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Everything posted by Terif

  1. Allied turn 4: Last sub sunk. Only 3 str. point losses in total for the french ships during the sub hunt LC still neutral - Denmark under air attack, but reinforced to 8 again. Since there are no battles, UK continues following its isolation politic (no troops for France...) and is spending its mpps for research.
  2. Allies turn 3: Nothing new in the west...german forces still busy in Poland and Denmark (transport sitting outside Kopenhagen, capital not surrounded, so it can reinforce until 8)...allied forces entrenching in France. Subs found again by french ships - one of them sunk by british battleships, the other sub reduced to 4 (french ships only slightly damaged)
  3. Allies turn 2: Germany still concentrates on Poland, so Allies have enough time to prepare their defences in the west . Both subs moved to Canada - adjacent to the port. Since a port can spot enemy units, all 3 french ships can attack the subs without taking own losses. Subs reduced to str 6 and 7 (1xdiving).
  4. Yes, this was really a very good and different game A long spanish campaign and battles all over the map from Norway over France, Spain, Westafrica, Sicily, Egypt up to Turkey, Russia and Finland....
  5. July 19, 1942: Axis surrender Russia goes in the offensive and retakes Kiev and Riga. Turkey is doomed (eastern city conquered, another 2 units destroyed. Russian transports in the eastern Med, Tripoli taken by UK forces. Heavy axis losses in France during the allied counterattack...Axis surrender
  6. The problem is you simply don´t have a chance agains UK in the air when they reach jets lv 3 since then their carriers become effective. To operate the AFs in the west is usually the beginning of the end for Axis . July 5, 1942: Russia: Russia DoWs Turkey. Istanbul taken by amphibious landings. In the east one border unit destroyed, the other 2 cut off and heavily damaged. Russia moves in with 2 full task forces (2 HQs + 10 combat units, mainly armies and tanks) France: Germany looses another 2 AFs in the battle. Allied forces retreat from Bordeaux after 4 rockets are in the neighbourhood. UK has no longrange, so the rockets have to move a bit more north so the UK AFs can reach them . Med: Malta occupied again after italian transports appear...transports attacked by UK cruiser.
  7. June 21, 1942: Russia: - Kiev abandoned...new defence positions at Kharkov-Sevastopol - still heavy battles around Minsk. The city stays russian Spain/Med: - US army in Gibraltar destroyed with the last attack. Portugal still allied. - As a compensation for Gibraltar Allies occupy Algier. Together with Tangier Allies hold Westafrica. France: - Axis operate new AFs into the battle...not a good idea: one of them gets destroyed in Bilbao again. US army occupies the city and attacks one of the rockets standing nearby, reducing it by 4 str points. Heavy attacks at Bordeaux.
  8. May 31, 1942: Russia: - Finland surrenders - too many rockets near Odessa, so Russia decides to abandon it and retreat behind the next river - heavy battles around Minsk Spain/Med: - Evacuation successful, only one last US army in Gibraltar. But since it is only str 4 now, it may be destroyed next turn - Malta liberated, several allied ships moving east in the Med France: - Allies destroy 2 german airfleets near Bordeaux and in Bilbao (Spain) - Bordeaux and Paris under attack by US armies. Reinforcements arrive in Brest and Brussel
  9. May 3, 1942: Russia: - Helsinki under attack - german army destroyed near Minsk, rocket under attack - heavy battles between Kiev and Odessa Spain/Med: - Portugal still allied, US armies embarking at Gibraltar, only 2 of them left in Spain. No US losses so far. - naval battle, last italian battleship destroyed. German air in Sicily - UK ships attack it and bombard Tripoli, allied transports in the Med looking for open cities... France: - Invasion started: US forces land massively around Brest supported by HQs and several UK and US AFs.
  10. April 5, 1942: - Rockets attacking around Minsk and Odessa, heavy battles in the south, german corps survives at str 1 - Finland: corps destroyed, russian units approaching Helsinki - LC liberated - naval battle near Algier. Italian battleship and a corps transport destroyed. Allied transports swarming around in the Med... - Madrid still allied, but it´s expected to fall next turn since german air and rockets are now in range.
