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Posts posted by ozi_digger

  1. Uh... if I may respectfully intervene at this point, as a pet of the Peng Challenge and as an Aussie (to which so much bile is directed from Seanachai....)

    I haven't felt crushed from Seanachai, on or off the field of battle. More... I feel kinda hugged tightly in a warm embrace of kindness and understanding. The gentle warmth of a misunderstood gnome, trying to break the misperceptions that surround his sullied persona.

    I don't wanna sound like a big poof here or nuthin', but lets accept that the gnome has 'issues' with Aussies, give him a big hug and pack him off to NZ for some R&R.

    There, he might learn to enjoy a taste for sheep just as much as the locals do...

  2. Originally posted by tiny_tanker:

    ozi ...[snip] Maybe your master should slap you with a rolled up newspaper and set you straight. [/QB]

    No, no, you misunderstand. Rolled up newspaper is only for stuff like apologising to Seanachai .

    BTW Mace, why are you posting? Why is your magic silicon portal not going into hysterics, after the 12Mb of gunk I sent you this morning?

    [i'd like to add that I got up 15min early just to do it, too].

  3. Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

    *Slaps hands together and rubs vigorously* Right, let's get to it...


    Pull your head from the interior of that freshly painted paper bag in which it seems securely ensconsed. That's better. See, there is a world on the outside.

    Must start with courtesies, so greetings and salutations etc., to Queenie. Love ya work...

    Ooh, this guy has wit. Well more than Tiny Tinker anyway.

    But reminds me of every officer I've ever come across... a FONC. ;)

  4. G'day again,

    Further research uncovered this beauty:

    Operations of Armoured Forces, Western Desert - Libya - Cyrenaica, Oct 1940 - June 1941 :eek: . Published by Australian Military Forces in Nov 1941, 137 pages (some marked secret).

    Contains Commonwealth (Brit, Aus, Indian) AAR, OOB, operational notes and sketch maps. Excellent resource for scenario builders.

    Send an email or indicate below if you'd like a copy in jpeg or pdf. It is already scanned, in 3 parts, approx 4Mb each. To save time, will send as soon as I have a reasonable list of interested parties.

    Please note: the Libyan maps are coming as soon as the big scanner is fixed...

    Any friendly web hosts out there? :D

  5. ***Update***

    Scanning at work was postponed today because the $50,000 scanner decided it did not want to function. :mad:

    Will try again on Monday. I apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may have caused, but please be patient.

    Scanning on my 'secret', yet to be announced, document is about 50% done and it is pure gold. Will keep you posted.

  6. Originally posted by Speedy:

    Just went skimming for Crete stuff and found a letter dated 16th June headed personnel unaccounted for in Greece.


    Damn this is going to take ages going through this, over a hundred pdf pages per 1-2 months for each battalion.

    Whahahahaha! Welcome to the jungle, my friend...
  7. Well, I live in Canberra, so this is an on-going project. I suppose I was just waiting for the release of CMAK to get motivated.

    I think the AAR of the radio transcript to which Speedy is referring, called Ruin Ridge, can be found at the AWM here: Ruin Ridge

    BTW, if BF ever decided to do a Pacific War CM, there is a plethora of maps, unit actions, etc., at the AWM. ;)

  8. OK, I've managed to convince the librarian to give me a 'special' loan on the maps....

    (oh, yeah I'm a postgrad student doing some research on battles in North Africa...) :rolleyes:

    The librarian mentioned that the maps were surplus from the Australian War Memorial, so I'm going to search on their database for Bardia, Tobruk, Beda Fomm and Bir Hakeim (for Andreas).

    Tomorrow I begin scanning at work. They should be ready for posting by the weekend (fingers crossed).

    BTW, I've found another little gem and will be posting another offer on the forum as soon as this one is away.

  9. Originally posted by Andreas:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Andreas:

    Yes please! If you ever manage to get to London (you should, we have a number of cute Australian ladies working in my office)

    but.. but.. we have a whole country full of cute Australian ladies down here! :eek:

    Mace </font>

  10. Originally posted by YK2:

    Who rattled your cage?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you not the same ozi_digger who posted in the latest Peng Thread more or less calling out Seanachai ?

    I suggest that if you intend to run with the pack then you should at the very least expect the wolves to be playful.....

    Yes, you are right, perhaps I am being a tad oversensitive... redface.gif

    However , I do believe there is a time and place for everything and I was merely trying to imply that this thread is possibly not the one for hi-jinx... :confused:

    If I may add, if you refer to the Four Horsemen thread, you will find that I have reserved the right to act like a vicious pet.... ;)

    From now on, I promise I shall smile sweetly when Seanachai comes to visit :D

  11. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Why, are you proposing to me?

    I'm at home, lad. It's not like I run out to some public internet connection at a bar, like the Aussie's have to.

    Hmm, obviously a subtle hint to bugger off back to the 4 Horsemen thread is not enough for someone so dimwitted such as yourself....

    BTW, I can ignore the Aussie-bashing, but why do so many of your posts have homo-erotic overtones?

  12. Hi again, after more research I've uncovered some 1:100 000 scale maps of Libya. They are Australian, dated between Dec 1940 to Jan 41 and produced for Operation Compass. Please note they do not show troop positions! Maps of most interest are:

    1. Martuba - where 6 Aus Div and 7th Armd Bde made contact with Italians (12th Bersaglieri Rgt) on 24 Jan 1941. Also contains Siret el Chreiba where 2/11 West Aus Bn attacked the airfield the following day.

    2. Also Gazala and Bengazi among others (sorry, no Bardia!)

    I'm intending to scan these maps over the next few days and e-mail them to interested scenario builders.

    Please let me know below or via e-mail if you'd like a copy and in what format (pdf or jpeg).

  13. Criticism aside, Monty also 'gelled' his troops together. I've seen pictures of him in Nth Africa with the badges of all Commonwealth troops (Brit, Aussie, NZ, Polish, Canadian, Indian etc) involved, stuck to his hat. He realised that to make a coalition work you had to get them reading from the same sheet of music. Some trivia for what its worth....

  14. Try 'Sea of Sand' a British B&W film (1950ish?)about the LRDPG. Based on the true story of a patrol, all goes wrong and the members must E & E back to base on foot.

    On same subject, but more related to CMBO, try 'Theirs is the Glory'. A recreation of the British battles at Arnhem. Filmed in September 1945, on location (bombed out ruins of Arnhem), using original para regiment members who were there in 1944.

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