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Posts posted by ozi_digger

  1. I just reinstalled CMBO, tried to run it and got a blue screen and a STOP error.

    So I then patched it (1.12) and got a different problem. Even with the CD(BTS/BF.com version) in the drive and compatability mode unchecked, it gives me 'Insert CD'. I click OK and it gives me only 'Multiplayer' or 'Exit' on the start screen.

    This problem is frustrating as I wanted to play a bit of battle in NW Europe.

    Is there something I've missed?

  2. I just reinstalled CMBO and patched it (1.12) and got the same problem. Even with the CD(BFdotcom version) in the drive and compatability mode unchecked, it gives me 'Insert CD'. I click OK and it gives me only 'Multiplayer' or 'Exit' on the start screen. :confused:

    This problem is frustrating as I wanted to play a bit of battle in NW Europe.

    Is there a fix or sumfink? :(

  3. I don't know if I'm too late or if this has already been suggested (don't really care that much either) but here goes:

    When designing a desert scenario, I can simulate a preceding creeping barrage by placing lots of nifty craters and adjusting the number of casualties on the defending side. However, I cannot simulate the dust kicked up by the bombardment which the attackers are supposed to advance behind, without creating dust storm weather conditions.

    Therefore, I humbly ask BFCdotcom to endow scenario makers to allow dust to hang around for a few turns at the start of a scenario to simulate a pre-game barrage.

    While we're on the topic of what I'd like to see in future:

    Vichy French for the Syrian campaign.

  4. Originally posted by junk2drive:

    Do the mates get to mod their copies? Do you have any of Tom's greece mod?

    Yes you can mod the AAV version, it has all the same folders. Don't know if it is CMOS (or whatever) compatible but you could certainly do a 'cold' mod i.e. replace .bmps in folders with new ones.

    Tom's Greece Mod? First I've heard of it (which isn't surprising). Personally, I'm not going to start playing around with the AAV version with mods. It is just like CMAK but only up to 1943. Terrain is the same. No yanks. The 'highlight' map in the game bar shows Greece. No HUGE changes (not worth a patch in my book, I'd rather see CMX2 first).

  5. Originally posted by jrcar:

    Ozi_digger did you like the multimedia front end?




    Yeah, the multimedia presento was alright. Informative and did not treat you like a moron like a lot of other multimedia presentations do.

    Especially liked the situation maps for Crete that highlighted troop dispositions etc.

    I'll try and dig up a screenie of the Bren AAMG.

  6. G'day All,

    Firstly, apologies for not posting in a while, but sadly my interest in CMAK flagged for a bit.

    Secondly, I've discovered a book that may appeal to some scenario designers (apologies in advance to grognards who've already discovered it).

    The book: Charles B. MacDonald and Sidney T. Mathews, Three Battles: Arnaville, Altuzzo and Shcmidt, Washington: Department of the Army, 1952.

    It is part of the series United States Army in World War II commissioned by the Office of the Chief of Military History.

    It is a very rich resource with: descriptive AARs, annotated aerial photos, 10-20m contour interval maps and battle diagrams. I thoroughly recommend it to anyone who is interested in designing scenarios based on Arnaville, Altuzzo or Schmidt.

    Bearing in mind it is a government publication from 1952, I am willing to scan limited parts (maps and aerial photos) for scenario designers. If you are a serious designer, let me know and I'll email it out in jpeg or pdf form once I have a good sized mailing list.

    Any takers?

  7. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    Furthermore, Ozzi Digger is a flaming idiot.

    Well, DUH! He is after all Oddstrailyun and he's taken a shine to Noba. That ALONE is damning.


    Charming as it is to watch pathetic excuses for humans debate who I am or where I got my name from, I'm intrigued by the term 'flaming idiot'.

    Is it similiar to one of those 'flaming onions' you septics serve up in that americanized temple of obesity called outback steakhouse??

    and what the feck is maypo ? is that what you have on top of your flaming idiot burger?

  8. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Good lord is there NO justice in the world? Not only is the thread started by an Australian, but the Australian in question was Noba AND the idiot starts blathering on about that sport named for an insect! It's just not right lads, that's what it's not.

    AND ... and then we get this Ozzi Digger clown. Look lad, it's no big deal to ME if you like Ozzi or not, just look at the TV ratings for that so-called reality show, but do you HAVE to advertise it? You're going to look awfully stupid (well, MORE stupid then) when they cancel the show as they inevitably will.

    I WILL admit however, that at least Noba made a half arsed, fumbling, better than nothing attempt at the rules, which is frankly more than we expected of him. I've long deplored the recent lack of proper rules posting here ... of course I've long deplored ALL of you when you get right down to it.


    1. If you had nothing else on summer tv, you'd be a cricket fan too... oh hang on, the rules are probably beyond your scope of comprehension;

    2. my trained monkey who bashes keyboard for me does not deign to give an answer for that one (after all, if I'm a blithering drunk on tv, who sez you have to watch?); and

    3. knobba can look after himself, I'm not going to defend his six-pack-induced-bfdotcom-ravings.

  9. Originally posted by Noba:

    Too late ! On my second.

    So what does "defence" mean?

    Could be somefink to do with the armed forces, I suppose...but they arn't intelligent enough to type, let alone spell.

    So what DO you do ?


    I sit in a warehouse and test artillery shells by bashing them with a sledgehammer before they a shipped out to their units.

    bit boring but the pay is good for some reason.

    so tell me, I see yor a 'miner', but exactly how old are you?

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