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About WizzBunny

  • Birthday 01/11/1974

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  • Location
    Geelong, Vic, Australia
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Junior Member (1/3)



  1. It will be related to the units supply and action points. When surrounded by mountains, sometimes your guys just don't have it in them to climb over the next hill
  2. I just finished a game as allies with the following settings.. Fog of War War in Siberia (all other options off) At expert with maximum (+2) experience to the axis computer. I've been playing a bit with the allies (haven't actually PLAYED axis yet!) and thought I had it all worked out. I won, eventually. April 1945. Axis opened with Poland dead on turn 2. Low Countries on turn 3. Denmark on 4. France in Sept 40. Closely followed by.. Spain, Vichy France, Portugal, Hungary, Yugoslavia (before they joined the war), Turkey. Russia held out for all of about 12 months before being swamped. If the computer AI wasn't so blind to the advantages of research, I would never have won the game. UK Air power (6 fighters, 3 bombers) and USA land forces (L5 tanks/inf) was the only thing that allowed me to get through. It was a *very* tough game. I learnt early that experience is king, but play on those settings and watch your units get eaten alive. Anyways, it was fun but a damn long haul!
  3. Awesome! I had already tried reinstalling but hadn't redownloaded the demo. Its all working now, thanks guys.
  4. Cool, any suggestion is worth trying.. <goes away to redownload and reinstall>
  5. Hiya's I noticed that there was some support being offered on the buletin board and thought I'd ask here first. I downloaded/installed the Demo and it keeps crashing, typically at the 3rd or 4th turn in the game. Symptoms and error reproduced below.. ----- Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! d:\games\Strategic Command Demo\SC.exe abnormal program termination ----- It then Crashes to Desktop. Contents of the generated exe file are as follows.. (current entry only shown) ----- SC.exe: PANIC: unexpected harmful signal ... SC.exe: system execution failed. Following is the set of recorded exceptions. NB: The raised panic may have induced completely inconsistent information: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class / Object Routine Nature of exception Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAME_APPLICATION root's creation unexpected harmful signal: <01275A00> Eiffel run-time panic. Bye ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAME_APPLICATION root's creation <01275A00> Routine failure. Bye ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SC.exe: dumping core to generate debugging information... ----- System Specs Follow. ----- AMD XP1500+ 512Mb SDRAM Asus GF2U Graphics SB Live! DE5.1 XP Corp Pro ----- Running DX8.1, all confirmed good. Running Latest Detonators, confirmed good. Running latest sound drivers, confirmed good. I'd dearly love to play this game, but I am not getting a chance!
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