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  1. Try using the numpad keys. I think they are as fast as the clickable arrow icons. I even think the manual states something like "arrow keys are for fine positioning of the camera, numpad keys are for getting around"
  2. Welcome aboard! The controls themselves are very intuitive, so I expect your biggest problem will be to develop the proper tactics. It is for me For learning tactics, you could try reading some AARs and then trying out the scenario yourself. I would recommend "Gefächtsaufklärung", as it is a small, relatively straightforward scenario. AAR here You'll find links to additional AARs here Good luck! [ October 22, 2003, 06:05 AM: Message edited by: Goose ]
  3. Frankly, I don't see the problem with subtitles: Already you can only see unit info for one unit at a time, so why not show subtitles for just the selected unit (the one whose info is currently shown)? The subtitles could be put in the unit info pane, by the unit, or at the top of the screen, I don't care. The point is that you would get translations for your currently selected unit only, so no mess Sure, to undestand everything everybody on the battlefield is saying would involve a lot of tedious replaying and moving around. But this is no different from what people will have to do to closely monitor any other unit characteristic. So people would typically monitor the few units that appear to be saying something interesting, I think.
  4. Or, as I think somebody suggested in another thread, subtitles that can be toggled on/off. I would prefer this, but then I'm used to movies being subtitled (I'm danish). Other nationalities might prefer voiceovers.
  5. If I understand you correctly, I think you may be experiencing an aliasing effect. When something is travelling fast relative to the frame rate, you can get this. Example: Fast framerate: </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Frame1: "- - - - " Frame2: " - - - - " Frame3: " - - - - " Frame4: " - - - - " Frame5: " - - - -" Frame6: "- - - - "</pre>
  6. What I meant to say is, if I've gotten things right then in moneymaxx's example the penetration should be slightly lower than what a simple distance/facing model yields, because the projectil is travelling slightly sideways. Don't know if that got more or less clear.
  7. I'm no expert on guns, but I would expect gun barrels to be rifled for the same reason that rifles are: Rifling makes the projectile spin as it leaves the barrel, giving gyroscopical stabilization and thus higher accuracy. This also means that instead of flying "head first", the projectile will tend to keep its heading, even as it flies along a ballistic curve. This in turn means that in your example, the round should have LOWER penetration ability, since it is not striking the armour plate head on. All this assuming that I haven't fundamentally misunderstood gun barrel design, ballistics, gyroscopics, or armour penetration mechanics. And your question: is it modeled? I haven't a clue. I would guess no.
  8. Well, not quite. Half squads have lower morale, so they pin easier. Meaning that the enemy can quickly pin the one half-squad, then switch target and pin the other. Due to the lower firepower, the initially untargeted half-squad will have less chance of achieving a pin of the enemy unit. Of course, if you have widely separated your two half-squads, then the added effect of fire from different directions might help you.
  9. If you're 1 foot from the treeline, I'd think you would still be affected by a treeburst just inside the woodline? I.e. treebursts have an area effect which in this case extrends outside the woods. Of course you only get treebursts from shells landing on the wooded side of the trench, so you get some protection.
  10. I use Paint. Comes with Windows, so no download! Look in Start->Programs->Accessories.
  11. One of the reasons terrain undulations are hard to spot in CM is the ambient lighting. Directional lighting would help very very much here! Maybe even possible to include for CMAK? Please?
  12. I'd like this too. I think play-aids like this "move preview" would help a lot reducing the steepness of the learning curve. The problem is that some - BFC probably included - would define aids like these as gamey. So how about introducing realism/difficulty settings? Then the veterans can disable all these naughty, gamey functions, while newbies can setup coordinated tank assaults in less than 100 tries.
  13. try this: http://www.combatmission.de/# Click on the flag corresponding to your version language
  14. If you want to see effective fire, try taking on a light armored car with a sturmtiger ....DEFINITLY recommended
  15. I've made a tool for myself that remembers and resets camera angles (not zoom). It is a program that runs in the background and monitors keystrokes and mouse actions. It works on Win98 and maybe other Windows versions too. It has some issues, though: - At the moment only works in screen resolution 1280x1024 - Only tested on danish keyboard (should work on other nationalities, though). - Must be started *AFTER* CMBB or else system crash. Are anybody interested in this? If so I will put it on the web, and maybe try fixing the last few issues. [Edited to say that if you guys at Battlefront are planning to fix this anytime soon then please let me know, so I don't waste a lot of time improving this workaround ] [ January 07, 2003, 07:07 AM: Message edited by: Goose ]
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