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Everything posted by Eicke

  1. Jason, if you don't like my name fine. You can and should complain to BF. They could remove it. To remove me from the campaign for it is petty.
  2. TrueAceman read my last post in my thread, I think the problem has been solved. It worked for me hope it works for you. Schrullenhaft had it right, in my case anyway.
  3. Per Schrullenhaft's advice I removed the Catalyst 2.4 drivers, then installed Catalyst 2.3 drivers and the correct control panel for this driver. White spaces are gone. I have only tested this a little but everything looks good sofar. Thanks Schullenhaft Good Work!!! Doh, I should have of thought of that myself :eek:
  4. ATI is Nvidia's compeditor, I want to turn off the anti-aliasing but the control panel that comes with my card doesn't seem to have 'Off' as an option. ATI's site says it can be turned off in the control panel. It would seem they have changed the control panel, as my panel doesn't look like the example they have on their site, and yes the control panel I use is from ATI. The 3D-Tweak prog also give either 'On' or 'App Pref'. You maybe right that CMBB is not handling this correctly. Maybe some one BTS can answer this question. I am going to re-install CMBB without the patch and see if I get the same problem.
  5. WWB - No mods installed just CMBB and v1.01 patch. Jack - I tried the anti-aliasing, my card sets to anti-aliasing 'On' or 'application preference' which is the default. I have 3D-Tweak intalled and played with the setting for a couple hours last night. I can't say I tried every possible combo, but changes only seem to make things worse not better, sometimes a lot worse.
  6. TrueAceman are you getting the same white spaces as I am in the interface? The thing we seem to have in common is ATI Video card. I haven't noticed this issue in CMBO, but I haven't played CMBO since I got CMBB which was only a couple days ago. [ December 06, 2002, 12:11 AM: Message edited by: Eicke ]
  7. My card settings have either On or Application Prefrence, it was already set to Application Prefrence. I haven't had any problems with the menu's, it's mostly the interface , targeting and white shadows. Although it didn't work it was worth a try, thanks Easy for the reply and help. [ December 06, 2002, 12:01 AM: Message edited by: Eicke ]
  8. I have a problem with graphics, some things don't show up corectly or not at all while playing. 1.The 'Done' button and time show as a white box. 2.un-identified guns are missing some textures that show up white. 3.Shadows of vech.'s are white. 4.Target lines show up white. There are more but that should be enough to describe the problem. It's not that one of these problems shows up during play, it's all these. Example screens of the problem. Some of the things I have tried to correct this issue are: re-install the video drivers, installed 3D-Tweak(disabled Z Mask), re-installed DX8.1. Still getting the problems. System Info Win XP Pro P3 933 512-133 ram Readon 7200 video SB live 5.1 X-Gamer sound [ December 06, 2002, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: Eicke ]
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