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Posts posted by Yohan

  1. You need to keep the French corps in their cities (until a turn before France dies, then I send the Syrian one towards the Suez and transport the Algerian one into Malta)

    Keep the British air in Malta until you operate it out when the French corp is about to come in. Move one ship and one carrier out of the Eastern Med, but keep a cruiser in the Alex port and keep the British ground unit in Alex.

    This will keep Benito at bay a while longer.

  2. I think the current research rules make it a waste. Just build Italian armies, HQs and research IT and anti-armour and you'll have good west wall troops and garrisons. Keep Germany as the offensive punch. This does not preclude and I agree with the loan of a few German air and an HQ to kill Malta, Alex and Suez.

    It might be a bit of a boring approach but it guarantees an Axis win (unless GB gets jets and IT 4 real fast)

  3. I think the whole air piece should be up for discussion in SC2. From the addition of Tac bombers to reduce the huge ability of fighters to thingas like the ability to deselect Fighters from an interception role on a unit by unit basis.

    Right now the side that gets a lucky IT and Jet bounce controls the skies and the game.

  4. Hey Flash,

    Not likely he is 12, just an excuse to explain his ignorant behavior and whining. Notice this thread which did not come from a 12 year old...

    Thanks for all the great comments, facts, & thoughts regarding my blanket one-liners on a previous thread. Thanks for being kind & not "tearing me another ass" since my history knowledge comes from watch the boob tube. Therefore, this brings me to my Top-10 list of the genre (that's a fancy French word?) in War movies.

    My rankings of movies is a general system. I give higher rankings to movies that can be re-watched. Note: Must be WW-2 movie, any front.

    1) Band of Brothers --- This was absolutely awesome watching this last Fall on HBO! Every Sunday a new episode was aired. It was very realistic, historical, & done with great class. I got goose bumps hearing the real life people protrayed when they were interviewed & taken back to actual battle locations. No politics, no slanted views, no B.S...a great tribute to Easy Company. God Bless them.

    2) Enemy at the Gates --- Those opening scenes & the city of rubble gave a great picture of Stalingrad. The sniper 'Vassili' vs 'Ed Harris' was a great story. The accounts of the Factory Works took me back to my childhood playing the original Squad Leader scenarios.

    3) The Longest Day --- On June 6, 1944, the Allied Invasion of France marked the beginning of the end of Nazi domination over Europe. The attack involved over 3,000,000 men, 11,000 planes, and 4,000 ships, comprising the largest armada the world has ever seen. Who could do it better than Henry Fonda, John Wayne, Richard Burton "He has his boots on backwards", Sean Connery, Red Buttons, Robert Ryan, etc.

    4) Stalag-17 --- William Holden as Sergent JJ Septen. Director Billy Wilder started out the prisoner of war craze with this classic. Nothing like a warm blanket, the whole day to yourself, & a bowl of nuts to watch this one.

    5) A Bridge Too Far --- Michael Caine, Gene Hackman, Elliott Gould, Ryan O'Neal, Robert Redford, etc. do a good job here. Something about them paratroopers keeps me re-watching this one. Running around with the Brits & blowing whistles as the Panzers roll into town.

    6) Objective Burma --- Errol Flynn takes us against the Japs in this old one. The fighting team spirit makes you feel part of the action.

    7) Desperate Journey --- I bet you haven't heard of this one! President Ronald Reagan made his only "A" ladder film here. The smiling face of commando Ronny was great.

    8) Pearl Harbor --- I slip in another "newbie" because of the battle scene. I confess, I even liked the love story. This was well done! How else could you make it, when everybody knows the story?

    9) Force 10 From Navarone --- Harrison Ford, Robert Shaw, & Carl Weathers go to blow-up a Dam/Bridge. Nice action & good one-liners. Lets not forget seeing Barbara Bach's tits. I like this one!

    10) Where Eagles Dare --- Rounding out my Top-10 is Clint Eastwood & Richard Burton is this adventurefest. A bunch of great chase scenes & it took some thought about what the hell was going on. (there mission that is)

    Honorable mention (these are good, but don't have the re-watch factor):

    Battle of the Bulge --- Sgt. Guffy is a trip

    Cross of Iron --- Germans running from Russians

    Kelly's Hereos --- Nice theme song

    Battle of Britain --- Plenty of dogfights

    Bridge of the River Kwai --- a little slow

    Patton --- I can only take so much Patton worship

    Midway --- Tough to re-watch naval battles

    Night of the Generals --- More of a mystery thing

    Great Escape --- Stevie & his motorcycle

    Windtalkers --- Most gore available

    Saving Private Ryan --- Good story

    I look forward to all your reponses, this should be a fun thread. God Bless.


    There was another quote where he discussed playing golf all day and Squad Leader all night. I figures he's about a 35 year old troll...at least

    [ November 16, 2002, 04:02 PM: Message edited by: Yohan ]

  5. Norse,

    By deploying all those units south you displace MPP that could be used elsewhere. You missed the point that this makes for a very short game every time. Either you make it or the game is over, not much fun. Sorry you choose only to address the portion of comments you prefer.


    P.S. The offer of a game to prove this can work is still open when 1.06 gets out of beta

    [ November 03, 2002, 08:20 PM: Message edited by: Yohan ]

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