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Posts posted by Rickovich

  1. Well...I heard of CM in a game mag article about a guy who supposedly (at gunpoint)took over a pavillion at some ES thing so as to read his manifesto on troubles with the game industry.In the interview(from jail)he was asked what game he thought should be game of the year since he didn't agree with the mag's choice.(don't recall the title of that game...Leatherette Sluts Apoppin or some such).Anyways he replied Combat Mission.They were like..Whats that?A wargame was his answer and that was all the info I had to go on.Months later it I spotted the article again and decided to look up some info on this game.Twas then that I saw CMBB was in the works.My favorite front!So I decided to wait the 6 months or so till it was done.(though did look at CMBO demo)Anyways it got here on the 23rd of last month and it was far more then I could ever hoped for.I'll be playing this for years most likely(till someone does it better :confused: ).That guy wasn't crazy at all.He should be let out of jail and the Judge who gave him time ashamed! :rolleyes: Thank you BFC Simply the BEST game ever made period.Where's my Colt,there's a game convention in town... ;)

  2. The most interesting thing to me was how he pointed out that rts meant you had total control of the units.Apparently he never played a rts since either...You send your units toward the enemy with a lasso n click and watch them all suicide themselves by walking blithely past something shooting at them(which isn't their target) or you get all your various groups on a hot key so that in the few nano secs that combat takes you can press said key and see that group is already dead.Yea total control :confused: *biatch slaps "reviewer"* :mad: tongue.gif

  3. Good I like annoying.It does not drop ya out of the sequence.You still have unit selected.Press a hotkey then a mouse click and you are there.The fact is he said make the backspace key active which in fact it is.Mayhap I dont know what you guys are saying.'Cause I can't see any problem at all.Other then grumpy folks getting panties in a wad over me saying sheesh.So sheesh! ;)

  4. Any russian commander who get's worried only after hearing stugs in the area isnt too good in the first place.Caution has to be the watch word and flanking is just good armor tactics regardless of whats involved.Be worried,be cautious,be victorious.(Btw I wasnt discussing history or Russky leadership or lack thereof.)Just pointing out the flaws that can be exploited in any turrentless afv.K'I'm done here.Just my 2 shots :rolleyes:

  5. Well I never played cmbo.But when back spacing off the last way point hit the hotkey ya want and add the new waypoint.Unless ya one handed this is a pretty simple operation.Maybe in patch they will let ya point at the map and allow an instance tranference of ya overall plan to ya combat units and click!Now ya can set back and watch the battle unfold without ever having to do anything. tongue.gif J/k had to rib. :D

  6. If I wasn't having a post battle drink after a long head to head lan game.I'd prolly be looking at whats available next.Friend and I are moving one month at a time through the war.We are now in oct 42.Using QB's with our own random set up parameters.Fight a meeting engagement.Winner goes on offensive till he loses and we use a point system.Right now the german tech is getting to be a real pain.Lukily I have a good lead pointwise cause it may get ugly..hmm wonder whats available now.... :eek:

  7. Well this whole thread is really based on a perfect world scenario.If I'm sitting in defense with good fields of view and a foolish russian commander thinks he's doing a tank rush ala CnC.Then yea bad news for russian.I've killed tigers and panthers(not to mention stugs)on the offensive with T34's.Infantry spanks stugs as well.So in my opinion it's not a perfect weapon system.But on defense in an intergrated defense belt very effective.I think the points are fine since so freaking many were produced.Just my 2 shots worth... :rolleyes:

  8. Played as the russians.Bagged one tank before the 34's routed/died.Last pz4 rolled up down the tracks harrassing my defending troops in the main building till my 3rd assault with pioneers took it out finally.I launched a counter attack towards the end of the game and routed out the remnants of the huns from the western buildings.What was left surrendered giving me total victory.Took a screenshot from north end of tracks looking south at the piles of eliminated gerries.Point of this is fighting was intense but I never felt remotely in danger of being defeated by the AI in this battle.Played with extreme fog of course.Vs AI I've not done worse then a draw.Thankfully I've a friend(um who plays the game too,locally I mean tongue.gif ) and we have played 2-3 qb's every night on lan since game came out.Great game,AI does need work maybe,but head to head is simply the best. :D

  9. Playing on a p3 500 with 512 ram and geforce 256.Runs fine except maps that have alot of damage(like the stalingrad operation,but tons of units as well and big map).Play on lan vs buddy alot on huge maps everything on ,1 or 2 k unit sides with no problems at all :D

    Addendum:If want to play on huge maps with less lag try bringing horizon down.

    [ September 30, 2002, 03:47 AM: Message edited by: Rickovich ]

  10. Yes good approach that.Over stated and common sense I know but basic rule of thumb in tactical combat is:bringing as much firepower on the enemy while minimizing the exposure to same for your troops.All other things being equal will result in victory everytime.Also when available force selection can be key.Having such fun vs human opponent on lan.Battles becoming really even and pitched with minor victorys usually.I'm so happy to have Asl back as a 3d game. :D

  11. Well I can attest to thinking you will change reason.I was married twice,never changed,they went elsewhere leaving me now...retired,alone all the time to do whatever I want.Holy crap!!!To think how I wasted all those years.And internet porn isn't half as good as my memories of past loves(cause if the sex had changed that's when I would have left).Btw I used to spend as much time setting up ASL scenarios as I do playing CMBB so I'm at a Nirvana nexus it seems... :D

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