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Comrade Trapp

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Posts posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. Originally posted by aesopo123:

    testy testy testy. If you would like to start a pbem game, I would gladly hand your ass quickly to you. Either as the axis or allies.


    Fine, we make an AAR right here in the SC forum.

    I got Allies using a standard bid and bidding system. Bid 150 (1:5:20)(US:UK:USSR).

    These are my conditions, do you accept?

  2. Originally posted by aesopo123:

    The focus of this thread is just to share ideas on how to trump the ai on hardest levels. Way... way... off on playing against a human opponent. Finis.

    Funny, I thought that the focus of this thread was:

    Just thought we should have an updated running list of people who are able to take on the axis computer on expert level and plus two experience. FOG on, free french, siberian transfer on, random entry, partisans on.
    You created this thread to brag about your ability to beat the AI.

    We're telling you nicely that beating the AI on any level isn't that great of an achievement and that if you tried to use your tactics in a real game, you would have your ass handed to you rather quickly.

  3. Originally posted by aesopo123:

    You forget, you are playing on expert level and giving the ai plus two experience. I would like for you to go ahead and try your recommendation at this level.

    Have you been listening to anything we've been saying?

    Beating the AI on any level or experience is nothing compared to playing a real person, period.

    The AI is not only too predictable, but makes the same mistakes time and again. I can go into alot of detail on this but I'm not going to waste the time (since it's already been dicussed many times over the past two years, just do a search).

    Ask anyone, they will all tell you the same thing we just did.

  4. of French forces to UK territory, disbanding their naval units to get their MMPs, siting tight with the UK and doing max research on fighter tech.
    I'll admit that I used to do this at one point, but I quickly leanred that this is a fatal mistake.

    You let France fall too early against a experienced or avarage opponent and the game will be over before Russia even enters, you'll be cookie-cuttered to death.

    When Germany invades the USSR, haul your forces to form a defensive front along Moscow, to Stalingrad and Rostov.
    Why would you pull back so far so early, you only give the Axis free mpps.

    Last line of defense would be the ural mountains as they offer excellent terrain for defense. Your center will usuall by broken and concede into halving your army defending behind the urals and the stalingrad rostov river line.
    If the Germans have you back that far, chances are you've already lost the war.

    You may be able to defend the Urals for awhile but its nearly impossible to remained linked up with your Stalingrad - Rostov line (if it hasn't already been cutoff as it is).

    Regardless, if your pushed back that far, you will be overwelmed by Axis mpps while scratching the bottom of the barrel just to reinforce what you have left.

    Don't waste time going after Finland. It's not worth the MMPs and time.
    100% wrong with that one, if you can take it, go for it. Not only can you use the extra mpps, but it's also one less place the Germans can launch a major offensive against you, its one less place where you have to commit troops.

    By now, the UK would have about 5000 MMPs. Just pour it all on two generals and 10 air fleets and you are ready to rock.
    Another huge mistake that may very well lose you the war.

    Sending a untested Royal Air Force up against a very experienced Luftwaffe is a bad thing.

    All that Axis player has to do is operate his airfleets to the west along with Manstein and he will chew your ass.

    Yes, it would be one hell of a fight, but chances are, you will soon run into mpp problems with keeping you AFs reinforces and thats where he'll get you.

    Against the AI, your strategy may work, go up against a real person and you'll be cut to pieces.

    Comrade Trapp

    [ May 18, 2004, 11:16 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

  5. Originally posted by Panzer39:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kuniworth:

    May 17th,

    cup is cancelled due to Rambo's discovery that FOW-cheating is possible. Players can continue their games but the cup is dead.

    This is lame, why cancel the whole thing "in case" some one might be cheating. </font>
  6. You guys misunderstand me, you see, I motivate newbies to become better contributors to the forum and to become better people at life in general.

    Sometimes newbies become confused or misled and need a bright light to guide them through stormy seas, I am that bright light.

    I'm not hostile to newbies, I am a savior and a mentor for those in need and should be treated as such.

    Someday soon, this forum will become a utopia, my utopia, a blueprint for other forums to follow.

    Only then, will you understand.... ;)

    Anywho, heres my vote:

    2) Rambo

    3) Kuniworth

    4) Edwin P.

    5) I think weird is the wrong term to use, I say "most unique": Immer Etwas

    Really for any of the questions, I find it hard to choose just one person. I think everyone here contributes to the forum in their own way and makes it the great place that it is. Just my 2 cents......

