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Everything posted by Headshot

  1. A lady office secretary wrote a small piece in Readers Digest a few years ago telling how one of the blokes from an adjoining room used to wander in,nod hello to her and her colleagues, and then go over to a filing cabinet in the corner,pull open a certain drawer,peer intently into it for several minutes without touching the contents,then reach in briefly,close it without removing anything and stroll nonchalantly out.Later another chap would saunter in and do the exact same procedure before leaving.The two men did this several times a day,every day,and eventually her curiosity got the better of her,so she opened the drawer and saw no paperwork in there at all,just a complete chessboard and pieces of a game in progress! :cool:
  2. Suggestion-I'd like the modders to always routinely include an "original" and "mod" screenshot where applicable,so we can judge whether we want to d/l it. Some of these modders are as good as Michelangelo and I salute them!
  3. And the bunker/pillbox mods are sheer works of art! (Edit-and how could I forget to mention the essential "Ruins Transparent" mod that lets you see inf lurking among the piles of fallen timbers?) [ December 21, 2002, 11:09 PM: Message edited by: Headshot ]
  4. Any of you hotshots living dangerously by clandestinely playing pbem or single-player CMBB at work right under the bosses nose, trying to look like you're working when he keeps glancing through the glass wall of his office across the room? Just wondered!
  5. Anybody remember the old Kampfgruppe computer game from the mid-1980's that set the wargame world alight,gosh how I loved that game!
  6. Most useful mods for me are the gridded terrains that place a faint 20metre square grid over the map,allowing subtle contours to be judged at a glance,as well as fast perspective and range assessments.Fantastic!
  7. Human opponent has to spot them first though,but what with if I've pinned his inf with arty far from my positions?
  8. 1-Hide German inf platoons in trenches just in front of each flag. 2-Pin the Russian inf down miles away from the flags with on or off-map arty. 3-The KV-1's will therefore have to try capturing the flags themselves. 4-At point-blank range order your hidden inf to pop up and throw grenades etc at the KV's. 5-Order your couple of 88Flaks to open up from the rear. (Note I take no German tanks at all) I win more one-player 1250pts QBs than I lose with these tactics despite buying a KV-1-heavy force for him. But how would I do against a human opponent ?!
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