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Posts posted by legend42

  1. Panzer Regiment 33, Dated 31 July 1942, pg 42

    paragraph 2,1st sentence, "Tanks must advance in a manner that allows the infantry to follow".

    I'm no tactics genius, but the way I always played CMBO and from what I have observed of my opponents they never send armor first in front of the infantry.Its always been the other way around,infantry first than armor.Can someone go into more detail about this topic?Is the armor first tactic a product of the time period, 1942?

  2. You know who you are.

    First of all it is your right in this country to your freedom of speech.I respect it and encourage it.I've listened to you and now please listen to me.I myself at times have questions and concerns about certain aspects within the CM game engine.I'm sure to some degree BTS enjoys constructive criticism which perpetuates a better more realistic gaming experience for all.For weeks now and especially since the demo has come out I've listened to the "Nit-Pickers" rant and rave about whats missing,why isn't xyz feature in there?and you told me abc would make it in.The next time you want to post a negative topic about some aspect of the CM engine, thats fine, just step back and ask yourself is it a valid, constructive, mature criticism that might someday improve the game or am I just making an ass of myself?What I've seen of the demo and the new features list as compared to what we've had 2 years ago is night and day.CMBB is a 1000% improvement over CMBO.If you guys can't see that, than in my opinion your foolish.Let me also point out that the CM game system is in it's infancy or pre-mature stage, just imagine where the system will be 3,5,or 7 years down the road.BTS can't put everything in the game that everybody wants, if they did we would never have the game,they would be working and tweaking for years.To sum it up,remeber what we had,understand what we have now and where its going.

  3. Downloaded demo and plays fine untill i put extreme terrain and extreme trees on.Screen stutters and drags from level 1 and 2.Its playable but not as smooth as CMBO, unless I put trees and terrain to very minimum.

    systen is 733 mhz

    256 mb

    32 video card

    pentium 3

    15 g/52x

    What should I upgrade too have game run perfectly?

  4. I watched this movie recently and there is a great example showing exactly what "recon by fire is".The Americans are totally outnumbered by an entire NVA division.An NVA platoon is probing at dawn crawling in tall grass.The Americans hear bodies possibly crawling in the grass but can see anything.Mel Gibson as CO senses the probe and orders everyone to fire 3 shots into the grass.The NVA platoon now feeling they have been fully spotted return fire,panic and give up there position.The Americans in a much better defensive position behind a ridge slaughter the NVA platoon.Check out this movie and that seen, its worth it.

  5. I disagree, I feel CMBO has favored the attacker all along.I feel it is unrealisticly easy to attack and harder to deffend when it should be the other way around.I have won most of my attacks and lost most of my defenses.One could argue that I attack better than I defend which could be true,but I think most people will agree with me when I say the changes forthcoming in CMBB are a welcome addition to the overall realism and pace of real combat.These changes should positively influence the "too much happens in CMBO" factor.

  6. Jason C

    Starting at your 3rd paragraph it sounds like you might be talking more about an operation.And maybe we shouldnt call them QB, maybe we should call them QF for quick firefight because what CMBO is simulating is a firefight within a battle within an operation. Perhaps CMBB's new extreme fow combined with realistic mgs slow the pace to a more realistic level.

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