  11. March 3, 1942: - US ships don´t leave the Med, but attack Algier...UK ships on the way as reinforcements - Madrid and Valencia still allied, US armies build a defence line between Portugal and Gibraltar - Finland attacked, one border army destroyed. Only minor battles at the other russian fronts...german rockets probably are moving forward to come into range - heavy airbattles over France, 3 german AFs responding - UK develops jets Lv 3
  12. January 11, 1942: - Allies DoW Portugal: several US armies landed and destroyed the defender. Portugal surrenders - at the moment a solid allied defence line south of Madrid - italian navy retreated, bombardement of Valencia successfully stopped - finally Iraq surrenders to the axis invaders - landed axis army and corps between Riga and Leningrad killed by russian armies, trench warfare in the south, minor battles around Minsk - Brest conquered - Rocket unit in Brussel attacked by several allied AFs and damaged - UK and Russia advance to jet lv 2. Now Germany, USA, UK and Russia have all the same jet technology
  13. November 30, 1941: - a german army near Odessa destroyed, one romanian oilfield occupied, army transport near Leningrad under russian air attack - italian armies approaching Madrid, 2 german AFs in France - US battleships attack in the Med, damaging an italian battleship and reducing a corps transport to 5
  14. Not much german units in Russia - bombarding London and buying all those rockets was obviously expensive : - Only 5 armies, 2 tanks, 5 corps and a minor army attacking on the ground (6 AFs + 2 rockets in the air) - 4 russian armies, both tanks and 2 airfleets escape - 2 additional armies maybe. - italians attacking in Spain supported by a HQ Jet turn for Allies...: Finally UK researches Jets lv 1, simultaneously with Russia jets 1 and USA lv 2. [ August 13, 2004, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]
  15. Sorry, no AA tech for UK...and no jets (4 chits, researching since 1.5 years...), no longrange... But a HQ supported corps in London is a very tough nut (not an easy target like russian corps in the open field..), so german air only casually scores a hit every third attack (expected losses 0) but the air looses in average 2 str points each attack...so Germany looses something around 200 mpps each turn with these fruitless attacks
  16. End of July 1941 Allies have to leave their training site in Bergen - german air appeared in Norway. Still 5+ german AFs and several rockets bombarding London without much success except heavy losses for the german AFs Readiness: USA: 81% Russia: 75%
  17. The german AFs have to be very weak now - they got hits with nearly every attack in the past turns and didn´t reinforce. The UK corps in London got only 3 hits - most of them from rockets. UK navy and carriers went into their trainingscamp at Bergen, bombarding a german corps...
  18. Allies preparing defences in England...6 german AFs + several rockets bombarding London and port. Still no jets for Allies.
  19. March 1941: - Beirut abandoned, defender makes harakiri - Bulgaria joined - Greece attacked by Axis, capital conquered, german AF in Albania attacked by a greek army - Germany researched Jets lv 2, UK still at lv 0
  20. January 5, 1941: - Time to leave the dangerous place at Beirut...all allied planes fly back to England...only a last corps left for defence - Bergen abandoned too, german armies approaching... - Hungary joined
  21. November 26, 1940: - the earliest date axis minors can join is November 1940 : and Romania already joins at the first opportunity. - italian army transport outside Beirut reduced to str 3 by 2 UK AFs. Suez will be lost next turn, only a str 2 corps is defending now against several italian armies and 4 german AFs
  22. October 27, 1940: - Sweden surrenders - 4 german AFs kill the defender of Alexandria (no airfights, allied air is safe near Beirut) - Alexandria is lost, but the last allied units kill again a landed italian corps.
  23. September 1940: - Bergen liberated - Sweden attacked by Axis - both italian battleships retreat (in the meantime they are reduced to str 5 and 6) - 3 UK AFs in Egypt, landed italian army destroyed, italian corps transports still under air bombardement.
  24. August 4, 1940: - only 1 AF attacked from Sicily, so there were only slight damages at an UK battleship...allied task force retreating to Gibraltar - italian army lands near Suez and gets immediately attacked by 2 defending allied corps - 2 UK AFs bombard an italian corps transport outside Suez, 2 italian battleships attack the UK AF near Alexandria and take additional damages.
  25. July 21, 1940: - In the allied counterattack Italy lost 1 cruiser, 1 battleship and a sub. Since several german airfleets are in Sicily some allied naval losses are expected. - Brest abandoned - 3 german AFs in the neighbourhood... - Beirut liberated, italian army transport near Alexandria attacked by UK air, an italian battleship attacked the AF and took 2 hits in return.
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