?)

    Not sure.

    (* "Normal" attack is when a unit attacks without moving. "Blitzkreig" is when a unit attacks after moving. Interesting. I'd be willing to bet money that at some point in the development cycle, Corps and Armies could not conduct a "blitzkreig" (ie could not move and attack). Then again, if I was such a good gambler, I wouldn't have to work for a living.)

    Very possible. Or they were looking at some type of overrun attack.

    (* On one hand I like the existing manual cause it doesn't go into alot of details. On the other hand, I miss the fact that alot of the details are not explained. In a way, I guess I would like to see a "Designers Notes" manual included, that told what the formulas are, expanded on Axis and Allied strategies (maybe some examples from the playtesters), etc.)

    The formulas are listed. I have them in an excel spreadsheet.

    (* Cities, mines and oil wells are suppossed to give multiple MPP factors of 1, 2 and 3. Did I miss something, since I could swear its only 1, 2 and 2?)

    1,2, & 3 is correct. Multiplied usually by 5, 8, or 10. I'd like to see other spaces count as 1/2 a MPP total. There would be cities, towns, etc. in these spaces. We are talking 50 miles across.

    (* I'm confused on the Strength points. I "assumed" they were related to combat power. But it appears that are more a factor of how much damage a unit can take before it disappers. If that is true, I don't understand why a tech level increases this number. Isn't the increase in the relevant defense factor enough? If strength points are manpower (more or less), then does the increase mean that I am adding more divisions to my Corps/Armies? Confused.)

    They are both the life of a unit, plus the strength. Think of the unit as being more difficult to kill. Thus an 11 instead of a 10.

    (* I assumed the Anti-Air tech increased the Air defense factor of the ground units. Doesn't say that in the manual. So where is my counter to increased Air unit attack factors? Even if I didn't have a new tech items to give my troops, something should represent the additional Anti-Aircraft Artillery that the ground commanders would request.)

    **Ground units on strategic resources and cities get a defensive bonus. I think this should be expanded to the spaces around the resource as well. This would make this research a better counter vs. Jets.**

    (* Carrier gets a strength increase from two (2) different techs. Does that mean a carrier can theorticaly become a twenty (20) strength unit?)


    Every new level of long-range aircraft research increases the spotting, strike range, and maximum strength values of Carriers.


    Every new level of jet aircraft research improves the air defence, and air attack for both

    Air Fleets and Carriers, while the air defence value for Strategic Bombers is increased.

    In addition, the maximum strength value for Air Fleets is increased.

    Some good discussion points here.

    [ February 20, 2003, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: KDG ]

  3. Very enjoyable reading. It is a problem. What do you suggest as a solution.

    The possibilities are:

    1) Set up Russia on the players first turn.

    a) give him set amount of MPP, let him buy any type of units, place anywhere he wants.

    B) give him prepurchased units, let him place anywhere he wants.

    2) Set up Russia when it enters the war

    a) give him set amount of MPP, let him buy any type of units, place anywhere he wants.

    B) give him prepurchased units, let him place anywhere he wants.

    3) Randomize placement of the units by the computer. (could also randomize total units also)

    Idea 1 slows the beginning of the game down, but is much better than idea 2 which requires an extra turn to be taken at the DOW, as well as slowing the game down.

    Idea 3 doesn't change the pace at all, and removes some of the pre planned moves, adding variety.

    [ February 20, 2003, 02:56 PM: Message edited by: KDG ]

  4. The problem with placing units before they awake is knowing which side will invade a neutral, so who places the units.

    I don't want a turn to be interupted so that the other side can place the units after a DOW, but we can't do it before a DOW either.

    My solution is to randomize the starting locations. Unit can be in Hex 1, 2, or 3. Computer randomly places. As a country has more and more units, the greater probabilities of variance in starting location.

