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Posts posted by Some_God

  1. Allies Turn 9:

    Norway, although putting up valiant defense, will fall in 1-2 turns. The German Kriegsmarine tries to prevent the escape of a ghost corps on the Norwegian costal city. His navy is going to get it next turn. smile.gif

    Germany reinforces the 2 strength corps and sends another army into France.

  2. Allies Turn 3:

    The allied front line is holding by a hair in France. A nazi panzer is knocked down to 1! Foolishly the French sent their AF, which was at strength 3, to attack the panzer... it didnt come back.

    Poland holds... will be gone in 1-2 turns.

    Denmark corps was destroyed. Will be gone next turn.

    Subs in atlantic strike back, destryoing a cruiser. RN responds destorying one nazi sub. The other sub is expected to sink next turn.

  3. Allies Turn 2:

    Suprise in the Atlantic! The 2 subs catch me off guard off the coast of Canada. They are now ALMOST surrounded. Expecting to eliminate them in 1-2 turns.

    Polish defenders scatter after knocking the panzer down. Expecting to loose Poland in 1-2 turns.

    The situation in LC is critical. French corps, assigned to other tasks rushes in to fill the gaps. Armies already at the front knock a panzer down to 8.

  4. Sept 1 1939 Turn one:

    Nazis attack Poland, but not with the full force which I anticipated. The Polish army counter-attacks and knocks a blitzing panzer down to 6.

    DoW on Denmark, no casualties on the Danes.

    Atlantic is being scanned for U-boats... none found yet. Expecting DoW LC turn 2. Switching some units on "The line".

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