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Posts posted by Ant

  1. That couldn't be the problem. If they needed some Indian voices, the cheapest and best way to do it would have been to subcontract some Bollywood studio
    Hmmm. Personally I think it would be a little embarassing to have my Indian soldiers on the brink of carrying an assault only to have them break out into the obligatory Bollywood song and dance routine. Entertaining, yes, but highly embarassing. Especially in the face of the enemy smile.gif
  2. TCs getting killed on a regular basis is fairly realistic. Casualty rates for TCs were high in WW2 and it's still happening today to the Isrealis.

    The trouble is that thanks to the Borg spotting bug tanks in CM have a far higher situational awareness than they have in real life. In reality a buttoned up tank is almost blind and deaf. If you lose situational awareness in a fight you're dead and the only way a tank has good situational awareness is when it's unbuttoned. Unfortunetely, that means putting the TC in harms way.

  3. IIRC the rifle grenades depicted are shaped charge ones and are quite effective vs. enemy armour. In CMBO they could penetrate the side of a Panther.
    Yes, I've seen that. I was just wondering if the Rifle grenades depicted in CM were purely of the AT variety or can they be used in the anti-personnel role similarly to the way a squad will sometimes use a Panzerfaust against infantry.
  4. In Band of Brothers i have seen them used to knock out enemy positions in houses(machineguns )
    To be honest that what I was thinking about too but I daren't mention a TV programme or a movie as a point of referance on this board cos all the grogs would go into a feeding frenzy ;)

    I just feel that they are potentially very usefull weapons that we maybe aren't getting the best out of in CM.

  5. No I don't think they're the best AT weapon either they were developed as an anti-personnel weapon, but for some reason I always got the impression that CM utilised them as an AT weapon as I've seen them being fired at tanks. Mind you I haven't seen much of them as they weren't a particulary prevalent weapon in CMBB and I didn't play CMBO that much before I switched but now with CMAK they should be more common.

  6. Originally posted by Thermopylae:

    According to this handy dandy penetration table, a .50 cal round will go through the following:

    12 inches of armor plate

    24 inches of log wall

    1 inch of double sandbag wall.

    With multiple rounds,

    10 inches reniforced conrete. (50 rounds)

    18 inches triple brick wall (15 rounds)

    12 inches concrete block (25 rounds)(smaller hole than the reinforced concrete)

    Comapred to a 7.62 round:

    8 inches reinforced conrete (100 rounds)

    14 inches triple brick wall (170 rounds)

    12 inches concrete block 30-200 rounds, penetration size dependent.

    :confused: Am I the only person who thinks that those figures are completely irrelevant and misleading without specifying range, or is there some kind of standard range assumed for all penetration tests? And if so what is it?
  7. Originally posted by CMplayer:

    I have to say that it seems a tad bit of an exaggeration for BFC to claim that they've implemented 'multi turreted vehicles' in their advertising blurbs. They haven't done that at all.

    On the other hand, this version of the Grant is good enough for playing with for the time being. As long as the next engine makes it possible to have a proper Grant, I don't mind so much.

    I don't suppose we should have been surprised really given that all through CMBO and CMBB BFC were telling us it wasn't possible with the current engine....then all of a sudden they found a way for CMAK to do it.

    I think it's a good effort though given the limitations they were telling us about. It is, after all, only one type of tank and that tank still works reasonably well even if it isn't a genuine 'independant two turret' tank.

  8. And very impressive on the PIAT knowledge; I had always assumed it was springloaded only, but as you point out there was indeed a cartridge fitted to the tail of the bomb (balustite?); had a Korean War vet explain that one to me.
    The kick from the cartridge fitted to the tail of the projectile was supposed to recock the spring ready to be fired again. Unfortunately if the firer didn't brace himself properly it didn't recock and he then had to go through the hassle of manually recocking it.
  9. 37mm will engage targets outside of the 75mm traverse range
    Ah, thanks Kingfish. I only took a short look at the demo last night and none of my M3s did that. Maybe it was just too limited an observation on my part.

    There are certainly other characteristics which make it look like only one gun though; such as one gun hit taking out both guns, or the aforementioned hull down issue. Maybe BFC will tell us how it really works.

  10. One other disadvantage that I noticed with the 'one gun pretending to be two' method is that the 37mm turret won't rotate outside the forward quarter of the vehicle. Instead the whole tank rotates stug fashion.

    This is fine for targetting enemy tanks where you need to use the 75mm gun anyway, but against a HT where it could rotate the turret and use the 37mm it still brings the whole tank to bear instead.

  11. Inbitially BFC said the engine couldn't handle multi turreted vehicles. This line was maintained right through the CMBB development process. Then when CMAK was being developed they said they'd found a workaround.

    What I think they've done for the M3 is essentially give it only one gun but several different ammo/penetration varieties to give the impression of two guns, and of course the associated graphics for two guns, but really in game code terms it still only has one gun. hence both getting knocked out with a single gun hit and the ability to only fire at one target at a time. So essentially we're being fooled into thinking it has two guns when really it doesn't

    Not that I'm complaining. If that was the only way to model the M3 with the existing CM engine then fair enough. It does the job well enough anyway.

    Of course that's only a guess so I could be wrong but the evidence I've seen so far points to that.

    [ November 21, 2003, 10:45 AM: Message edited by: Ant ]

  12. would there really be a huge problem with backblast, other than blowing any abandoned books, letters, magazines that may be laying around
    I've got no real life experience of it but I do know that in CMBO there was definitely supression effects from backblast in small buildings because in the first scenario I ever played it happened to me. I think it's mentioned in the manual too (Also mentioned that the PIAT didn't suffer from this if I remember rightly) and I thought it was a very good attantion to detail. I don't know if it's done in CMBB because I can't remember ever seeing it (must test when I get a chance) but it's definitely not modelled in the CMAK demo.
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