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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. JerseyJohn In SC2 the ability of the AI to launch amphibious invasions should be much improved as an amphibous transport can move next to a tile and invade on the same turn. Thus the AI has to only perform 2 actions to conduct an invasion instead of 3. The intelligence tech in SC2 should also benefit the AI. Ideally the Tech Catchup factor does not apply to the AI tech. (Hint, Hint). I remember reading aways back, that the AI in COS had 3 scripted strategies for each side and that it would randomly select one of these strategies each game. Although people always suggest the the AI should evaluate the current status of the game and then select a strategy, I tend to believe that SSI's approach is the simplest to implement and keeps the AI from jumping back and forth from one strategy to another. It also reflects real life, where a nation often selects a strategy at the start of the war and sticks to it. Example: If you want to launch a Sea Lion you have to start planning it from day one. HC, any hints? Will the AI in SC2 be more unpredictable?
  2. JerseyJohn, I agree with your comments re: Clash of Steel and SC. SC is simply a more fun game to play. One feature that COS did have was a more strategicly flexible Axis AI. It targeted either Russia, the Mediterrean or a Sea Lion; while SC's Axis AI only targets Russia. (ie 3 strategic options for COS vs. 1 for SC)
  3. A few quick comments; 4. SC2 will have the option for limited number of units. 3. In my view Air units should be able to destroy entire units, and this is realistic. Air attacks, especially by 5 air wings - 500 aircraft, can render targets in open terrain combat ineffective. sink ships: AKA Midway, and destroy airfleets; especially if they are caught on the ground: AKA 1967 Israeli attack on the Egyptian airforce. The problem in SC2 was that the air units range was a bit too far and they could easily be operated from one front to another. In SC2 these problems have been addressed. The attack range is shorter and their are limitations on operating units. 2. In Sc2 your ability to reinforce a unit is limited by the number of adjacent enemy units. To bring a unit up to full strength you must withdraw it from the front line. 1. I agree with the comments above that the new tiles will make for a more fluid battle field; although I do prefer hexes.
  4. Good game, I lost but learned alot. Now I see why the bidding occurs; however, I made a few errors early on that cost me a carrier and let France fall too quickly. It will not happen again!
  5. SeaMonkey, I like your idea about the intelligence level affecting the likihood of the Germans knowing about the exact status of Soviet Troops. Another reason to invest in a tech that does not improve the combat ability of a unit. Question: Should there be consequences for the USSR DOW on Germany? [ May 19, 2005, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  6. JerseyJohn, 1. In my view HC is probably going to hold off on any unplanned improvements until the core of the game - AI and other matters - are completed. 2. As for USSR a special case, yes. First - USSR player should have option to declare war on Germany when its war readiness reaches a specific level, but this should not be required, so it can delay it by a few turns. Second - What if, as you alluded to above, German or Soviet could send a peace proposal to the other nation. If accepted; at the start of the other player's turn, all hostilities would end and computer system would establish a new border. Units on the wrong side would be automatically expelled (aka Vichy France and Axis units). This would last for at least 6 turns, and after this period either of these two nations could DOW the other nation. When would it be used? Say that the Western allies have invaded France. The Soviets might agree to a peace to rebuild their forces in safety and the Germans might offer one so they can transfer forces west to deal with the Allied invasion. Of course the Western allies would not like this and there could be a few side effects; A. Soviets accept Peace Offer from Germany Leads to B. Popup for USA Player The Soviets have allied with the Germans, should we seek an alliance with the Japanese against the Nazis and Communists? And perhaps Spain, Portugal, and Turkey decide to join the allies in an Anti-Communist Alliance. [ May 19, 2005, 12:05 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  7. Kuniworth, I just sent you an email so we can set a time, I believe the time difference is about 6 hours. It should be most interesting.
