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Posts posted by Ant

  1. Originally posted by Ebusitanus:

    Since you say that winter camo is basically missing from the regular set up, in order to enjoy a snow scenario with such uniforms and tank paint you are basically saying that I would be erasing the normal "summer" paint bmp´s? So you would Mod your game "only" to play one scenario??? and then have to go through the hassle to change them yet again in order to play a summer scenario?

    No. BFC didn't include any winter textures but they did include the code to show them if they are there. So basically you just put a winter texture in your BMP folder, it doesn't replace anything, and it shows up when you play a winter scenario.

    If I get this correctly, if I download a bmp that gives a dusty apearance to my T34 tracks, what I´m basically doing is changing the whole T34 image not just that particular piece? So, I can´t have a particular camo sheme for my Pz-IV but have those cool looking dusty tracks on the same time unless someone makes a bmp with both things together?
    No. there are several texture files per vehicle (some share) so if you downloaded a mod for dirty tracks you'd just get the dirty tracks and then you could have a separate cammo scheme if you wanted.
  2. Now, do I have to get a back up of my old bmp´s just so that I can revert to them if I do not like the new stuff? Cant I just reload the whole game if the Mod results are not to my taste?

    reloading the whole game is a bit extreme if you only want a few original textures. Not to mention the fact that you'll overwrite all the mods that you like as well. I'd advise a backup. Just copy the BMP folder somewhere and zip it up.

    So, as soon as I take a Moded bmp into my Bmp folder it changes the old settings or do I have to erase the old material? Would there be not a conflict? How does a new Mod reeplace automatically the old generic one?
    When you place the mod in to your BMP folder it will ask you if you want to overwrite the existing file. Just say yes and the mod will replace the existing graphic. You can't get the old one back of course unless you've backed it up.

    There are just soooo many Mods...Is there not a "dream list" somewhere as to what would be the most optimal list nowadays? Or..can I download them all? Is there some limit in Mods?
    They are all a matter of preferance so everybody's taste will be different. The only real essentials I would say are winter mods because the game doesn't actually include any specific winterized textures for vehicles and infantry.
  3. Although I'm a bit of a mod slut myself I'd also like to point out that CMBB is perfectly good without mods. Don't think that because you're getting the version of CMBB without a mods CD that you're getting an inferior product....you aren't. Mods are usually very much a matter of taste. My advice would be to forget mods for a while, just play the game and enjoy it then when you've got a good idea what all the graphics look like you can decide what you want to change. For example if you think that the Panzer IVs look OK in the game but you don't like the look of the T34s you can start to look for T34 mods. If you're happy with the way the uniforms look then fine but if you think they should look a bit different then check out the uniform mods. I really wouldn't let an obsession with mods get in the way of just playing and enjoying the game.

  4. Well whatever happens I've got confidence that BFC will get it about right, they haven't done a bad job so far. I do think that the Italians should have some sort of penalty though, similar to the Russian one in CMBB. It's a fact that the combat performance of the Italian army in general in WW2 was abysmal, they failed at just about everything they tried and couldn't even defeat the Greeks. That's not to criticise the average Italian soldier, there are many episodes of individual heroism. It's usually the fault of the command and/or equipment when an army performs so badly, just look at the British surrender at Singapore, or the French defeat in 1940

  5. I fear that it might be seen as going against BFC's self-imposed rule of not trying to model in "national characteristics".
    I thought that national characteristics were modelled in. What about Russian 'Human wave' the Germans don't get that. Or the fact that early war Russians have a command penalty compared to the Germans.

    Also I think there should be a way for designers to set the initial morale for each side to model a situation where one side or the other is already demoralized and on the verge of total moral collapse.
    Is there a way to set the initial global morale to less than 100%? that would be a good idea if it asn't already in.
  6. Possibly they are not included in Soviet Inf. squads as this would make SMG squads Ultra-Uber-Super-Duper Close-Range Units o'death Vs. infantry and tanks
    I doubt that they deliberately wouldn't be included in order to 'tone down' the Russian squads. That's a bit like saying they wouldn't include king tigers because they'd be ultra long range weapons of death to any T34s. If Soviet squads were regularly and extensively armed with these weapons IRL then they should have had them in the game. Of course it's too late now but it would be interesting to know why they weren't included.
  7. I wouldn't want individual soldiers.....ever. The greater the low level modelling the less easy it becomes to simulate larger engagements. I think the balance is just right at the moment. Just look at that new game coming out next year 'Battlefield command' Graphics are superb and individual soldiers are modelled.......but the largest unit you can command is a platoon. I'm probably going to buy it, as I suspect a lot of people here may, but it won't replace CM because it can't give me the battalion sized engagements that I like to play. It's not just a question of PC technology either, it's the human factor of having to micromanage all those little men.

  8. The game seems to treat units as either hidden or not.
    I don't think that's correct. There are various stages within this game.

    1. Totally unspotted (invisible)

    2. Partially spotted (generic unit graphic)

    3. Sound contact only (generic unit graphic)

    4. spotted but unidentified (unit graphic with no info)

    5, Fully spotted and identified (unit graphic with info)

    6 Spotted but no longer visible (nationality symbol)

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