  5. Jets gain experience to fast, this is really the only main problem with them.

    Jets can attack units every turn, & can hit a resource and gain experience. All other units don't have the oppurtunity to gain experience like this. A jet can hit a city, a port, a resource, or another unit and gain experience.

    Played right, you can have a 2 or 3 experience level Jet Fleet that is unstoppable towards the middle part of the game. This allows Jets to take off 3-4 points at a time from a unit.

    For balancing purposes we have three options:

    1) Jets must gain experience slower than other units.

    2) Increase the cost of Jets by 20%.

    Compare a Jet to a Tank, both cost close to the same, most people would take a Jet. Plus there is a counter research to Tanks.

    3) Make it that Jets can't reduce units below 1.

    This takes out the kill experience and req. more ground troops.

    I like options 1 or 3.

    Otherwise the main strategy will remain research and buy as many jets as possible.

  6. Here is why jets get so much experience.

    They can attack every turn.

    1st turn: Use two armies, attack a unit, then hit with three jets, unit killed.

    2nd turn: Original two armies reinforce or advance, use two new armies, attack a unit at different place, then hit with same three jets, unit killed.

    This plays out turn after turn as the jets keep gaining experience faster than other units.

    Don't have anyone to attack, you can hit a resource with a Jet and gain experience. All other units don't have the oppurtunity to gain experience like this. A jet can hit a city, a port, a resource, or another unit and gain experience.

    Played right, you can have a 2 or 3 experience level Jet Fleet that is unstoppable towards the middle part of the game.

    For balancing purposes we have two options:

    1) Jets must gain experience slower than other units.

    2) Increase the cost of Jets by 20%.

    Otherwise the main strategy will remain research and buy as many jets as possible.

    Just one man's opinion.

  7. Random placement of units would be at the top of my list for changes. Let every piece have 1 of 3 places it could be, then randomize each time.

    Some people would like to place these units, but then we have a turn interuption that slows down the game as the opponent needs to take a turn to place those units. This would be a bad idea.

    I'd also consider random number of units also. A neutral country might have 2-4 units, or 1 or 2 units, etc. When Russia comes in, they may have 20-25 units. Something that throws some variance into each game is a good thing.

    Also add a toggle for this randomness for players that don't like it, of course.

    [ February 19, 2003, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: KDG ]

  8. While new things to research would be fun, I think the existing research items should be tweaked. Make variable costs for them, say Jets or anti tank costing more than Sonar, etc. I'd like to see major advantages in all types of research.

    Another idea would be to make each point of research cost 50 MRP's, and this gives you a 1 percent chance of success. This way you could have 6 or 7 researches going, with a low chance of success in each one. You get an advance in one, so you invest more into this since you had that breakthrough.

  9. Just wondering from you ladder players whats been your biggest comeback.

    Did you lose Moscow, then stomp the Germans back?

    Did it take until 41 to take France, but then you kicked the Ruskies butt?

    When is it too late to comeback? When should you throw in the towel?

    Give us non ladder, PBEM players more AAR and info, makes great reading.

  10. Just remember that any new changes or additions must be withen the grasp of the AI. The key to this game is it has one of the better AI's. Give it a advantage in experience, and it plays a great game. If we get too complicated, then the AI won't be able to keep up with humans. Remember the majority of people still play solo.

  11. Question for you testers:

    The manual says that jet research only affects air attacks and air defense. It shouldn't do anything to improve attacks vs. tanks, armies, or corps. (besides about a 8% increase in damage per each extra max strength achieved).

    In my experience, jet research seems to affect all attacks.

    Is this a bug?

    Comments and experiences from others would be appreciated.

  12. The extra strength(say +1) does little in the way of changing the outcome of a plane attack, only increasing the damage by about 8%, while the xtra experience (say +1) does about 45%.

    If as people say, that research isn't helping the attacks vs. ground units, then maybe reducing experience gained for planes in attacks would do the trick.

    Or make it that a Plane(or ship) can't reduce a unit below 5(or 3 or 1, whatever number is chosen).

