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Posts posted by SeaMonkey

  1. I think you misunderstood Mike. I'm advocating the possibility of using Chinese HQs with restricted ranges and attachments, one or two tiles and and one or two units.

    After all, 1 HQ w/5 attachment capability is the same as 5 HQs with one unit attachment capability, its 6 units vs 10 units though in the deployment scheme. I'm thinking this will approximate the historical context of multiple Chinese "warlords" controlling small, independent formations that both sides tried to lure into their control as well as provide the Allied player a few more units with greater flexibility of supply and readiness.

    In this scenario, the Chinese player could set up fortified enclaves around cities that woul need to be reduced by the Japanese. Just a thought for balancing out the Chinese theater.

  2. As I remember the Chinese theater, wasn't there a number of warlords commanding small parcels of troops? Seems to be a little more historic to have Chinese Hqs with a lesser number of attachment potentials than the other combatants? Maybe more Hqs with some defensive strength, less attachments, improving the overall morale and readiness picture in addition to more units(the extra warlords)?

  3. SC is a perfect example of the free enterprise system at work. You make a good product and continue to support and improve it, you garnish a returning clientele and the word spreads. Ohh, but get one loud proclaimer of ineptitude or fraud and here comes the lawyers, government rules and regulations......to protect you......from your bad decision making. Now the rest of us pay, for compliance, because you were lazy, didn't do your homework and don't want to take your medicine like a man.

    Remember the old saying, "buyer beware", that means everything, from the smallest to the largest decision, purchase at your own risk, not mine. I don't expect you to pay for my bad decision making and I don't want to pay for yours.:mad:

  4. Come on now guys, this has only been an issue since the 1.02 patch. Think how many of us had games going when the patch came out and we didn't upgrade because of the start over requirement. I just started playing with 1.02 a week ago. In the prior installment, a player couldn't do anything with the units after a switch.

    Me thinks y'all are easily "amazed"......:P;)

    So...what was "the prize"?:rolleyes:

  5. Run the Reds the same way, Q is the key, threat posturing without committment will keep you alive and well. Again you'll need air defense, but tanks are the king in SC, double strike ability in any conditions makes it so(HT tech). IMO it should be air the king in optimum conditions(double strikes, single, in less than), but I am forever the outcast, nevermind reality.:rolleyes:

    At this point, the turn of 40 to 41, my focus is America. Up to now its been IT and PT, but now we'll need some specialized reaction forces with flexibility for either east or west. Time to start the builds and redirect the tech investments into those forces and when the time comes for their deployment, they will need "eyes". Who provides those, is up to you, just make sure the path finders are ready.

  6. Eeek! That's right david, forgot about it, need to start playing with the new patch.:o So now the French and RN can just camp out in the Adriatic till the DoW, but are trapped after that. Seems like only a move for the French player as I wouldn't want my RN caught in the cauldron.

    It seems only air covered ports for the Regia is the primary choice. I'd like to see them being able to navigate through the Suez and Gibraltar straits until the DoW and we could save those east African units.:)

  7. Usually at the Italian entry I have all the navy in the Adriatic Sea, blocking the entrance with the sub and DD and covering them with fighters. Deploy anti-naval aircraft in the vicinity to target only the RN, priority on the CVs. If the Allies make a go for it with their CVs, it may be a good time to break your uboats out into the Atlantic using your starting Atlantic uboat and the Graf Spee to help.

  8. Be careful now carverrt as this may be a case where the player knows more than the coach!;)

    And david, don't need IW right away as you have the terrain on your side, just let those Chinese entrench, and industry????, it's no good if you can't survive long enough for the benefit. Ground units in the Q give you flexibility above and beyond the on map unit maneuvering, MPPs better spent early, IMO.:)

  9. Hey carverrt, get those two Chinese armies in the build Q and leave them there for opportune placements. Now keep a reserve in the Q all the time, corps, armies, whatever. Research anti-air and advanced air and build a fighter when you get a chance.

    Neutralized Jap air will allow the Chinese to survive as I'm sure your opponent is building & researching TAC air.

  10. Hey Mike, any thoughts about incorporating auxillary cruisers into your naval game? Germans were particularly good in the early years of getting them out into the shipping lanes. Perhaps they would need a high evasion percentage to be effective and may add a bit more cat vs mouse into the naval scenario, especially inconjunction with uboats.

  11. Hey huhr, nice to hear from you again, welcome back! In the Pac., if you're the Axis, China is a decent focus, but prepare to take the SRA and then its kind of open, dependent upon USA.

    As Allies, you're pretty much into containment mode, most likely won't be able to do much until 43, perhaps a jab or two. Allies primary directive is Europe, Africa and the fringes of the German-Italian Empire, Pac is a sideline.

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