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Posts posted by Hueristic

  1. Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

    As for ranks:

    I like the name idea as opposed to the Number system, however there is one change i'd make.

    Allied Rank: Major

    Axis Rank: General der Infantrie*

    That way the people that play more on allies will only have a higher rank for the ALLIES, same with mostly axis players.

    CvM (Feldmarschall und Brigadier General (1 star))

    Yes I like that seperate ranks for seperate sides. Good one. I will be Von Private/Major lol
  2. Originally posted by Reepicheep:

    I would be interested in joining; but I don't play with TCP/IP- just e-mail. If that's not all right, I understand. (But I presume a turn checker would be for PBEM- not TCP/IP?)

    Would not be needed for PBEM just rename the files as turn numbers.
  3. Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

    Mr H --

    Sweet -- you'll kick back and wait -- !! I was under the impression we'd both be looking and would fill each other in, and all that -- now it seems we've both kicked back (you didn't think I was really searching for this stuff did you?) and are waiting for results nobody's looking for! So let me rephrase it. If, through some unlikely miracle, some of this stuff falls into my lap, which I doubt, I'll be more than pleased to share it with you and I presume likewise.

    LMAO ahh my Lazy streak will be the end of me smile.gif
  4. Originally posted by Kuniworth:

    Of course I edited my posts. I do it all the time, but why would I accuse JerseyJohn of sayin things when we all know that leads to banning???

    It is obvious that he has and will learn nothing :( if it wasn't for the childish attempts at denial i would have wiped my posts. He need to be judged.
  5. Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


    It seems to me you are suggesting a totally random set-up of the five major powers with each player being able to negotiate his own alliance.

    I certainly think that is on topic.

    That would be a great addition or expansion scenerio or i dunno what it would be called but i'd love to see how it played out.
  6. Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

    Interesting thread.

    Well even though it's not actually SC realated I'm intrigued. This an aspect of History i am truley unfamiliar with. Thx Jersey for the info. Got any quick refeneces i can check out? I am not running to a boockstore BTW. Links are better. smile.gif
  7. Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


    Here's a thought, go back and edit your last two posts and remove all off-topic items.

    I really think this thread can be useful to Hubert and if it gets locked down for turning into a flamefest it would show tremendous disrespect for a class guy.

    No hard feelings to either-we can repair this.

    How about going back and reading what posts have been edited as you can see MINE have not. And normally i would but i've seen far too much of this crap from this guy. You think he would have learned after moon locked down his batch of Topics.
  8. Originally posted by Liam:


    Only an idiot goes out to purify a race that is already 60-80% slavic anyways! All us brown eyed brown haired people have slav in us just about. Look at Hitler, he looks downright Polish/Jewish to me!

    LMAO Soo true he had Jewish and i believe it was Austrian in his heritage lol.

    BUT in commenting on "What If's" I would like to see a 39 scenerio without Poland Being Activated and readiness values modified accordingly.

    What if Germany does not start there? Would this game start with Dec on Poland first turn or not?

  9. Originally posted by Kuniworth:


    Is it true that you told everyone about me and Rambo beeing gay??? :confused:

    What the hell does this have to do with this TOPIC? You have to be one the most instigating individuals i've ever seen. Man stick to a topic. U got ISSUES then go to email.


  10. Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

    What would be the feeling of establishing a league based (due to time zone differences) on geographical location?

    Maybe before establishing a league on anything we should establish a "Player List" with time zones and contact info first? Just a suggestion.
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