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Shifty 101

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Posts posted by Shifty 101

  1. Lets see them here, bring all your best Combat Mission screenshots and edits. No limits. Some of you may visit the IL-2 or Lo:Mac forums and notice the threads they have set up there. Now I know the CM engine isn't the most beautiful out there but with some filters it can look alright.


  2. Originally posted by Slybird51:

    Hi BD!

    My bet is that this is not a bug to fix, rather a fairly accurate reflection of flying around at tree-top height at 200+ MPH, scared shirtless, getting shot at by every grunt with anything larger than a rubber band and a paper clip, trying to figure out exactly WHAT that is over there in the bushes, and trying to drop those heavy bombs/rockets (that make you meat on the table for any real-man, hot-rock fighter pilot) on anything that looks dangerous and getting the frack outta there.

    After playing IL-2:FB (A real must for anyone slightly interested in flight siming) I have had GREAT success with the ground pounding planes. Given this is not 100% realistic I can usually pick out my target while circling 1000 meters above the target, set up my attack run accordingly and attack, sometiems multiple runs with great accuracy. I have done this with IL-2's, P-47's, P-40's, Yaks, LaGG's, FW-190, BF-109's. If you can name a flyable plane I've used it successfully in CAP missions. AA or not it's not that difficult. Ok I know it's a game and my life isn't on the line, I'm just giving you a different perspective to it.
  3. I've played this game a lot but usually with the less rare units like the T-34's and Panzer IV's in early war and Panthers of the late war but I get the urge to play with rare units like the sturmtiger or maybe something less exotic like the KV-2 or King Tiger. My rule to playing so far has been if it has a rarity below 100% then it's ok but even purchasing a unit with 70-80% rarity I feel like I am cheating the AI out of a fair game. After this rambling I just want to know if it's ok to indulge myself and buy the most rare units for the time period?

    P.S. GJ w/ the patch dev team, keep it up!

  4. The fact that there are NO 1 hit kills is not true. It's been discussed that the door knockers and cannons w/o HE charges take many more hits to KO because they must directly hit a tank crew memeber or some vital equipment. Late war guns are much much more efective.

  5. For ATR's I personally place them on suspected avenues of approach and have them open up as soon as the enemy is spotted (They have 70 Tungsten (SP?) so they can shoot constantly for a lot of turns) and have them plinkl away at the tanks, buuttoning them. After the tanks get within about 50m I have the ATR's hide w/ a short cover arc (4 meters or so) so they don't give away thier position and wait for the tanks to pass by, giving them rear shots. I'm sure there are better ways to use em but I'm just throwing up an idea.

  6. Schrullenhaft, thanks for all of your help. After I posted my last message I went ahead and tried something of my own. I installed the latest driver (41.09) and now CMBB works fine (except for a small glitch where some text pages don't show up until I alt+tab to desktop then back, very minor). Again, thanks for all your help!

  7. I did what you said but now when I try to play CMBB it tells me the resolition will be 640-480 so I hit accept and the next screen is black with the backround music but when I ctrl+alt+del to return to desktop (it won't respond to alt+tab) it gives me an error reading...

    Unhandled exception:c0000005

    At adress: 73787cfe

    So I am worse off than before not being able to play ANY games :( I'm sure it's something I did wrong but I don't know how to fix it.

  8. Sorry I forgot to post that in my first post. I'm running Windows XP with a GeForce 4 ti4200 with version 40.72. I think (not sure if this is right or not) that my mouse driver version is 5.1.2600.0, the driver being the microsoft generic (again I am assuming). Now I am not computer illiterate just not a genius w/ them. When I try to install the latest video card driver it warns me that it isn't verified to work with Windows XP and may damage my computer so I click no. Any word on this?

    [ January 09, 2003, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: Shifty 101 ]

  9. OK I have used the search button and have found many threads dealing with this but none seem to help and/or I am not computer literate enough to understand them. My problem is that I got a new computer and installed CMBB and the latest patch. When I try to run the game, at the main menu the pointer is invisible unless I move it over one of the 4 options (there is also a "ghost" of the mouse in the center of the screen. This problem occurs on all of the menus. After starting a game, instead of the pointer being invisible it flickers making it impossible to play. An easy walkthrough of how to fix this would be very much appreciated, thx in advance.

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