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Andre Bolkonsky

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    Houston, TX

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  1. Why do people keep screaming for some new patch? The game works great. Now, perhaps, a unit or two need to be repositioned to balance a campaign; but that is directly related to the campaign editor, not the code. My question is whether or not there will be newly balanced campaigns released after 1.06 has a chance to marinate a while; and who will be in charge of producing them?
  2. On the off chance it gets a reply, I'm bumping this back to the top.
  3. 1- What are the rules concerning partisan placement? Does Germany need to sustain every hex with a zoc, or a 2-hex radius zoc? Does HQ radius play a part? Do Partisans drop onto the board if there are insufficient hexes, or combat points, present? 2-Italian triggers; I am playing in a game where UK operates her fighter out of malta, and the French north african moves into Malta on t-1. Yet, no Italy? What gives? [ January 05, 2003, 02:48 PM: Message edited by: Andre Bolkonsky ]
  4. You see the title of your post? It is the answer to your question. These ARE the French you are talking about. They will surrender to an old woman weilding a loaf of bread if the wind is blowing from the proper direction. They collaborate with their occupiers, then claim to be a member of the underground when they are liberated! Lucky Pierre, I say "Boo!" to you. I don't like their surrender habits either, but what are you going to do?
  5. It would be the greatest case of schizophrenia since Smeagol met Gollum.
  6. Now you are discussing playing Axis and Allies in college? Last time around you claimed to be 13 in resonse to a 14 year old. I don't think its a question of who can beat you, Rambo. I think its more of a question who can tolerate your bull**** long enough to play a game with you. [ December 16, 2002, 05:15 AM: Message edited by: Andre Bolkonsky ]
  7. So the Italians operated to the Aquatiane and embarked out of sight of the English, correct? As one cannot penetrate the Strait without first reducing Gibraltar (And you can't reduce Gibraltar, easily, without conquering Spain). Cute strategy. Where was the Royal Navy and the RAF during all of this? BTW, in the novel "Rambo" , Rambo dies. Stallone's revisionism was the only thing keeping him alive.
  8. I am uncertain that it is only Moscow which triggers the Siberians. I was playing a game, and was mopping up the Riga-Minsk-Kiev line when they unexpectedly appeared in one game. Russia had few troops left at the time, as I caught most them in a pretty good pincer wrapped around the back side of the Priapet marshes. Perhaps it is a summation of Russian losses OR proximity to Moscow. I don't know.
  9. Additionally, I am also in favor of airborne units, but I am not too far wrong in stating the historical record would yeild only ONE paratroop counter on the entire board throughout the entire war when played at Corps/Army scale. If Hubert adds paratroopers, he better make them DAMN expensive!. And for that much effort, leaving them out also makes perfect sense.
  10. I am very pleased with the way this game handles rivers. With some skill and planning, they become excellent defensive barriers that hold up quite well. However, (with all due respect), having worked on several games in the past, I have one suggestion for many gamers on this forum: Learn to work the rules instead of demanding the rules be reworked for you.
  11. Looks great, I'm eager to give it a shot. Well done.
  12. HFF, Very well said. I concur with your above statement concerning the war of synchophants v. critics. I've seen it before, it is very much like you have described.
  13. OK, According to the release notes on 1.06, it states that to prevent excessive exportation of troops that France would surrender the turn France falls without a possibility of a counterattack. Fine, Lucky Pierre is a Surrender Monkey; I have no problem with that. My question lies in the Free French, which I thought had been eliminated but must have been mistaken. Seemingly, no fleets survive the Vichy transformation. But the French air fleet and the "north africa to Malta" corps moved into position do survive. So, am I correct in now assuming that what France can get to English soil still goes Free French? Everything else, fleets and units being transported, just dissolve? My thanks in advance.
  14. A good set of questions. I'll be interested to hear many of the answers.
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