    Comrade Trapp

  7. Originally posted by aesopo123:


    I'll take your heine and give you a good spanking! I'll take the 39 campaign on beginner level. Siberian transfer on, fog on, free french on, partisan on, entry for other countries random. No undo. If you are brave even to commit suicide of giving me two experience levels, I will take that too.

    Email me aesop123@hotmail.com anytime and you'll usually get a reply by the next day or if on the weekend maybe few.

    Your firing squad is ready...

    LOL!!! :D

    This has got to be the number 1 noob quote of all time.

    No worries young paladin, you'll learn..... ;)

  8. Originally posted by zappsweden:

    Comrade Trapp.

    Do not take it LIGHTLY to accuse someone of cheating openly. Instead of writing just 2 brief lines you could instead write some explanations with answers to questions (these questions for example).

    1) "Where were the 2 subs?"

    2) "What turn were they still unseen?"

    3) "What areas did you cover and how many french ships did u sell on turn one?"

    4) Did he raid the Atlantic?

    5) Were both subs raiding?

    6) Were the subs in a pack or spread out?

    You see, this is like the Hombre Plin debate. He said he got a FOW sniffer from Terif, he said ME used some cheat and IMO without a proper explanations (which he did not give since he left the debate quite soon) i think it is the ACCUSER who make a fool out of himself.

    What I am trying to say is, the guy who accuses must be informative and provide details, not be brief. Guilt has to be proven, not innocence.

    Another thing. How should the guy be able to explain/defend himself if you just give a vague statement?


    Your putting words into my mouth, I didn't accuse anyone of anything.

    I asked if this was the same guy who is able to do amazing things with the 2 Axis starting subs. I didn't say that person was Avatar because I'm not sure it was him, it may have been someone else.

    Furthermore, I have never accused anyone of cheating in the year in a half I've been here. So the accusation that I take these kind of things lightly is ridiculous.

  9. Comrade Trapp (Allies) concedes to dev0 (Axis).

    Haven't really had time to play lately and it looks like that won't be changing anytime soon. Regardless, the more I think about the game, the more I realize that dev0 had the upper hand due to a large surplus of MPPs.

    This was defiantly one of the most unique games I've played in a long time, it was a close game.

    It is summer of 1942, the Axis have control of every minor except for Turkey and have complete control of the Med.

    While they did take control of the Med, they paid dearly for every inch of it. The Italian Navy was destroyed with the exception of the sub, with no losses to me. And they were fighting with Allied forces (land)in the Med well into 1942.

    In Russia, they have only captured two cities and the front has turned into WWI fighting. They are advancing, but hex by hex every other turn, and have been losing units from occasional counter-attacks by Russian tanks. Russia has anti-tank + 3 with 5 chits and now has Finland.

    In the West, the US has 5 armies under Eisenhower with anti-tank +3 and heavy tanks + 2.

    I was in the process of building a 2nd Army Group with a combined force of 3 armies and 2 tanks under Patton, which would have been completed within a few turns.

    The problem was with Great Britain, the RAF was only made up of 3 AFs under Montgomery and I only had jets +1 (despite 5 chits towards it since the summer of 1940).

    Throughout the entire war, Great Britain and United States didn't loose a single ship, airfleet, HQ, or Army to enemy action while destroying the Italian Fleet (minus the sub) and the German Fleet (minus a cruiser).

    But in the end, I did have to repair severe damage to both the British Fleet and the RAF with MPPs I didn't have (even though I had MPPs coming in from Ireland).

    Even though I didn't loose any units to the enemy, the damage expences combined with the lack of available British MPPs, is what lost me the war.

  10. Originally posted by zappsweden:

    (This is from the official Ryder Cup topic).

    "This thread is NOT to be used for discussions or anything like that.

    In this thread will I as tourney-leader post teams and match results. Please respect this. I don't want any replies here."

    Dragonheart and Comrade Trapp. Please do not post in that other official thread. It is for the tournament leader (Kuniworth) posting info. Imagine what will happen if players start replying to your posts and stuff because then we will get a post floiding again and the purpose was to keep it nice and clean. You have now both succeeded to reply to that thread, please show some respect to Kuniworth i.e the guy running the tournament.

    Zappsweden >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT


    As I already said, in all fairness, Kuniworth's predictions should have been posted here and not in the official thread. People are going to reply to something like that.

    Now I have already said I wouldn't post there again. If someone else does it, that’s between you and them, not me.

    If Kuniworth has a problem with the 1 post I made there, he is more then welcome to contact me on ICQ where I'd be more then willing to apologize.

    As for you, you have no authority here. Don't think for a second that you have the power to talk down to me, you are not the tournament leader, quit trying to act like it.

    Comrade Trapp

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