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Posts posted by Hortlund

  1. I'd say she outsmarted you by a mile.

    She saw the writing on the wall and knew what would happen when you got CMBB (endless of hours infront of the computer combined with endless of hours of conversations where you try to explain the finer aspects of a Panzerfaust ambush to her)

    Desperately she wondered "how can I buy me some more time here". So she bought the game as a Christmas present, and bingo. She gets your full attention until Dec 24th. AND you owe her a truly magnificent Christmas present.

    You have a smart lady smile.gif

    [ November 15, 2002, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

  2. Originally posted by Lars:

    so stick with me here and I will explain it to you.

    Bah, that might work against the North American deer you have over there. Here in Europe the critters are way much smarter than that. They would laugh you right out of the woods if they saw you coming drenched in urine.

    For a quick lesson, how about you set up a QB of your own choise, cover your men in fox piss and see how far that gets you.

    That's right, consider yourself challenged.

    [edited just because I can]

    [ November 13, 2002, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

  3. Originally posted by Nidan1:

    How do you think Osama Bin Laden has been able to escape capture for so long? He's hiding under Jessie Ventura's desk, covered in Fox Pee scent.

    Am I the only one who sees a potential xxx-movie script in this? If only we could work in Santa Claus, a couple of reindeers and some PBS show about the mating ritual of a South African earth worm into the plot I think we'd have a winner.

    [edited for flavor]

    [ November 13, 2002, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

  4. Originally posted by Mike:

    You, sir, are nothing more than a prefidious penile implant - occasionally useful in a darkened room when inflated by artificial pressures but normally limp and fit only for pissing through.

    Sen me a set-up piss boy - I've almost finished my first PBEM game of the demo and have only tried one of hte BB scenarios so you have a full slate of choices to end up horribly embarrased from.

    Ha! I laugh at your foolish attempts to bring me off balance before the fight. I was bullied at school and I take your smirk remarks as nothing but compliments. I used to wish that the other kids would see me fit to...uh..nevermind.

    I see you made the misstake of letting me chose the fight. I therefore pick the brave Germans in the scenario "where our forfathers fought" ...I thought it would be best to pick a scenario I cant pronounce when drunk (or sober now when I think of it).

  5. Originally posted by Malakovski:

    I'm a tea drinker. Love the stuff. Gulp it down by the bucket when not sipping it daintily from a china cup with pinky extended. Put milk it, too. One lump, not two. Yes, might go brew up a cup right now...

    Send me a setup you miserable coward and I shall personally make sure that the last thing on your mind will be the urge to drink that disgusting boiled water with pieces of dried fruit added. That is what tea is if you didnt know it. Small pieces of dried leaves, dried grass and rotten fruit that are mixed together with water. Oh...must not forget whatever fluid we can squeeze out of a cow, lets add that too. Ptuii I spit in the general direction of any tea drinker.

    Send me a setup I say. Pick whatever kind of sad sorry bunch of retarded imbecilles you might want to call your men. Click on whatever button you want with your tea infested twinky, yes buy thee whatever hellish equipment you may see fit. It matters not For I will make it my mission to PERSONALLY turn your perverted horde of pond scum sucking pixel-warrior wannabees into a rotting bunch of ex-pixels.

    SO.. you globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil (tea). SEND ME A SETUP so I can give you one well deserved in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles that is, you eunich jellyfish crybaby.

    [i edited the post twice, just because I can]

    [ November 08, 2002, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

  6. Originally posted by Malakovski:

    {Or to put it even more plainly, it's as much about the blather as the battles. If that's not your cup of tea, don't try to drink it.}

    I post not out of malice or blatant obsessive ignorance but I post out of a wish..nay a desire to have my teeth kicked into my mouth in any form of QB.

    I realize now the foolishness in my attempt to avoid certain types of QB and for that all I can say is SOD OFF at least I tried.

    So send me whatever kind of gamey abomination you may want to create. I will play ANYTHING, yes, in my desire to get beaten up I might have lost parts of my brain functions. I will even play as miserable Romanians if you wish. But dont ever again talk to me about tea, for I hate that filthy substance. Especially with milk...who wants to drink something that looks like it was scooped up from the Ganges river?