  8. For a country like Sweden, I would like to see the AI adopt adopt 1 of 6 strategies for using the Swedish Armed forces in the unlikely event; via Diplomacy or custom mods, that it joins the Axis. Strategy 01: Defend Sweden - The AI should move its units to protect the capital. Strategy 02: Conquer Norway (if Norway is Neutral). Conquering Norway should be easy if it is neutral, just move the swedish army to the border and then DOW. The capital will fall in 2 turns and Sweden can annex Norway. Strategy 03: Conquer Norway with assistance from Germany (if Norway is Neutral or Allied Controlled) Strategy 04: Support German Operations in Russia ------- Send Air Unit & Army to Germany. Strategy 05: Support Finland ------- Send Air Unit & Army Unit to Finland. Strategy 06: Defend France ------- Send Air Unit and Army Unit to Western Europe to repel Allied Invasion [ May 17, 2005, 04:07 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  9. Thats true, but the amount of combat experience and time in rank DeGaulee had was lacking in comparison to many other leaders of the time. In my view he was more of a political leader than a military one. As for Napoleon he was a captain, then a Brigadier General and then in charge of the Army of Italy, which lead a series of battles such as; Montenotte, Mondovi, Arcola and Rivoli, where he proved himself as an excellent commander and tactical genius. He had the experience and record of victories which DeGaulle lacks. I find it hard to justify awarding a 6 to DeGaulle, who served as Brigadier general in a combat role for under 2 months - May thru June 1940. Germany would not receive plunder from France until Algiers is taken. The result is a race by both sides; Axis and Allied, to Algeria and a dramatically changed opening game. I do agree with JerseyJohn that Billote was clearly superior to both Gamelin and Waygand, and his rating should be increased to a 5 in SC2 with Gamelin remaining a 3 and Waygand a 4. [ May 14, 2005, 09:13 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. De Gaulle, a 6? He did not have much combat experience during WWII, nothing that compares to the other generals of the period. At the most I would give him a 5.
  11. I agree with you that some commanders in WWII were really good at offense and others defense. The general in charge of the Anzio landing in Italy comes to mind as being good on the defense but awful on the offense. Although the HQ units will probably have one overall rating, I still would like to see, as Curry suggests, a more individualized rating for some HQ units. Perhaps the units under one commander might receive a -0.5 penalty to their action points. Or perhaps those under another; ie Patton, receive a 0.5 bonus to their action points. Or perhaps a 5% bonus when attacking and a 5% penalty when on the defense.
  12. Question: Will there be a script that will allow a nation to return to neutrality? Example: If Russia conquers Romania, 10% chance that Axis minor ally Bulgaria becomes Neutral and expels Axis troops.
  13. I assume, and this is an educated guess, that players will allocate diplomatic chits from the war map by selecting a nation and pressing the diplomacy button. In SC1 this screen also shows you, by clicking on a nation, the status of that nation. Example: Portugal > Status: Neutral. In Sc2 will the status screen status reveal Axis Leaning, Allied Leaning to give you some hint of their government's position? In Sc2 will investments in Intelligence give you a more exact estimate of a countries leaning? Example for Portugal: Intel Tech 0: Status > Neutral Intel Tech 1: Status > Axis Leaning Intel Tech 2: Status > 90% ProAxis In Sc2 will the status screen for minor nations show the name of the Prime Minister or President of the Selected Country (along with a B&W photo of the personage?) Perhaps with the name changing to reflect actual historical events? Example for Portugal: Prime Minister António de Oliveira Salazar Example for Hungary: From 1939 to 1944: Regent Miklós Horthy de Nagybánya (Regent, until he was replaced for negotiating with the Soviets) From 1944+: Prime Minister Ferenc Szálasi Bulgaria 1939 - 1943: Tsar Boris III 1943 - 1944: Prime Minister Dobri Bozhilov 1944 - 1945: Prime Minister Ivan Bagrianov After Soviet Conquest: Prime Minister Georgi Dimitrov I realize that the last part will not affect game play, but it adds historical flavor to the game. How would it be implemented? Each country screen would have a leader field (text field). A script would in the script library would change the value of the leader field. This would allow the value of the leader field to be changed based on a date or an event. [ May 12, 2005, 08:30 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. JerseyJohn, 1. I think you meant the Japanese financed the Nationalists not the Communists. 2. Original Topic Do you mean that a pop-up box will appear that gives the conquering/invading nation a choice between plundering the nation and accepting it as an ally at the end of its turn? Case 1: Zero% Popup Option Appears Case 2: % Popup Option Appears Case 3: 100% Popup Option Appears Example: Napolean Takes Berlin and a Popup box appears saying: Category 3: 100% Popup "The <German King> has lost the war and proposes an alliance with France. Do we accept his proposal or plunder the country?"
