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Posts posted by Some_God

  1. I think the admins are going to be all over you like a fly on sh*t... I kind faded away since you left but I came back like a month ago. Kurt88 is becoming "The Man." I remember him when he was a nubby and I was beating him down in games...

  2. In my journey to get more people playing CMAK, I have released a second AAR on CMAK. This report has includes two games, and has Tigrii (an old CMAK player) in it. The other guy is an anoymous player I found playing Counter-Strike.

    Beware 56k users: This report has around 23 big pictures and 2 animations...

    So check it out.

    Dont forget to comment on it so I can improve "stuff" in my next report.

    [ April 13, 2004, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Some_God ]

  3. I like and worship SPR because I want to. I lost most of my uncles and other relatives to the Nazis, but I know no one gives a **** so I'm not going to explain.

    You could bitch and moan about how imperfect this movie is to you. Like it was said before they used Tigers because of popular demand. Sorry for going all out on this but I couldn't keep it in.

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