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Dr. Rosenrosen

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Everything posted by Dr. Rosenrosen

  1. Hi, I'm currently getting creamed in a CMAK PBEM game. I wonder what's the best way to minimize my defeat at the end of the game. Here's the situation: I have about a platoon of healthy infantry reserves left. I have no hope of getting the flag and if I try to do anything with them, they'll be slaughtered. Should I send them into combat and hope to take a few enemies out in a blaze of glory? That way I'll get the casualty points for the kills, although he would then get the points for wiping me out as well. I thought that this might be preferable to a surrender where he would get points for taking all those prisoners. (Am I correct that you get more points for taking a prisoner than inflicting a casualty?) In other words, should you only surrender when you have as few men as possible to take prisoner, or is it best to minimize your losses and surrender when it is clear that there is no hope? Do end of game prisoners count the same as prisoners taken during the game?
  2. No problem. I have a Photoshop action to do it very easily, so let me know if there are other terrains that you would like gridded and I can do it quickly.
  3. This is cool, but I'm playing it in media player and I'm getting both audio tracks. How do I turn one off?
  4. Not to add too much work for you, but I suspect that there is a random chance event thrown in there also. In some of my own hotseat testing of scenarios, I've had some hiding infantry be spotted while others less than 10m away in the same terrain were able to remain hidden.
  5. Thanks for the help. I created my own gridded terrain thanks to Photoshop automation. I posted more details in this thread. Dr. Rosenrosen
  6. Hi there, I couldn't find a gridded terrain mod for the sand and arid rocks terrains. All of the ones that I found were hosted on CMMODS, which is currently down. I'm probably duplicating others' efforts here, but I made my own. I thought I'd host them somewhere besides CMMODS in case there are others out there like me. Click here to go to my download page. Sand Terrain <a target="_" href="http://abacus.bates.edu/~bpfohl/sandlarge.jpg"> Click to see full size.</a> Arid Rocks Terrain <a target="_" href="http://abacus.bates.edu/~bpfohl/rockslarge.jpg"> Click to see full size.</a> Dr. Rosenrosen [ May 01, 2005, 11:19 PM: Message edited by: Dr. Rosenrosen ]
  7. Thanks. Anyone know what the file names are for the desert terrain? I may just do a grid terrain on my own.
  8. I'm looking for some gridded terrain mods for CMAK and all of my searching points me to cmmods, which seems to be down. Any mirrors or other sources for gridded terrain? I read that some CMBB grids might work for CMAK. How do I transfer my CMBB grids to CMAK (i.e. which files names are compatible)?
  9. I'll also play a PBEM if you want to send me a setup. Also no preferences.
  10. I have a question about ambush tactics that occured to me while playing as the Germans in the CMAK demo Line of Defense. I had that nice antitank gun on the side of the map overlooking an open area. I knew that the allies had multiple AFVs, so I set a cover arc so that it wouldn't open fire at the first approaching vehicle. It worked quite well initially. The AI brought in 3 light tanks at the same time and gave me good side shots. The problem is that during this turn, additional allied tanks showed up. I opened up and took out the 3 light tanks. However, the other tanks pinned then knocked out the gun in the same turn. It was a case of biting off more than I could chew. Hence the conundrum. If I shoot too early, I give away my position and miss out on some targets that I might have had (and/or force myself to fire at less optimal distances/angles). If I wait too long, there are too many targets for me to take out and they destroy my gun very quickly. The same conundrum exists with infantry, MG kill zones as well. Shoot at the first opportunity and it's not an ambush. Wait too long and the ambusher gets overwhelmed. Any suggestions on how to deal with these situations? I thought a more "keyholed" ambush might be better, although you are then greatly limiting the number of targets you can take out before revealing your position. On the other hand, at least the ambusher isn't immediately slaughtered.
  11. We should spend at least as much on education as on direct military technology. If we don't have an educated population, we won't have the best researchers and technicians.