  15. Yes, JerseyJohn and I discussed this in another post. Example 1: Suppose Germany gave control of Algeria and Vichy France to Spain, to encourage them to join the Axis. That may upset Italy and cause them to withdraw from the Axis and return to neutrality. Example 2: If the UK does not send any assistance to France then France may to seek terms with Germany and withdraw fromo the Western Alliance. Example: On Turn XX/XX/XX if NO UK Unit in France then 25% Germany Receives a Pop-up: French Offer to withdraw from War. If the Germans accept France returns to Neutrality and leaves Britain to fight the Axis alone. [ May 10, 2005, 11:49 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. Lars, I like your idea for the Return to Neutral option. If you anger an ally or they lose the will to figt they may return to neutrality.
  17. Is my history correct? WWII - Nationalist Chinese aided by the Japanese fight the Communists but ultimately ally with the Communists to fight the Japanese after China proper is invaded, and then the Communists turn on the Nationalists after the Japanese are defeated. -------------------------------------------- Question: Remote chance of switching sides after being invaded. How do you quantify being invaded? When it comes time to surrender or when enemy forces greater than 3x local forces are in your country. ------------------------------------------- Question: Would it make sense to add to the War Screen an option to threaten a nation? If you threaten a weaker nation based on the number of Units on the Border they may agree to join your side. Example - Germany moves 3 units to the Austria Border. The player then goes to the War Screen, selects Austria and then selects Ultimatium. Based on the number of units on the Border Austria may 1. Immediately join the Axis. 2. Reject the Ultimatium, begin entrenching and its pro-Axis leaning is reduced by a random amount. 3. Joins the Allies at the end of the turn. Of course some nations would never submit to an ultimatium but some would. Enchancement: You can't DOW a nation in the same turn that you give it an ultimatium. [ May 10, 2005, 02:50 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  18. In a recent game vs the Axis AI I had the Alleis DoW Sweden on Turn 1 to give the Axis some extra production. It was good to see the Axis AI operate the Swedish air unit to Germany to aid in the attack on France. Later in the game it was weird to see the Axis operate Axis Air Units to Sweden so it could attack the Russian unit in Riga. -------------------------------------------- Additionally, during this game Poland managed to move 4 units to Eastern Poland out of site of the Axis. Poland never surrendered, Russian war readiness quickly reached 91%+ and Russia entered the war while the Axis was still attacking France. The AI in SC2 should track how many Polish units survive. If Warsaw is taken but Poland has 4 or more units surviving Germany should continue its advance into Poland until 2 or fewer Polish units are left. [ May 10, 2005, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. Question: Can a script be timed to occur x turns after an event occurs. Example: Can I script a popup for the Japanese conquest of French Indochina (Popup: "Vichy France consents to joint French-Japanese protectorare over French Indochina.") to occur 8 turns after France surrenders. [ May 10, 2005, 08:12 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  20. In fact, even if HC does not add some of the ideas presented above some of them can be represented in SC2 using the existing script commands, although players will not be able to select which strategy to follow. Example: Dec 1941: IF USA is Neutral 10% (1 in 10 games) Popup: Japan announces withdrawal of all forces from from China and French Indochina. America lifts embargo on sale of oil to Japan. Effect: USA War Readiness -20% USA gains 2 Carrier Fleets, 1 Bomber and McArthur HQ Unit. This reflects the reduced chance for war and the transfer of the Pacific Fleet to the Atlantic if Japan agrees to US demands and withdraws from China. This option give Germany more time to subdue Russia, but the USA enters the war with a much stronger force that can quickly invade Europe. Naturally, you would also want to add an informational pop-up that occurs a few turn after France falls to indicate Japanese seizure of French Indochina. [ May 10, 2005, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  21. I agree that time and resources should be focused on the more important items first, but perhaps this idea can be made more universal. How? By adding a script routine that allows players to make a choice. Then players can write their own routines to achieve the same result. Either way, my guess is that HC is now focusing most of his efforts on developing an AI superior to the one that was in SC1. Besides, the points you raised are well taken, and you only want to add featues that truely add to the games playability and unpredictability. Feature Creep is the bane of all software projects and is something to be avoided. First get the core software operating and then add the chrome. [ May 09, 2005, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. Question: Will the scripting system have a script that gives the players a popup with a choice of Select Option 1 (Script A) or Select Option 2 (Script ? Example: Germany conquers Vichy France and is given a choice of giving Algeria to Italy (increases Italian production), Spain (Spain becomes slightly more pro-Axis) or maintaining control of this French Department. Question: Any chance for JPEG files of a fixed size to be included in scripted pop-up boxes, above the text? Question: Will scripts allow for random results; ie 50% A happens, 50% B Happens. Question: Any chance for scripts that will only happen for AI controlled nations? [ May 09, 2005, 03:25 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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