    Changing experience gained for planes should be an easy patch.

    Can someone verify if jet research isn't helping ground attacks (I mean by more than 10%).

  13. Looking at what I wrote above, I did some reading and calculating, and discovered this:

    The manual says that jet research only effects air attacks and air defense. It shouldn't do anything to improve attacks vs. tanks, armies, or corps.

    In my expierience, jet research seems to affect all attacks. Is this a bug? Comments and expieriences from others would be appreciated.

  14. I must agree air power is too strong. It is the only research that bumps up attack & defend vs all other units, and the max value of strength.

    There is no corresponding research that you can do to counter it besides anti-aircraft, and this only works on strategic resources.

    If anti-aircraft research could be increased to include strategic resources and all hexes surrounding them, then we might see this research used and be more effective.

    I say change anti-aircraft research, or reduce the effects of Jet Air, or increase the cost for chits for this research.

  15. You can always check the reports to see how many units are still alive. I didn't realize this was available at first. Lets you know if Sealion is feasalble or not.

    One mistake people make with France is not having the unit entrenched their. You should also keep one or two Corps adjacent to it to keep it from being completely encircled until those units are also killed. If you can save an HQ plus 4 units, you have your self a nice fighting force.

  16. I'd like one of two things on HQ's:

    1) Great spread in the costs between the good ones and the bad ones.


    2) Same cost, but you don't know if you are going to get the good one or the bad one.

    By the way, HQ's are not too strong. I've seen 4 jets hit them, killing an HQ, sending 450 MRPs down the drain.

  17. Right now with little cost difference, you buy the best guy, then work down the list. Imagine if you get a low rated guy, so you assign him to defense duties on some front, while that high rated guy leads your offensive, just some thoughts.

    The other thing that could be done is lower the lowest rated HQ by about 50 mrps, and raise the highest rated by about 50. That way the spread is greater in their costs.

    I found the formula in the manual (I love the fact it is in PDF, I just open it at work, take a glance, then close it).

  18. I like the random idea, since the cost of HQ's are so close anyways. Or make the cost range more dramatically from best to worst.

    A question for anyone that might know the answer?

    1. What is the difference between a 8 rated HQ & a 5 rated HQ?

    2. If a HQ has been knocked down from its original 10 value down to 5 or 6, how does that affect supply and attack values?

  19. 10 Reasons to buy the game:

    1. Great strategy game.

    2. Simple to learn.

    3. Many complex ways to play.

    4. One of the best AI's on the market.

    5. PBEM and TCP gaming.

    6. Six patches so far. You can even talk to the programmer.

    7. World War II setting.

    8. Both sides are fun to play

    9. Great community

    10 The cost

    1 HQ for every 5 units (5 closest I believe). Just buy a new HQ once you get more units and all units stay supplied. They provide both supply and combat.

  20. I believe the game would be over if the French went first and then did the Dutch gambit on the first turn.

    Yes you take an army from the top of the line, move the other two armies up, and from Malta operate a plane into the bottom of the maginot line. If Germany goes first, they can have some planes and a couple armies to punish that plane, possibly elimanating it. With France going first, I don't think they could. May have to try a game vs myself and see.

    For an interesting game, don't use the editor, Germany collects its MRPs at the end of its turn, but doesn't get to move any of its units. Then the allies move first.

  21. "Early Dutch Gambit... French can already do that by the threat of DOW on Low Countries on Allied Turn 2, Germany has to operate troops from Poland front anyway so it can DOW on Low Countries on Turn 2".

    This can be done on turn one by the French. I've seen it done, I've done it myself. It leaves a plane on the maginot line, but still works. Key for Axis is to punish France after they do it. Axis can't do this on turn 1, only on turn 2. Thus if France goes first, game over, Allies win.

    Plus Shaka, you think the Allies are stronger or at least equal anyways. (I don't agree or disagree on this one, haven't played enough).

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