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Posts posted by Dressler

  1. I routinely create scenarios for play against AI that use the maximum amount of units allowed for both sides. I guess I just like the huge epic clashes better than small unit action. Occasionally, I'll forget about an important unit I have placed somewhere, but usually I don't have any problem keeping up with my forces. I even plot each individual unit's moves unless I'm doing a mass assault on a fixed position.

  2. Sure. When I get home this evening, I'll zip up the one's I've changed and mail 'em to you. I may have to convert them to MP3's or send them in two or three different emails as Yahoo limits me to about 3mb per email. I'm assuming you're able to convert them back to wavs and know to make sure they're at 44.100 kHz, 16 bit, mono. Otherwise, they'll play too fast or slow ingame. Is the email address on top of your post OK to use?

    Most of the ones I've changed were the voices that sounded a little too relaxed for combat noise. The wavs from Medal of Honor worked great.

  3. I've completely modded the German voices and just about every in-game sound effect from the usual sources, but I've yet to run across an Allied voice mod. Can anyone recommend a good one and where to find it? I've done a little for the American voices with wav files I've borrowed from MoH:AA and MoH:AA Spearhead, but it's far from comprehensive. Mostly, it's just changing a few of the voices that I didn't really care for. I could probably zip what I've done and send it to anyone interested. Like I said, it's not a complete set, just a few replacements that you can rename and use as you see fit.

  4. If you're interested in historical accuracy, I wouldn't rename the tan-water smocks for SS. Heer and Luftwaffe ground units were issued totally different patterns of cammo than what the SS received and vice-versa. Heer/Luftwaffe cammo is the "splinter" and "tan-water" varieties, where SS is the "Oak A and B", "'44 dot", "Blurred Edge", "Overprint", "Plane Tree", and "Palm/Forest".

  5. I usually use Andrew TF's grey feldbluse with a '44 dot pattern pant I got somewhere else. Generally I have armor crews in dot as well, even though it wasn't historically correct for TD/Assault gun crews. As far as cammo patterns go, there were several different patterns used on the the Type I and II SS cammo smocks. I generally prefer what collectors call "Oak B". Here's a good overview of what the different patterns looked like:


  6. Zimmerit was an anti-magnetic paste developed by the CW Zimmer company of Berlin that the Germans applied to most of the vertical areas of their tanks during WWII- at least from 1943 to Sept of 1944. Its intent was to defeat magnetic anti-tank mines by preventing them from sticking to the steel hull. Check these links for more info:


    http://www.panzerdiesel.com/data/e/27b.html (photos of the real thing)

    [ February 18, 2003, 10:29 AM: Message edited by: Dressler ]

  7. Looks great! I look forward to the finished product.

    RE: the facial hair. I would avoid anything other than stubble, especially on German troops. While you might find the occasional Gebirgsjaeger with a beard, the overall preponderance of photos of German troops show no beards and no moustaches. While moustaches were allowed by regulations, the social trend for the younger Soldaten was clean shaven. From what I can gather from my reading, facial hair like beards and moustaches was viewed as "uncool" at that time in Germany, sort of like short hair was in the U.S. in the sixties.

  8. I can't tell you how much improvement additional RAM made to all my games. I started with a 900Mhz processor, 20G HD, but only a 16Mb video card and 64Mb of RAM. CMBO ran ok, not great, but games like MOHAA and B-17, the Mighty 8th had framerates so low they were more like slide shows than games- actually B-17 was unplayable. It would play about 2 seconds of the game, freeze for about 10 seconds, play 2 seconds, freeze 10 over and over. I upgraded to 320Mb of RAM and a 32Mb vid card and the improvements have been astronomical.

  9. Either this card sucks or I don't have it configured right. While it works fine for CM, my old 16MB card handled MOHAA better (except for the Radeon's meager 3D rendering, which actually makes me a little dizzy). I get weird multicolored rainbow graphics on some objects and the smoke looks like a screen door.

    **Well, it always helps to check the drivers, eh? I dl'd the newest drivers and upgraded to Directx 8.1b and things are working a lot better. I suppose it'll do for a few months.

    [ October 11, 2002, 01:47 AM: Message edited by: Dressler ]

  10. Well, I went out on my lunchbreak and got a $40 32Mb Radeon 7000 card as a stopgap. That's about all I could afford at the moment. Christmas is coming up soon, though.

    With the 32Mb card, I really couldn't notice a whole lot of improvement at a cursory glance graphics-wise... maybe smoke seemed to billow more naturally, but the images didn't look much crisper or more detailed. Load time seemed maybe a little shorter, but that could just be a placebo effect. I didn't really have time to mess with it much, just to delete the old drivers, install the new, and make sure CMBO ran ok.

    [ October 10, 2002, 04:53 PM: Message edited by: Dressler ]

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