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Tiger Man

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Everything posted by Tiger Man

  1. Hey one more question. On CMAK does a machinegun jam last forever? I've got M1919 with a JAM and Germans alaround.
  2. Does anyone know if there is going to be a CM in the Pacific? Although I'm sure it would be possible to scenarios with the palm trees and sand and all. But it would be neat to fight the Japanese. Maybe you could even have small boats? Who knows?
  3. WOW!!!! Those are some cool pic's Holien. I wish I lived in England so I could see those for myself! Here in Michigan there isn't much old stuff to see like that.
  4. i won't be buying CMBB quite yet, I don't like the new way the guns fire but thats all the negitive things I can say about CMBB from the demo. I'll buy it but not yet. Tiger Man
  5. Stoffel, I send an e-mail see if it comes through. Tiger Man
  6. Thanks everone for answering my question. Stoffel, either my server is bad or the e-mail didn't send because I never got it. Thanks again, Tiger Man
  7. I have a question. Valley of Troble is on the CMBO demo but not the full game why? :confused:
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