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Posts posted by Charlie901

  1. Here's the modules website 'overview page'


    A veritable smorgasbord of equipment! :D The one small addendum is needed, the M15 and M15A1 HT have been merged into sharing a common model since they were functionally identical. On the other end, mention of 'Panther A' refers to two types, Jpz IV refers to three types, Tiger I gets two later versions, mention of SPW 251 HT refers to 12(!) different types. I haven't compared, this module may turn out to be larger than the basegame!

    Heavy Panzerjäger Company (Elefant)


  2. Do I have to DL and install the Modpack to be able to use the new features when playing the default game?

    Anotherwords if I DL someone else's work via an add-on map with new objects/buildings/vehicles will I have to have the Modpack to be able too see use the new goodies?

    Or will the usermade maps and vehicles be placeable seperately too be able to paly missions with them and or/see use them.

    IF so the Modpack is just for creating new content and not a mandatory install as we will be able to seperately DL the Mooding Gurus awesome work! Yes/No?


  3. I'm thinking of pulling the trigger on this one but am wondering if the Campaigns still play exactly the same as in ToW1?

    I really dispise the linear beat one mission to go on to the next scripted mission (all or nothing) game play.

    So, do the Campaigns branch in mission structure or are they a limited set of linear missions that cycle in a pre-scripted order no matter what?

    IIRC CMSF has a somewhat branching main campaign depending on how you perform from one battle to the next and you may have too play on the same map or part of the same map also depending on how you do.

    These linear/scripted campaign missions remind me of why I hate main stream Historical RTS titles...

  4. The Plan Sounds Great!!!

    I'll probably pass on the first WWII Title (as tempting as it sounds) unless the Normandy Beach Invasions are modelled (I'm a sucker for amphibious assaults).

    I'm more interested in the WWII late war, winter and western front units and weapons....

    I guess you could say I've had my fill of the summertime "Hedgerow" battles. :)

  5. But would you want to wait six more weeks for the Marines module to just get bridges?

    Especially when several scenario designers have proved that you can do pretty good ones now with a little work.

    George Mc's Cry havoc comes immediately to mind.

    Yes I would wait...

    Especially, given the fact that the new Maries Module is an add-on for a game build that is already outdated and going to be replaced with a newer version (that can simulate water/bridges) with it's own add-on modules.

    I just don't see the point in continuing to spend my money on Modules for a non upgradable game that has it's replacement being worked on...

    It's like running out to purchase an add-on for TOW 1 when TOW 2 is just around the corner with advancements that can't be retro fitted to the original TOW game.

  6. Wow...

    This is depressing news indeed!

    It seems like the new CM(SF)X2 series has devolved into the TOW 2 fiasco... (i.e. In order to put soldiers into buildings you have to buy a new and improved game in a different/smaller theater, with fewer units rather than expanding on the original title).

    I was really hoping (beyond hope I guess) that we could get water/bridges via another paid for add-on for this series, in this theater, with the current units. I'm not interested in buying a whole seperate CM Modern warfare game with different units/theater to get bridges/water as I'm planning on concentrating on the WWII series and moduals when it becomes availible.

    Instead, as I understand it I will have to buy the New Improved "CM:SFx2 Build 2" series modern battle game to get bridges and water. :(

    I guess I was wrong in my initial impression that the CMSF series could be continued with added features/moduals without being dropped altogether, ala CMx1.

    What's the point of adding onto CM:SF and selling additional moduals if the Devs have already decided to move forward from CM:SF cause it's too hard to retrofit water and bridges; so a newer better game build is on the horizon (with another Marines Modual I suspect). Unless you consider CM:SF a purchasable "Alfa Build" this makes no sense.

    Maybe, I should skip the "Marines Modual" and wait for the new Modern Warfare CM:SF game engine that allows water and bridges?

    ... or maybe I should have skipped CM:SF altogether since a much more complete and obviously better game, simulating Modern Warfare, is on the Horizon. :(

    I really can't see how this makes good business sense and encourages customer loyalty?

    Again, I strongly support BattleFront and thoroughly enjoy their products but am extremely disappointed with the non-backward compatability of the water/bridges and feel it will definately shorten the life of this particular title.

  7. First let me say that I'm a total CM fan and BattleFront suporter. :)


    I keep hearing that water/bridges won't be added to the CMX2 series until the WWII game versions...

    I will be really dissapionted if this is fact true. I really am enjoying the modern battlefield for a change and really crave the extra tactical element of having Bridge over water, simulating ambushes/battles.

    I really want to play some maps where U.S. troops get bogged down by a Syrian ambush, across a bridge, from a town on the other side. Maybe even having the road/bridge minned in between...Drool!!!

    This was a recurrent problem for U.S. Troops in Iraq in their initial push to Bagdad (from what I've seen/read) and really want to simulte it in the CMSF game. What better way to funnel an enemy force into an ambush than forcing them to cross a single bridge where your guns/artillery are trained/sighted in.

    I know that the terrain can probably be modded to make a steep gully with a narrow dirt road crossing it but it just is'nt the same as an actual long bridge spanning an impassable river.

    Please tell me that an upcomming Modual will be able to add this in?

  8. You know why the Higgs Bosun is called the God particle don't you? They've been looking for it for 40 years and now it's "God where IS it.".

    Well, the module's like that - except it will be out in September.

    Did anyone pin down the year..?

    Actually the physicst who theorized the "Higgs Bosun" particle wanted to call it the "Godd@m Particle" (because it's been so hard to proving it's existence) but the author of the book wouldn't allow it, hence the term "The God Particle".

    Just read it in a news story the other day. :)

  9. Still bummed about the no water thing though...

    Was hoping for some amphibous assaults...

    Oh well...

    Pete's something of a genius with the scenario editor. I've seen his mod in action and it'll be THE mod to have when he uploads his marsh to water mod to CMMODS. You'll really FEEL like you've got water in the game and this mod will serve the community very well until BFC do it properly in the first of the WW2 modules early next year.

    BTW, I've seen this mission and you bet your ass that there'll be fantastic amphibious assault missions made using this mod. I'm DEFINITELY going to do one for my own Marine campaign.

    Do the soldiers walk on the water though...or bail out and sit/stand on top of the modded water tiles; do they behave exactly as they would on land?

  10. Hey,

    Apart from RTFF ;)

    - No water (probably untill CMx2 WWII)

    - Core assets will be carried over (like now), dont know about experience being gain ?

    - There will be a new campaign which is sort of dynamic. Probably similar like the TF Thunder campaign but with a bit more dynamic aspects.

    Did you play TF Thunder campaign?

    It has dynamic components. Any losses to Core assets will be visible in future missions. The next mission can depend on the succes of your previous missions.

    Great thanks...

    Still bummed about the no water thing though...

    Was hoping for some amphibous assaults...

    Oh well...

  11. Originally posted by Peter Cairns:

    Me I'd talk to the Islamic courts and the Taliban and try to bring them in to a national government, with the help of the Saudi's.



    I could see it now....

    The National Taliban Goverment could finally join the Olympics in the Dive Board Hangings Competition, in an empty olympic swimming pool.

    The Taliban themselves have show themselves to be nothing more than brutal animals and as underserving of a National Goverment as anyone in the World!!!

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