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Everything posted by Alarmer

  1. A really good article imho. I have wondered the armor strongness in CMBB and because its easy to penetrate T34 front turret with PZ3 50mm/60 gun from ranges around 500m (knocked out 3 t34 with 2 pz3 , all with frontal penetrations) . So gotta question Tiger I performance too a little bit, in CMBB you hardly ever see a tank with stand many AP rounds :/ what you think?
  2. Good testing Tanaka. Games aint perfect as we see in result, hopefully this one gets fixed in the future and "city" fighting overall should get more attention imo
  3. DX9 works fine .. r9700pro and 2.5 catalyst
  4. Hi there!! hehe never quite noticed the Rarity in CMBB itself But one questiong. I have rarity set on Standard .. Example Marders have rarity 100% .. I still can buy em as many as i like. Same thing with russian KV tanks. How does rarity supposed to work?
  5. Thanks.. that cleared it .. If anybody has good link about wwii tank raritys etc please post it.. Would like to see how rare or how often some tank types were seen in combat.. Thanks for your replies , i think we will be playing germ mechanized vs russo infantry from this day on.. seems like even match and shouldnt have been too rare on russian battle fields
  6. Thanks for your opinions T34 sure are cheap and in CMBB i have never seen rarity in action. German mechanized VS russian Infantry is quite even as it comes to points. But I was wondering how much did Germans had mechanized units. I know they were there bĂșt enought to game every early year game with em , that i dont know KVs and T34 sure are challenge in early years since they are hard and cheap. And the fact that germans dont have anything against em during 41, except lucky shots A personal wish would be buying system more like Steel Panthers , there you could mix SS troops and regular.. I miss that feature in CMBB, dont know realistic that is ..
  7. Hello there. I have been playing CMBB for quite a while but this guestion has been bugging me lately. We usually game infantry vs infantry and around 1500-2000 points. But Germans are allways out numbered in tanks (germs around 280 points and russian get around 508 points) Now this usually isnt quite fair but hey war aint fair atleast at years 41 and beginning of 42 when t34 against pz3. But still considering that German tanks cost more anyways I was thinking ways to even upp the odds. Now situation where Germans are Mechanized and Russians are infantry is quite even considering the points your given but my question is , is this realistic .. I want to keep games as realistic as possible. My knowledge of little skirmishes in russian are limited so i decided to ask here. If somebody has knowledge example giving years 41-45 what kinda divisions germs and russians mostly had I could try to make more realistic matches.. And if you have good tips iam listening
  8. Thanks for the Chat room tip Yes I know the Forum but its hard to get TCP/IP game in forums. Ill check out the Chat room hope there are people gaming online
  9. Hi there. Sorry if this has been brought up before but Iam getting tired of messing with AI could really use human opponent. I was wondering is there a place or program where you can challenge opponents in CMBB? Program could be sweet since I dont really like CMBB email game , slow slow slow so IP game would suit me much better. any such programs or sites around internet?
  10. Ill send the same thing to the support. But if you have something to ask fire away
  11. Hello there this kinda error pops up after installing 1.02 patch. Before that everything worked ok. SC.exe: system execution failed. Following is the set of recorded exceptions: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class / Object Routine Nature of exception Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAME_APPLICATION root's creation 0x80040154 Class not regist: <00F80048> Developer exception. Exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAME_APPLICATION root's creation <00F80048> Routine failure. Exit ------------------------------------------------- Iam using Windows XP and radeon 8500 with catalyst 2.1 drivers. switching the sound interrupt wont help either so guess its a video thingy.
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