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Posts posted by Richie

  1. Andreas,

    I think you go to great pains to non-politisize the photos and in that you have done a great job. If people are unable to see that, then they themselves have their own issues to deal with.

    My wife works in the pre press printing industry, her boss served two tours in Vietnam with the Australian Regular Army and has just released a book entitled 'My Vietnam' of his own (and other peoples) photos taken whilst in Vietnam.

    The book, like your grandfathers (and other peoples) photos, is non political. It is a pictorical diary of his and others experiences whilst serving their country. The photos depict their lives and the conditions they had to deal with while at war, but mostly it shows people, like all of us, their mates and their environment.

    There is definitely a place in this world for a book like that of your Grandfathers (and others) photos. I'll be waiting eagerly.... (one day?) smile.gif

  2. A follow command sounds great !!! :D

    Surely when we move a platoon of men through the woods and we micromanage the move with many waypoints, making sure the squads don't stray too far from each other, maintaining an even gap between squads of say, 20m, (skipping every fallen log and hiding behind every tree tongue.gif ), just in case, aren't we compromising reallity because we have an overview of the whole battle and we CAN micromanage every event along one squads path?

    Andreas highlights the chaos on the battlefield and how squads did stray and lose contact.

    That's reallity :D

    I guess I'm just asking for a chainsaw instead of an axe. (bad analogy? :eek: )

    You still get the job done, you can still see the chips fly, but it just ain't as much hard work getting there. ;)

    It's a question of TOOLS isn't it?

    About reducing double handling and increasing playability.

    So I ask, not even one group command waypoint?

    When is CMAK due out?

  3. I can't but help agree with Scarhead about convoy movement. I'm also looking at the membership #'s of the fella's in this discussion and there seems to me to be some "deep rooted" disagreements on the fundamental objective of the game from people who have been playing since Moses was a boy. tongue.gif

    I'm an ASL gamer from way back (bloody little fiddley cardboard effing counters :mad: ) and the objective I've come to believe we are all striving to achieve is REALITY. :D ASL is very cumbersome but it offers an excellent insight to squad level combat. From the massive campaigns to the quick battles it does this. COMBAT MISSION is no different. I find it to be an improvement of the ASL idea... (rumour has it ASL was its origins)

    Yes kmead, my example was oversimplified ;)

    If you gave the command to go directly to the farmhouse, no waypoint, across your fields then the platoon will surely be cut to pieces by those MG42's.

    However with the current group move you can still tailor the arrival points and could do on a group move with one waypoint, or you could command the men to make the group move using 'contact'.

    Surely the AI would stop the squad if they came under fire. Wouldn't the MG42's wait till half the squad was in the open before they opened up. Damn, I would.

    Really, no offence, but I feel your arguing about the way we play the game. I like to play larger battles where there is a plethora of microbattles going on. To me all the little battles together mean as much as the bigger picture. I love to see a platoon of men "reach the farmhouse" under fire and hold up, perhaps with a line of fire onto a road, cutting off resupply to maybe a company or two embroiled in fighting down the road. They struggle as they are counter attacked by precious forces diverted from the main battle, but they're line of fire to that road stops any trucks getting through.

    I just don't think I need to lay a path for every squad as they skirt the woods and dash across to the farmhouse. :rolleyes:

    Yeah, a few dudes are going to buy it, but they would anyway if there's an MG42 nest hidden and waiting.

    kmead, you describe at length what you like to play and why. Please appreciate the fact that others don't neccesarily feel bound by the limitations you describe. I work shift work and I often have a few hours to kill. I like a campaign or two. It works for me. So to be able to move a platoon to a farm house through some woods rather than a group move across a field only increases the realism and playability for me. smile.gif

  4. I'm not sure how to post a screen shot but on each successive barrage the rockets would panic the men. On two occasions my troops were caught assaulting through open ground and one squad lost 7 men :( , Chris will love this, excellent scenario though. I didn't lose my Pz IV's thankfully but in truth I feel the damage has been done. Over my OB I lost maybe 3 squads in all. You know, I kept thinking, "No WHY??.... No, come on Richie, the next one won't fall short..... THE HORROR......." :rolleyes:

    [ May 25, 2003, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: Richie ]

  5. I'm Australian, or Ostrayien as some of the locals badly pronounce it , but you guys can call me "Digger" any old time. I'd just like to point out that 'Fritz', in Adelaide where I come from, refers to a composite meat product abreviated from the term 'Bung Fritz', and we call Englishmen "pommies" and they don't really like it. Probably because of the cricket or something... :D

  6. "I suspect those of you asking for this feature probably play large battles with hordes of units. I have played some of them but generally find them to be a somewhat tiresome clickfest trying to properly manage the units."

    As posted by kmead

    Hey, no offence but really...

    You've never tried to recreate a large battle or are you saying the system isn't up to it?

    Battles large or small don't have to be gamey...

    "Oright men, I want you to skirt the woods and then head west to that farm house. Thats the rally point. Any Questions?"

    Not even one waypoint? ;)

  7. Besides, the Panther is fast and mobile. It can take a hit or two without brewing up (if used correctly, in pairs) With a bit of infantry support there isn't much you can't do. It's nice to know you can exchange a few rounds at range with most other tanks out there and most times come out alive.

    Except for the Jabo's... :mad:

    And that damned Tungsten...

  8. What you say is true Sergei. I do have numerous books tucked away in boxes and I should load my brain first. :rolleyes: I'm aware of the improved performance over the Tiger I's 88 and of the fact that the Panthers gun slightly improved on the PaK 40 etc... Can someone enlighten me on a couple of points. How heavy were the shells for the L/70 (surely it's easier to chuck them about than the shells for the Kwk 36 L/56) and were the shells retro compatable between guns, say with the L/48? I know storage was a little more on the Tiger I despite the larger shell.

  9. There's several reasons why Warmaker's so right.

    The Germans may have developed the best tank tactics prior to and during the beginning of WW 2, but the appearence of the T34 clearly displayed the lack of progress in German tank design. (yes, yes bar the Tiger) So to a certain degree they were playing catch up. The Tiger, whilst an excellent tank is quite heavy, hard on spares and slow to build. The Panther on the other hand weighed less, was a less complex design and easier to build. It also utilised the exsisting 75mm based on the Pak 40, simplifying production once again. Truth is, they couldn't build enough of them by that stage of the war anyway, Too little Too late. :(

    And the allies, well it's got to be the T34 doesn't it. Lovely sloped armor. Mass production at it's finest and easily upgradable. (just pop on another turret with a bigger gun) :D

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