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Jim Boggs

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Posts posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Throwing his last t-shirt into the bag, he zipped it close. He had already checked out and now he tossed his bag into the backseat of his Volkswagon, painted black with tape over the headlights.

    He thought he had been prepared. He had sparred with some of the best in the outer reaches of the Forum. But he was not ready for the pool. He had been taken totally by surprise by the innocuous, lilting phrases of "These are a few of my Favorite Things". His blood already worked up to fighting pitch, still reeling from multiple blows suffered at the hands of Berli, he had been startled at first, then as the song went on he began to lose it. The last thing he remembered was the phrase "Touching your miniatures can be messy". Then all went dark.

    The next thing he remembered was Sir Lars standing over him laughing uncontrollably.

    The pool had claimed another unsuspecting wanderer. He never really had a chance.

  2. Excuse me, I was looking for THE PENG THREAD , you know the MBT .

    My God what has happened here? I feel like Lord Chauncey is going to come bouncing ever so lightly up to sip his Chardonay and powder his nose before heading off to touch-up his miniatures.

    Listen up all Sissies: SOD OFF!

    This is the MBT. Where are the Guardians that have allowed this to happen. The Peng Thread is about CHALLENGES. Insult, berate, cajole, belittle, bemoan, bother, irritate, isolate, inebriate....anyway you get the idea.

    If there be any more "Lovey-Dovey" stuff posted on this Most Sacred of Threads without immediate and complete rebuke by the "Ancient Ones", then I will proceed to proclaim the deathknell of a once feared and respected thread.

  3. Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    Jimmy Joe Boggs, you are clearly delusional. No doubt partially due to the lobotomy, and partially to breathing that swamp gas.

    My dear Berlichtingen:

    The nip of an Illinois frost has apparently frozen solid the 12 lbs of earwax you have collected over the past 107 years. What I said was:

    I' ve got a bottle in front of me and been catching fat bass

    To further disprove your claim, I would NEVER use the word partially TWICE in the same sentence!

    By the way, nice marching song. I didn't notice any Florida cities mentioned. Coincidence?

  4. Terif:

    This is like asking Tiger Woods for Golf Tips.

    What are your minimum requirements for HQ,s, armor, and air to accumulate for the German invasion of Russia?

    Is it worth it to pursue a Mediterranean Stategy for the Germans or should the Italians handle it exclusively?

    How many units do you leave as a garrison in France once it falls?

    I don't want to overdo it, so thanks in advance for any help you may offer.

  5. Terif:

    This is like asking Tiger Woods for Golf Tips.

    What are your minimum requirements for HQ,s, armor, and air to accumulate for the German invasion of Russia?

    Is it worth it to pursue a Mediterranean Stategy for the Germans or should the Italians handle it exclusively?

    How many units do you leave as a garrison in France once it falls?

    I don't want to overdo it, so thanks in advance for any help you may offer.

  6. Originally posted by Boo_Radley:


    All this talk about Florida, has left a vile stench in the air.

    I wish you all would take it outside.

    "Is this the Bureau of Records?"

    "Yes it is"

    "Do you have a listing for a Boo Radley?"

    "We have a listing for a Gurley Radley, nicknamed Boo."

    "Does it say how he got his nickname?"

    "Apparently it was awarded to him as a tribute to his athletic abilities."

    "Hmmmm....Okay, thanks very much."

  7. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    To put this in perspective, my M29C Weasel has a PSI rating of a little over 1.2 unloaded. This is less PSI than a human wearing boots. And guess what? I got myself "bogged" in Scattered Trees in the middle of a very dry summer.


    Uh Steve,

    For the sake of BTS and BFC, PLEASE let someone else drive your car. The thought of you getting BOGGED is not something I want on my conscience.

  8. Dear Pudlians/Pooligans?

    This thread deserves a place of honor *snickers* on the General Forum and yet for some unknown reason you refuse to let it go. I realize that there are the immature and insecure among you who still cling to the childhood utopia ("MINE!!!! MINE!!! MINE!!!! WHINE!!!! WHINE!!! WHINE!!!).

    However, it would behoove you to spread your good works to the further reaches of this esteemed forum in order for the unwashed to feel your pain and realize that no matter what horrific scenario life or quickbattle has dealt them, there are those whose pitiful existence can only serve as an inspiration.

    Many times I have been asked "Boggs, you dumbass, why do you care about these misanthropes?" I can only shake my head at their lack of perception. The puddle thread serves a valuable function in a modern society. It is a place where the dregs, the castoffs, the misfits can gather and be among "their own kind". Many times I have observed the goings on of this bizarro world and have come to appreciate the reduced crime rate that it has spawned simply by allowing life's losers a place to congregate.

    So I would ask once again: In the name of all that is disgusting and perverse, let this thread go.

  9. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Politely it is called "The Pool", and when its members get out of The Pool they have to be escorted, like the bad childeren that they are, back into it.


    Uh, Steve, there has been an unusually rancid stench coming from the General Forum lately. I'm afraid there might be a leak. We've also been getting the smell of molten TNT (which isn't really a bad thing). Have you done a bed check lately?
  10. Gentlemen of the SC Forum:

    Bumped to the forefront of this excellent forum is one of the all time classic AAR's. My question is:


    Since the ladder started and the competitive juices have started flowing, I'm inclined to think that they were stopped because they were giving away too many secret strategies, but hey, that was the BEST PART!

    You guys were even getting CM grognards to drop by and COMPLIMENT the damn things. I'm really getting nostalgic for them. I remember rushing home from work in order to get the latest update on Zapp vs Terif or Wachtmeister vs Sven. It was so way cool.

    To all the newcomers:

    Since you will be permanently ranked in the lower strata of the Ladder, how about some AARs?

    Games I would like to see:

    1. Rambo vs Zappsweden

    2. Archibald vs Irish Guards

    3. Waltero vs Shaka of Carthage

    4. Liam vs Kuniworth

    5. Anybody vs Anybody

    If something doesn't happen soon, I will start an AAR of a hotseat game I will play.

    You have been warned!!!!!

  11. Originally posted by Immer Etwas:

    We ALWAYS talk about it (but can't personally do much about it, etc).

    We walk around to & fro among it.

    We stick a wetted finger amid it.

    We stare at it a lot and... Pascal-like, wonder and wonder.



    Great post, are you sure this is weather you're talking about?

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