  7. This just proves that there are no stupid questions, just stupid people who ask questions...and I hate being one of those stupid people.

    I did not know that there was a 14 page questionnare I had to fill out in order to get my teeth kicked in here. Boo hoo. -Yeah, that is sarcasm. SARCASM I tell you, maybe you should look it up.

    I have come looking for a fight dammit. And fight you I will. Not on the beaches though, for that is a place to drink beer. Nor will I fight you in the seas and oceans, for that is ALSO a place to drink beer. Neither will I fight you in any City for I hate those cowardly city battles. No...but I will fight you in any probe, attack or meeting engagement. And I will fight you in any damn 500-700 points QB you may feel secure enough to pick. So GO AHEAD...make your own day.

    That is right Malakovski, I am CHALLENGING you, and I dont care how you spell challenge in whatever part of the world you chose to call home. I think the point has gotten across, or do I have to slap you in the face with a glove on the third sunday in June for you to understand that?

    Accept the challenge or YOU can SOD OFF

  8. Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    You said, and I quote, "...the best thing would be if the game modelled every soldier individually, from the lowest grunt up to the batallion commander."

    Now 'modeling' means that each person on the battlefield would be represented by a 3D model and would have computer-tracked individual characteristics. Even assuming a computer powerful enough to do all that, it would necessarily be a different game from CM which is only concerned with the behavior of groups of men, not individuals. Am I starting to get through yet?

    Ahh, now I understand. I'm sorry, I should have expressed myself more clearly. What I mean was modelled in the game engine, not modelled as a 3D model.

    My "vision" is to have the exact same units as today (ie squads and teams) but inside the game engine, the game keeps track of every individual soldier in the squad. Although I realize that will probably be too much resource demanding, and therefore I propose the three layers: soldiers, nco's and officers (platoon leaders). But, as I said, the soldiers and ncos will still be represented by the same graphical model as today (ie a squad).

    I thank you for your recommendation. I am however obliged to omit to follow it up as—so far as I am aware—none of those games will run on a Mac. There is at the moment a complete lack of operational games for the Mac, at least good operational games. It is a market that game designers have chosen to ignore.


    Oh that must be really frustrating. I'm sorry, I did not know you were on a mac.

    [ November 07, 2002, 08:38 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

  9. Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

    I'm sure we all agree that the best thing would be if the game modelled every soldier individually, from the lowest grunt up to the batallion commander.

    Well no, in fact we don't all agree with that. At least I don't. That strikes me as turning the game into something like Medal of Honor, say, which is a different proposition from CM.

    As far as my own tastes go, I would much rather play games scaled on the operational level where the units are normally battalions. But I do not expect —and let me emphasize this—I do not expect CM to be changed to reflect my personal tastes. I'm satisfied for CM to be what it is and to do what it does. I am in favor of improvements to make it do those things better, but I do not advocate altering the fundamental nature of the game.

    And it sounds an awful lot to me that that is what you are trying to do.


  10. Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

    I dont want to see hundreds of small squad leaders...

    Then how would you know what their ratings were, or how well they were functioning in the game? For that matter, how do you know that they aren't already in the game and accounted for, since by your description they would be invisible to the player?

    I agree with your assertion that non-coms are the backbone of any army, that seems self-evident. But I think when you start talking about modeling their individual effects, you are talking about a different game than CM. It might be a very interesting game and a project well worth taking on. But it is on a different scale than CM.

    I think for CM, the effect of non-coms is factored in among all the other things that go to make up a squad's overall experience rating. CM is just one level too coarse to separate out buck sergeants and corporals for modeling.


  11. If I understand your question correctly, then I have done it many times. Save the battle, then in the next QB import the map from the savefile (which will be located in the save folder, not in the map folder where the program starts to look). A small box appears "Do you want to import units".

    [ November 05, 2002, 06:27 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

  12. Originally posted by Abbott:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> But that is the entire idea....

    (Snipped to be brief)

    I am having a difficult time understanding how much different you believe this would make game play. The system is so flexible at the present time everything discussed can already be simulated.

    A platoon made up of a veteran squad, a regular squad a green squad would simulate the different ideas you have posted nicely. Without adding squad leaders to an already complex and flexible system. The simulation seems to already accomplish all these things.</font>

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