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Posts posted by zee

  1. Cheater! lol i i was to lazy to change the name and host it so i copied and paste dthe url's

    the site is the theird reich fact book, one of the best sites ive seen yet on War history and WWII history its at http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/ scroll down and go to Military history and click on gallary, under heer click on individuals tons and tons of pics of german officers of every branch.

    and here are the awnsers

    1. Sepp deitrich

    2 rommel

    3. manteuffel

    4. Michael Wittmann

    5. Eich Hartmann

  2. Hey kump ty for the great comments, I have added a "click here to return home" link to every navigation bar aswell.

    Ya the Sneek preview pictures will be gone as soon as i get the game of course smile.gif

    and to the domain name FallshirmJager6.com i made the site for my old WWIIONLINE regiment the 6th Fallschirmjager Rgt. but it has since disbanned. so i am trying to work with the server host and get the domain name changed without paying anymore money. and they still havent replyed to my email i may have to call them.

  3. http://www.fallschirmjager6.com

    i just started it. tell me what ya guys think.

    also this is my old domain name trying to get it changed with the host without paying more money tongue.gif

    i also have a question. My site is gonna be like a Mod/ scenario depot as well. What i want to know is how do i add downloads to my site, like say if i recieved a mod or scenario from somone and wnated to add it to my page and somone coming to my page wants to download it the click on it and it downloads the file. how do i go about doing that? lol :( thx.

    P.s the Mod link is the only one taht works now check it out, made some cool pictures with photoshop.

    [ August 10, 2002, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: zee ]

  4. I was playing the ardennes offensive mission today and omg what a battle for noville!

    was the most fun i had with this game ever. the battles were so intense.

    in one instance 2 hellcats were ambushing behind a building, and i had no idea tehy were there. so two of my panther tanks were advancing down the road. supported by inf and when they passed the hellcats BOOM both knocked out before they knew what hit um. i was like holy Sh*T! hehe smile.gif

    the battle of noville took me like 2 hours and i finally broke through. 200 KIA later and 20 knocked out tanks =)



    Panther engaging Hellcat, 200m. (panther gets knoced out =( )


  5. great replys guys yeah i agree with most of what your saying now that im playing more and more.

    ill have to try multiplayer when CMBB comes out i still suck badly at the game smile.gif and need practice.

    i also use to play the CC series and it was really cool when it first came out but after awile it got outdated and boring. ive played sudden strike as well that game dosent really have realistic depth at all.

    GI Combat coming out in a month looks promising. im probably going to buy that and CMBB

    [ July 18, 2002, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: zee ]

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