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    Ft Collins, CO
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  1. Thanks Hubert but two more attempts still yield the same message. Any ideas?
  2. Love the game but I need help. When I extract the patch, 40% through extracting the SC.exe file the following message pops up: "can't create output file: c:\Strategic Command\SC.exe" Any ideas? I'm about to take a trip so I may not get back to you soon. Jay
  3. Thanks for the insite Compassion. So it sounds right if I have a turn every 2 months? Also, I wasn't refering to size of army, rather quality. And true, I should view this as a battle fleet running into a wolfpack - bad but worse for the subs irregardless (although in 1940?). If I'm not mistaken, Guderain was part of chief of staff a little after he was recalled from the Russian front - many others were taken from chief of staff position and given army groups to command - as a more competent (and omnipitent in hindsite) leader, I would have placed him in charge of troops (well, if there wasn't a production post for him).
  4. Some bugs as I see them: 1. Turns: aren't we supposed to have a turn every month? It seems to me that in the winter I will have a turn on December 13, the allies will have one on January 10, and then I have one on February 7. Perhaps this is what is meant as 1 turn/month. 2. Do you think that the British Navy would have scrapped their fleet as oppossed to turning it over to the U.S.? I don't really know but it might have been an option. 3. And to beat an old horse, the Finnish Army is still on par with say the Rumanians while being greatly inferior to the Italians! Can we change this with the editor? 4. Suprise contact with subs: when an Allied vessle bumps into my subs, as often as not I come out losing (playing on intermediate setting). 5. And what about Guderain as a leader option? Otherwise this is a great game that consumes tons of my time. The AI is also the best I've ever seen in a WWII stratagy game. Great job! [ July 31, 2002, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: jaym ]
  5. The differences you seek can be found in a nation's HQ units.[/QB]
  6. Jay, The differences you seek can be found in a nation's HQ units.</font>
  7. Speaking of the Finnish Army - why are these units equal in quality to those of say Rumania or Italy? And for that matter, why is a new Russian Army equal in value to a new German Army (or whatever unit)? Could various armies start with different experience levels to reflect their historical levels? I love the game but just can't get over this aspect - everything else I can see or make sense of.
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