  12. You have to chop them up very finely and get large rolling papers
  13. Thanks for the testing, KingFish. It seems that Glider is right that TC kills don't count. I guess if the sharpshooter picks off the crew after the tank is disabled, he get the kill credit. But if the tank is still alive then the crew don't count as individuals.
  14. I thought that CMBO had the fog of war problem even with the after game casualty stats, but that it was fixed in CMBB. I wonder if it's back in the CMAK demo, at least in part. (I checked the crews and all were missing men. On the other hand, most of them met a firey death at the hands of my Tiger, so it's hard to say whether it's from the sharpshooter or not.)
  15. I was playing as axis in the demo scenario Line of Defense. (Very nice scenario BTW!) At the end after the FOW had been lifted, my sharpshooter had 0 kills. However during the game, I distinctly heard the cry of agony as his shots took out at least 5 enemy TCs. Is this a bug in the demo, or do the TCs sometimes cry out in pain when the button up even if they aren't hit?
  16. Hi gang, After more then a year long pause from CM (and most other games), I finally ordered CMAK. While I wait for it to arrive in the mail, regal me with stories about the improvements compared to the previous incarnations of CM. I've read the official changes (dust clouds, etc.), but what changes have made the biggest difference in gameplay or enjoyment for you? I'll start with something I noticed in the demo. Those American squads seem to have lots more ammo and tank busting power than the poor ruskies did.
  17. Askovdk's suggestions are indeed a good solution to the problem. Thanks for the reference, Gpig!
  18. I like to buy troops for both sides when I play against the AI in a QB. I find that it increases the challenge since the AI has a habit of buying stupid vehicles or items completely inappropriate to the map. However, it's not as much fun when I know exactly what the enemy has (number of guns, tanks, etc.) I tried to use the Casualty option for the AI's units. That way some of the units will be removed and I never know exactly how much guns, etc will end up on the map. The drawback is that all of their infantry units end up depleted as well. Is there a way to have casualties affect just the number of units that appear and not the quality of the units that remain? How big of a detriment is it to have depleted squads? (I assume that a depleted squad costs fewer points so that they can at least have more of them.)
  19. Along these lines, is it best to get conscript rocket arty spotters if you are just going to use them as a preplanned barrage? It is my thinking that the only liability of a conscript spotter is the increased delay time, which becomes irrelevant for preplannned attacks. Are there other drawbacks (accuracy, for example)?
  20. Hi all, Perhaps I'm just overlooking the incredibly obvious, but is there somewhere online or in the files with the CMAK demo that outlines the changes from CMBB to CMAK? I've seen the features list online which includes stuff about the increased map sizes and the new vehicle models, but I was hoping for a more detailed list of differences for the experienced CMBO/CMBB player. Does such a thing exist? If so, where? Thanks, Dr. Rosenrosen
  21. Hi all, Perhaps I'm just overlooking the incredibly obvious, but is there somewhere online or in the files with the CMAK demo that outlines the changes from CMBB to CMAK? I've seen the features list online which includes stuff about the increased map sizes and the new vehicle models, but I was hoping for a more detailed list of differences for the experienced CMBO/CMBB player. Does such a thing exist? If so, where? Thanks, Dr. Rosenrosen
  22. Based on my version of the movie, which doesn't give me a "gun hit" message or anything, I agree that it was the mortar. The ATR and the tank were each targeting each other, with that thick red line. The tank fires and misses. The ATR fires and the targeting line remains red for both. A few seconds later, a mortar shell explodes BEHIND the tank and the line simultaneously goes yellow for the tank, indicating that he is targeted by but no longer targeting the ATR. It seems like that's when the gun must have been damaged. I would have bet on the ATR, too. But there it is. Dr. Rosenrosen
  23. Actually the 3 KV2s are part of the operation, so it's really not my opponent who is gamey for having those beasts. And since the operation is so much fun and so well balanced, I'm not going to slight the designer at all either. Dr. Rosenrosen
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