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About Bodious

  • Birthday 08/30/1966


  • Location
    minneapolis, mn

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  1. Warwick, IMHO, you cannot be competitive against mouse and keyboard with a game controller. I seem to recall reading that at one Quake Tournament, 98 out of the top 100 players used mouse and keyboard. The only times I've known I'm playing against a joysticker in UT 2004, it was really no contest. You just can't match the speed and accuracy of mouselook.
  2. Well, I may well be a fool then. I appreciate the replies, we'll take another look and see if this explains it. Appreciate the help!
  3. A good suggestion, but unfortunatley, that isn't it. I checked and rechecked and rechecked again. And battle losses wouldn't explain why i would be offered 1666 points to purchase with when playing the defense on a 1000pt quick battle.
  4. A friend and I have been having wierd buglike issues with the quick battle force purchasing. A couple of things seem to be happening. 1. In playing the defender, the initial points allowed during purchase are wrong. . . .the briefing says 1000 points but I am able to purchase up to 1666 points worth; but then when the game launches, only about 700 points worth actuallly materializes; both myself and my friend have tried to initiate games, but with the same result. has anyone ever heard of anything like this?
  5. A friend and I have been having wierd buglike issues with the quick battle force purchasing. A couple of things seem to be happening. 1. In playing the defender, the initial points allowed during purchase are wrong. . . .the briefing says 1000 points but I am able to purchase up to 1666 points worth; but then when the game launches, only about 700 points worth actuallly materializes; both myself and my friend have tried to initiate games, but with the same result. has anyone ever heard of anything like this?
  6. I played Tobruk at a hobby shop in Saint Cloud when I was ten against the equivalent of "Comic Book Guy". As he blew my tanks to pieces he explained to me that I needed to knock out the tracks of his tanks first then drive around to their side to take them out. Such was my introduction to the world of wargaming. I don't really know that I got what he was saying at the time. . . .
  7. Thank you. How nice to have one's questions answered within seconds in the virtual world. . .
  8. Infantry also retreat from the board? I presume the answer is yes?
  9. I played CMBO for a year and never had this happen (or maybe I never noticed. . .yikes!). I guess I was lucky or I wasn't paying attention, and I'll thank you to keep your speculations as to which to yourselves, thank you
  10. My soviet tankette just backed off the edge of the battlefield and disappeared from the board. Has anyone else had this happen? It just vanished. . .I hope it comes back, but I'm not hopeful.
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