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Everything posted by Mindfighter

  1. Correction. Straw-roofed houses are typical Ukrainian (btw they have white walls). Russian houses almost exclusively made of wooden logs with wooden roof, like in the game. I would like to see both though (but not on the same map).
  2. This one was very popular in Poland although it is glorifying Russian soldiers. Real Russians were differnt. They were dirty, poor, hungry..and savage. Once my father told me a story about Russian "liberators" stealing everything from their house. Then, one of them took a big clock out of the wall and demanded to make for him 100 small watches out of it /it is not a joke/</font>
  3. Yep. Thats why I often go to www.gonegold.com/gguide , they have a collection of verdicts and scores for many games. Very convenient - the objectivity naturally increases when you see many scores made by many different people.
  4. Because I think it's OK to be rude to gratuitously rude people. (Just to get this out of the way: I'm not doing it to offend Russian soldiers.)</font>
  5. Why would I want to offend russian soldiers :confused: Anyway I'm sure, there are several photographs of this tank.</font>
  6. >And, just like people should avoid using >incorrect slogans, people should avoid being >repeatedly and gratuitously rude. Seems simple >to me. If its so simple to you, why don't you quit being rude? Try to say this, maybe it will help you after some practice: "Hey Mindfighter, sorry I'm not only not reading my own posts, I didn't read yours. I reread them couple times and noticed that you indeed apologized for using a word "crap" and explained your initial reaction and offered your help.. I understand now how it feels when your language is so perverted. Sorry I didn't realize it was just between you and Francesco and that the argument was already over when I came along. I will stop annoying you and leave you in peace now." Hey, feel a relief? No need to thank. [ October 29, 2002, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: Mindfighter ]
  7. The spelling on Franseco's site is the one seen on an actual tank, blame the russian soldiers for misspelling it.</font>
  8. Francesco, I'm curious, how it is possible to have so badly misselled words, in many cases just a barely recognizable soup of letters, and have absolutely correct translations in most cases? :confused: How did you do that? Great job on translations!!
  9. This is really peculiar 8 mistakes in a 4-letter word (not a single letter out of 8 matches correct 4 letters): That "Shchortz" word is suppose to be "Щёрс" <- that is in cyrillic, I believe you can all read that if you use IE or Netscape. In IE just choose View->Encoding->More->Cyrillic(Windows). I believe it should work with most default Windows installations. Tell me guys if you can read it (compare "Родина" to Rodina on Franc's web page) and I will post more corrections so that its all in one place. I'm new to CMBB and I love it. I will be happy to help now and in the future. [ October 29, 2002, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: Mindfighter ]
  10. "agrue"? I don't think you should post until you stop showing such contempt for the language, history and pets of the posters here. Please edit-out all your posts.[/QB]</font>
  11. >When you wrote "who did this crap" you mentioned >a little hard work of somebody else... Ok, sorry for being rude. I'm mentioning now: you did enormous amound of work by deshiffering some photos, but the result is not very useful. >And, please, don't tell us: >"have some respect to the Russian history, >remove that web page please." I tell what I want and I will say it again. Have some respect for the Russian language and history and correct all errors as soon as possible or remove THAT, please, until somebody wasted their time on making bad mods. >especially who tried to work for those who don't >have the Great Aknowledgement of Everything... By providing these people with completely wrong information? Hey, I just decoded an Italian slogan for these people: "\/eHN vEdl Vloi" - "came, saw, won". Unfortunately your work does look that bad.. However being bad its just one little step from being perfect! You accomplished the hardest part - collecting the actual slogans. Now its just an easy 5 minute work for a native speaker to correct them. Let's both calm down, this is really not a big issue to agrue about. If you need any help, please let me know.
  12. ianc, Not a problem! Francesco, contacts me if you want to and I will be happy to help. Sorry for the initial reaction, its just that Russia is not exactly some kind of ancient civilization and you are trying to encrypt some half-rotten scripts There are probably around 300 million people who speak Russian. Without knowing Any russian, and without using any help of these people, just looking at some old photos and trying to cook up "words" from the set of unknown letters, is a very bad method.
  13. LOL! Thats disgusting! Who wrote this crap? :eek: As a Russian, I'm telling you that ALMOST EVERY SLOGAN IS MISSPELLED on that web page!! I urge you, do not use those slogans! To the author of web page: have some respect to the Russian history, remove that web page please.
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