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Posts posted by Richie

  1. I'm trying to varify if any the King Tigers of SS Panzer Abteilung 501 attached to Kampfgruppe Peiper actually reached Stoumont. Clearly they reached La Gleize... but did any of them actually see action in Stoumont?

    Information from here details every tank destroyed by the 90mm's of the 143rd as King Tigers... but I find this unlikely. :(

    Information from here lists no King Tigers taking part in the actual assault on Stoumont. :rolleyes:

    Does anyone have any documentation of their use at Stoumont? :confused:

    Cheers, Richie

  2. "Kokoda: The Track and the History"

    "Kokoda is the name of a Village at the foot of northern edge of the Owen Stanley Ranges, Papua New Guinea (PNG). It is the start of a very famous National Walking Trail crossing the Owen Stanley's on a North-South lateral over some of the most difficult terrain in the world. It is known as the "Kokoda Trail" and referred to often as "the track", which is colloquial Australian for a rough or unformed path or road.

    The trail is 90 kilometres in length between Kokoda and Ower's Corner, just 42 kilometres north of Port Moresby (the capital of PNG). It ascends up to nearly 3,000m (7,000ft) at its highest, plunging up and down, sometimes 1,000m to 2,000 m at a time, see-sawing its way over the mountain ranges. Distance is measured in time rather than kilometres.

    Passing through high altitude rain forests, thick jungles, along knife edge ridges down into dank, dark, morose creeks or crossing wide raging torrents at the valley floors. Crossing these obstacles by either wet, slippery and treacherous logs, fording them up to your neck in chilly mountain waters or using temporary and rudimentary native bridges.

    The Kokoda walking trail, is a 2,000 year old communications path between the villages over the mountains. This was also the battleground for one of the most bitter and savagely contested campaigns of the South Pacific in World War II (WWII). The Campaign was Officially referred to by the War Nomenclatures Committee as the battle of the "Kokoda Trail", hence the appearance of that name in Official records and on Regimental Banners of units that fought there."

    This would be a write up I copied and pasted from

    HERE to do with the well known film by Damien Parer, "Kokoda Front Line" that won an academy award in 1943...

    but, however you like it.


    Boots & Trails

    [ May 26, 2004, 02:02 PM: Message edited by: Richie ]

  3. Man...

    I sold my Flat Top 15 years ago... A few days later, it was the saddest thing I ever did... :(

    When I was about 12 years old...? My old man took me to a 'Hobby Store' for my birthday. Man, I've always loved WW II. I grew up with Hogans Heroes, Rat Patrol and all those English naval movies from the 40's and 50's. I saw Flat Top and I read the back of the box and said "I WANT THIS!"

    15 years on and I still can't understand why I sold it... There'll always be a little piece inside me that misses it... young and stupid!

    If Modern Navy Battles, WWII at Sea turns out anything like it, anything at all, I'll be hooked!

    It really was intense!



  4. I think you are probably right!

    I guess I'm asking whether Modder's would have any objection to designers picking and choosing. With 'Battle For The Reichstag' you can down load my Instant Reichstag Mod.

    I'm wondering whether prolific designers such as Juju or Mikey D, 'for example', and others, because there are so many that spend countless hours Modding doing such an excellent job, would have ANY objection to a designer picking and choosing and recommending.

    You know, Mods for a Uniform, Mods for buildings, Mods for a specific vehicle, Mods for the time of year, Mods for a theatre of combat... etc.

    eg: 'This scenario would be best with....'

    (There's so much excellent Modding material out there...)


    Boots and Tracks

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